Ecology Chapter 15 Part 2

Direct interactions

Occur between two species.
Competition, predation, facilitation.

Indirect interactions

Relationship between two species is mediated by a third (or more) species

Example of indirect effects with cats and bees

Pollination depends on bees.
Bees depend on mice.
Mice depend on cats.
Therefore increasing cats could impact pollination

Indirect effects often discovered by accident when

When species are experimentally removed to study strength of direct interactions

A tropic cascade example with sea-otters

Indirect regulation of kelp forest by sea otters
Sea otters feed on the urchins that feed on the kelp forests

Trophic facilitation example.

Two plants and an herbivore.
Herbivore eats plant 1.
Plant 2 helps plant 1 to grow more.
Indirectly helps herbivore.

Competitive network vs competitive hierarchy

Competitive network in which no one species dominates.
Competitive hierarchy in which one species dominates the interaction

Two types of networks of interacting species

Competitive network.
Competitive hierarchy.

Strength of species interactions can be measured

Removing one species from community and look at effect on other species

When measuring the strength of species interactions, if removal of interactor species results in a large decrease of target species the interaction is

Strongly positive

When measuring the strength of species interactions, if removal of interactor species results in a large increase of target species the interaction is

Strongly negative

The strength of species interactions is strongly positive when

Removal of interactor species causes a large decrease of the target species

The strength of species interactions is strongly negative when

Removal of interactor species causes a large increase of the target species

Foundation species

Dominant species that has a large effect on other species and species diversity with high abundance or biomass

Foundation species are usually

Primary producers.
Good competitors

Example of Foundation species and why


Ecosystem engineers

Create, modify, or maintain physical habitat for themselves and other species

Example of ecosystem engineer and why

Provide habitat and food.
Reduce light, wind, and rainfall which changes temperature and moisture.

Examples of ecosystem engineers besides trees

Grasses in grasslands.
Corals on a coral reef.

Keystone species

Strong effect in community despite low biomass or abundance

Keystone species usually influence community structure indirectly via

Trophic means

Are ecosystem engineers Founder species or keystone species

Mainly founder but some Keystone

Example of a keystone species that is an ecosystem engineer and why

Few individuals have large impacts by building dams

Why are alligators keystone species

Deepen waterways that serve as refuge for other species

Context-dependent species interactions

Interactions change under different environmental conditions

Species Diversity

Species richness and species eveness


Variety of all forms of life, from genes to species, through to the broad scale of ecosystems

Trophic Cascade

When a predator in a food web suppresses the abundance of its prey, thereby releasing the next trophic level from predation.