Chapter 2 (APES Review Questions)

Which of the following is the usual order of applying the scientific process to a problem

Observation -- question -- hypothesis -- experimentation -- analysis -- conclusion

Which of the following is the definition of the scientific hypothesis

A possible explanation for an observation

Scientists try to reduce errors in their observations and measurements by

A,B,C, and D

Which of the following statements does not describe the scientific enterprise

Established scientific theories are not challenged and continue to hold true

An idea that has been tested widely, is supported by extensive evidence, and is accepted by most in a particular field of study is called a


When new information or ideas can disprove or overthrow a well-accepted scientific theory, it is called

A paradigm shift

The fundamental substances of matter that have unique sets of properties are called


Isotopes are forms of an element that differ from one another by having different

Mass numbers

An atom or group of atoms with one or more net positive or negative charges is an


The measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution is called


An example of an organic compound would be


The macromolecules that make up living organisms are

All of these

The distinct piece of DNA containing instructions for making proteins is

The amino acid

The monomer of the protein polymer is the

Amino acid

Which of the following sources of iron would be of the highest quality

A one-half mile deep deposit of iron ore

Which of the following is not an example of a physical change

A plant converts carbon dioxide into carbohydrates

Which of the following is not one of the nuclear changes matter can undergo


All of the following statements can be concluded from the law of conservation of matter except

Eventually we will run out of matter if we keep consuming it

Scientists classify energy as either

Potential or kinetic

Energy can be formally defined as

The ability to do work and transfer heat

Which of the following does not represent kinetic energy

A car at the top of a hill

Which of the following is an example of low-quality energy

Heat in the ocean

An example of potential is

Sugar in a sugar bowl

Which of the following statements is false

energy and matter can generally be converted into each other

The first law of thermodynamics tells us that

Energy is neither created nor destroyed

Which of the following statements does not apply to the second law of energy

Energy is neither created nor destroyed

Energy input is

Always equal to energy output

Earth's supply of concentrated, usable energy is being steadily


The matter and energy laws tell us that we can recycle

Matter but not energy

The energy "lost" by a system is

Converted to lower-quality energy

Which of the following is not a key component of a system

All are key components

Which of the following is a property of a system

Functions in a regular and predictable manner

A positive feedback loop is illustrated by all of the following except

A thermostat maintaining a certain temperature in your house

A negative feedback loop is illustrated by all of the following except

Exponential population growth rate

Which one of the following does not illustrate a time delay

A fox eats a rabbit

Time delays in feedback systems allow changes in the environment to build slowly until the changes reach a

Tipping point

Which of the following is not an example of an environmental threshold having been crossed

Water pollution levels in developed countries have decreased

Which of the following does not represent synergistic interaction

Bartender who doesn't smoke gets lung cancer from secondary smoke

The community knew the effects of chemical X when it was used alone. They knew the same for chemical Z, so they set safe limits for use for both chemicals. When the chemicals were released at safe levels on the same lake there was a massive fish kill. The

A synergistic interaction

Human events that affect the environment are generally characterized by

Long delays between events and responses

Two or more processes interacting such that the combined effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects is called

A synergistic interaction