Environmental Science


17. humans lived in tribes, using fires to maintain the prairie

agricultural revolution

16. plants and animals were domesticated, human populations grew

Industrial Revolution

15. society shifted to fossil fuels

nonrenewable resource

14. natural material formed at a much slower rate than it is depleted


13. undesired change in air, water, or soil

resource depletion

12. rate of resource use depletes resources and creates pollution and wastes

The Tragedy of the Commons

11. describes conflicts associated with sharing resources


10. the study of living things and their interaction with their nonliving environment

developing country

9. characterized by high population growth rate, extreme poverty

developed country

8. characterized by high personal wealth, high levels of consumption

renewable resources

7. sunlight and forests

non biodegradable pollutant

6. harmful material that cannot be broken down by natural processes


5. the number and variety of species in an area


4. when the last member of a species dies

environmental science

3. science focused on environmental effects of human activities

nonrenewable resources

2. fossil fuels, metals, salt


1. using resources in such a way that there will be enough for future generations