Science: 7th-8th grade Astronomy

What is the study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space called?


What two ways does the earth move through space?

rotation and revolution

What is "the spinning of earth on its axis"?


What is the imaginary line that passes trhough Earth's center and the North and South poles?


What is it called when earth travels around the sun?


When an object in space travels around something in a circle what is it called?


How long does it take for Earth to rotate on its axis on full rotation?

24 hours

How long does it take for earth to make an entire revolution around the sun?

365 days

A system of organizing time that defines the beginning, length, and divisions of a year is what?


What is the main difference between a year now and a year before? (like leap year crap)

Now: 365 1/4 days in a year
Before: 354 days

What happens during a leap year?

The month of February is given an extra day.

Why does Earth have seasons?

Its axis is tilted as it revolves around the sub.

What are seasons?

different temperatures at different times when the earth is tilted a certain way toward he sun.

What is a solstice?

When the sun is farthest north or south of the equator.

What is an equinox?

A day when the noon sun is directly overhead at the equator.

What is "a push or pull" scientifically called?


The force that attracts all objects toward each other is what?


What does Newtons's law of universal gravitation state?

Every object in the universe attracrts every other object

The strength of the force of gravity between two objects depends on what two factors?

Mass and distance

What is mass?

The ammount of matter in an object.

What is weight?

The force of gravity upon an object.

What is the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion?


What was Newton's first law of motion?

An object will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion with a constant speed and direction unless acted on by a force.

What two facts combine to keep Earth in orbit around the sun and the moon in orbit around Earth?

inertia and gravity

The changing positions o the moon, Earth, and sun cause the phases of what?

Moon, eclipses, and tides.

What is one moon day?

13 hours

The phase of the moon you see depends on what?

How much of the sunlit side is facing earth

What is a new moon?

When no there is no sunlit side of the moon facing earth.

What is the order of the phases of the moon?

New moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent

When the moons shaddow hits Earth or Earth's shadow hits the moon, what occurs?

an eclipse

Wht is an eclipse?

When an object in space comes between the sun and a third object, it cast a shadoew on that object.

When does a solor eclipse occur?

When the mooon passes directly between Eath and the sun, blocking sunlight from Earth.

When a new moon blocks your view of the sun is called what?

solor eclipse

What is an umbra

The darkest part of the moons shadow, cone shaped.

The larger part of the sadow that is less dark that the umbra is called what?


What is a lunar eclipse

Occurs at a full mooon when Earth is directly between the mooon and the sun.

What happens during a lunar eclipse?

Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon

What are tides caused by.

The moons gravitational pull/

What s a spring tide?

A tide with greatest difference between consecutive low and high tides.

What is a neap tide?

A tide with the least difference between consecutive low and high tides.

Wha is a telescope?

A device built to observe disrant objects by making them appear closer.

A dark flat area on the moon is called what?


What is a creater?

large round pits on the moon

Chunks of ock and dust from space are called what?


What is a highland?

The light colored features he saw on the moon's surface.

Does the moon have any water oin it?


If the moon had ice on it, where woudl it be?

in crater where the sun never hit.

How do people think the moon was created?

A planet sized object collided with Earth shattering peices of it off and making them orbit around Earth. Sooner or laterm, therse objects went together because of gravity. Then formed the moon.

Wha side of the Earth will have tides?

the side which the moon is on

Why do temperatures vary so much on the moon?

There is no atmosphere

How are the length of a day and year related to Earths movement trough space?

Day - 24 hours of rotation
Year - 365 days of revolution