The doubling time for a population with an annual growth rate of 0.07 is

10 years

In July, 1999 the world's human population passed

6 billion

The world growth rate is about 1.4 percent. Therefore, the population is currently doubling about every ___ years.


Human population growth most closely resembles

J-shaped growth curve

India's population, currently the second largest in the world, is

expected to pass China's population this century

Most of the world's human settlements are clustered

along coastlines and rivers

Crude birth rates are measured in terms of the number of children born

per 1000 people each year

The list of the 12 slowest growing countries has changed in the past decade from including western Europe and Asian countries such as Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore to including eastern Europe (specifically "Eastern Block") countries. How is this change

Countries with a low fertility rate usually have high human development indices

Demographers usually measure mortality in terms of

deaths per 1000 persons per year

The difference between "total growth rate" and "natural increase" is that total growth rates

include immigration and emigration as well as births and deaths

Which of the following countries are facing serious problems because of low birth rates?

Japan and Taiwan

The demographic transition refers to a country's change from

high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates

The message from author Garret Hardin's "lifeboat ethics" is that

helping poor people will simply increase their rate of reproduction

The graph indicates that more children die

when their mothers are illiterate

Norplant is a trade name for

an implanted source of contraceptive hormones

Which of the following is a mechanical barrier to conception?


RU 486 is a

pill that prevents fetal implantation

Male contraceptives are less common than female contraceptives because

men protest about possible hormonal changes and a repressed sexual drive

So far, the most successful and popular solution(s) to global overpopulation has/have been

the provision of family planning services and education