Environmental science

What best describes the use of a renewable resource?

building wooden furniture

during the ______ periods, humans altered their habitats?

all the above

the ____was not a direct result of the industrial revolution

overhunting of large mammals

all of these feilds contribute to environmental science except


in which contry is the population likely to be increasing most rapidly


using scientific information from chemistry and biology to devise a plan to clean up a lake and make it healthy again describes

environmental science

why is the worlds loss of biodiversity a source of concern?

human species depend on other organisms

a focus of environmental science not studied in ecology is the

influence of humans on the environment

during the agricultural revolution

plants and animals were domesticated

________ is a biodegradable material that becomes a pollutant if allowed to accumulate more rapidly than it can decompose


Which of the following describes the depletion of a renewable resource?

intensive cultivation

All of the following issiues involve environmental science except:

asking about cost of resources

the fact that useful man-made sunstances can cause unforseen damage is illustrated by

all the above

which country is most likely to have either stabilized or a slowly growing population


the"tragedy of Commons" describes the conflict between individuals and


A sustainable world would be characterized by

indefinite existance of a human population

according to the law of supply and demand, what would occur if the supply of oil declines and the demand remained the same?

prices would increase

an ecological footprint is

amount needed to support one person

compared to developing nations, developed nations have

greater personal wealth

which of the following is a developing nation


a resident of _____ is likely to leave the largest ecological footprint


most of today's environmental problems began during the time period of _______ revolution in human history?


Using economic considerations of resource use, the law of supply and demand describes the realtionship between the availiability and

worth of resources

listing both the merits and expenses involved in implementing in a particular environmental solution is an example of a

cost-benefit analysis

Hardin's "Tragedy of Commons" esay addresses the conflcts associated with what environmental challenge?

protecting shared resources

How did the himalaya mountains form?

glacial movements

What are wind and water erosion not likely to effect?


Which of the following is the most geologically active reagion on the surface of the earth?

boundries between tectonic plates

Which of the following are producers of oxygen?


The ozone layer is located in the?


Large scale atmospheric phenomena caused by air that is constantly in motion is known as.?


What is the estimated temp. of the earths inner core in degrees celcius?

4,000 to 5,000

The rictor scale best describes?

magnitude of an earthquake

The molten rock that is found in the upper mantel is?


Which of the following is not one of the compositional layers of earth?


Which of the following is earths densest atomospheric layer?


In the troposhpere which of the following decreases as altitude increases?

tempature and pressure

Which of the following is not a mechanism of energy transfer through or within earths atmosphere?


--- causes air to be denser near earths surface.


Without the green house effect, earths atmosphere would be -- to support life.

too cold

Which of the following includes all of the water on or near earths surface?


where is most of the fresh water on earth located?

ice caps and glaciers

Ocean water--- then fresh water

contains more salts

Deap currents flow along the ---

ocean floor

surface currents circulate in differant directions, depending on the --- in which they accur


which of the following is the layer of the ocean extending from the base of the thermocline to the bottom of the ocean

deep zone

With respect to energy, earth is an ---

open system

what part of earth encompasses all areas where organisms can obtain the energy they need?


currents at the surface of the ocean are driven by?


with respect to matter, earth is mostly..?

a closed system

Which of the following is not an ecosytem?

utility pole

the energy in most ecosystems comes from

the sun

the organisms most likely to belong in the same species are?

people at a football game.

which of the following statements about an organisms habitat is not true?

they can survive if taken away

The commutiy of a pond is made up of all the?

fish, insects, and other living organisms

organisms can adapt to there physical surroundings and to other?


Some organisms are more likely to survive because they have certain physical traits, engage in certain behavior, and lack certain physical traits

all the above

an organism is resistant to a chemical if it?

has a gene that prtects it

the process of two species changing genetically in response to long term interations with eachother is


In order for evolution to accur in a population individuals with a trait that is naturally selected for them must?


most scientist classify organisms in to

6 kingdoms

Which of the following animals is succesful bc it moves quickly reproduces rapidly, and has a water proof external skelonton


Which of the following converts nitrogen in the air into a form plants can use?


which of the following is not an algae that uses energy from the sun to make food?


most land animals depend on angiosperms for


which oif the following descives soil an temp. in an ecosystem?

abiotic factors

humas have inadvertently promoted the evolution of insects that are resistant to isecticides by

trying to control pests with chemicals

which of the following best describes a population

members of the same species living in the same place at the same time

one way that bacteria and fungi are important to the environment is that they

break down dead organisms

which of the following is not a biotic factor in an ecosystem


single-celled organisms with cell walls but no nulei are


which two kingdoms contain organisms that can use energy from the sun to make food

protists and plants

many aniosperms depend on

animals to carry a pollen and disperse seeds

which of th following characteristics is usually shared by bacteria, fungi and plants

they usually have cell walls

a gymnosperm is a(n)


Which of the following is incorret?

consumers get their energy directly from the sun

Which kind of organism ontains energy only from producers?


If an insect eats a plant and a bird eas the insect, how much energy from the plant is stores in the insect for the bird to use


Which of the following does not contain carbon from the bodies of plants and animals that died millions of years ago

phosphate salts

Which gas makes up 78 percent of our atmosphere but can be used by plants only when transformed by bacteria first?


Which of the following is likely to be a pioneer species


What kind of natural disaster helps some forest communities by allowing some trees to release their seeds, by clearing away deadwood and by encouraging new growth?


where would an ecologist be least likely to go to study primary succession?

amazon forest

Which statement describes how humans are affecting the balance of carbon in the atmosphere?

burning fossil fuels in great quantities

Which of the following is not a true statement about cellular respiration?

sugar molecules are primary

Which of the following are photosynthetic organisms?

freshwater algae

Consumers are organisms that get energy...


The energy consumed by organisms can be stored in....

fat and sugar molecules

Plants play a crucial role in th carbon cycle because they

allow carbon to enter

the bacteria that live within the roots of a soybean plant are a critical part of the nitrogen cycle because they

change atmospheric nitrogen

Succession is possible because ___________ make the environment less suitable

new species

Which of the following is an example of a secondary succession?

growth of plants

Which of the following is not a likely component of soil formed during primary succession?

parts of shrubs and trees

Which organism is likely to be in the bottom trophic level of a food chain?


What term is used to refer to many feeding relationships that are possible in an ecosystem?

food web

Which of the following is responsible for making nitrogen in the atmosphere usable by living organisms?

nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Which item is a carbon sink and not part of the carbon cycle?

carbon from limestone

What type of vegetation would you expect to find on an abandoned farm that has remained undisturbed for 150 years?

mature oak trees

What type of succession occurs after a natural process such as volcanic eruption or flood?


Which of the following is one of the largest carbon reservoirs on earth?


if you visited a savanna, you would likely see:

grazing animals

grasslands, such as the praries of north america:

are threatened by soil erosion

Which of the following best desribes a tropical rain forest?

animals with specialized ways of surviving

Animals that live in the desert:

usually nocturnal

deserts are:

often on dry side of mountains

the tundra:

has a layer of frozen soil

taiga is:

forest biome

Which of the following is incorrect?

tropical rainforests are resistant to change

Which of the following is not true about the temperate decidious forest?

tress have green leave in spring


described by vegetation

Which of the following is an adaptation of coniferous trees in the tiaga?

leaves that retain water

adaptations demonstrated by plants in the tropical rain forests include

all of the above

chaparral plants usually survive fires because

they can resprout

Which of the following adaptations are used by animals of the arctic tundra?

rodents burrow underground

as you travel from the north pole toward the equator, you would expect to see

tundra then grassland

Which of the following would you expect to see in the emergent layer of a tropical rainforest? ______, bats and snakes


All of the following are characeristics of temperate rain forests except

low rainfall is summer

the distance north or south of the equator, as measured in degrees, is called


the main factor that determines what type of plants grow in a biome is temperature and -----


Biomes with higher temperature and less precipitation tend to have:

shorter vegetation

you are walking through a forest that gets large amounts of rain, has a high humidity, and has moderate temperatures year-round. Where might you be located?

pacific northwest

which of the following is located primarily in coastal areas that have mediterranean-stlye climates with warm, dry summers andmild, wet winters?


tropical rain forests are threatened by:


adaptations of desert animals that help them survive in the hot, dry desert often include

searching for food at night

The deforestation of the rain forests may cause climate changes which, in turn, may effect


Which of the following is not an environmental function of wetlands

increasing runoff

Estuaries are very productive ecosystems because they recieve fresh nutrients from

rivers and oceans

what causes most coastal pollution in the united states


Swamps are commonly found on

poorly drained land

the majority of marine organisms are found in

shallow waters

as they flow down a mountain to flatter ground, rivers generally become: wider, slower, warmer.

all the above

Which of the following statements is not correct

rivers move faster

two threats to ocean ecosystems are: nutrient runoff, over fishing, and algal blooms.

all the above

the tyopes of organism found in a pond or lake depend on: amount of sun available, presence of nutrients, temp of water

all the above

inthe --- zone, life is diverse and abundant.


in the -- zone, the water is cool and dark


most pollutants that enter estuaries break down over time yet they are still considered a problem because

volume of the pollutants,

What mainly distinguishes nekton and benthos

one swims freely


ecosystems with fresh and salt water

Which organism produces most of the food im an aquatic ecosystem?


The arrangment of organisms in the open ocean is determined by the

amount of nutrients

Which of the following is not characteristic of wetlands?

limited to inland freshwater

An estuary functions as a minteral trap due to

mixing action

coral reeds are intricately shaped rock like structures that are formed as a result of

the secretion of calcium

what are the two main types of freshwater wetlands?

marshes and swamps

Which of the following is not a characteristic of salt marshes and mangrove swamps?

dominated by marsh grasses

Which ecosyster has the highest level of salinity?

salt marsh

Which of the following is a threat to coral reefs? oil spills, pesticides and sewage

all the above

Why doesnt photosynthesis occur in deep ocean water?

no sunlight

Thick fur on deer is not an example of coevolution. Why?

thick fur evolved in response

An example of a population is

all maple trees

The density of a population is

number of individuals per unit area

Each of the following is an example of a parasite except:


The relationship between a canadian lynx and a snowshoe hare is an example of

predator and prey

In which of the following relationships is neither species harmed?


Which of the following populations has a random dispertion?

snakes in a desert

Which of the following would most likely cause a large number of density-dependent deaths in a population?

winter storms

Which of the following organisms has the highest reproductive potential?


A species of plant has exponential growth after it is introduced into an area where it has never lived. Which statement best describes exponential growth?

population increases dramatically

The relationship between acacia trees and the ants that live on them is an example of:


The number of wild horses per square KM is a prarie is the horse populations -------


a femal dogs niche includes all of the following except

neighbors yars

If over a long period of time, each pair of adults in a population had only two offspring and the offspring lived to reproduce, the population would:

remain the same

Which of the following has the greatest effect on reporductive potential?

reproducing early

A true statement about parasitism is that parasites:

cause hosts to be more vulnerable to predators

the carrying capacity of an environment for a particular species at a particular time is determined by the:

supply of limited resources

Which of the following statements explain why the growth of orchids on the branches of tropical trees is an example of commensalism?

tress arent harmed or benefitted

Which of the following statements is not correct?


Which of the following is one of the main properties used to describe a population?

number of individuals

Which of the following statements is correct?

habitat is a location

Competition for food cannot occur

between animals of different ecosystems

Which of the following reproductive situations will limit a populations biotic potential?

maximum number of offspring

The difference between a predator and a parasite is that a predator

usually kills and eats