PAP Biology Q1 Review

One of the main goals of science: To investigate and understand the ____________ ____________.

natural world

One of the main goals of science: to ____________ events in the natural world.


One of the main goals of science: to use explanations to make useful ____________.


____________ is the study of living things.


The work of a scientist begins with careful ____________.


What 3 things does scientist work involve?

experimenting, hypothesizing, and observing

A scientific hypothesis must be stated in a way that it can be ____________.


The variable that is changed in the experiment is called the ____________ or ____________ variable.

manipulated or independent

The variable that results because of the experiment is called the ____________ or ____________ variable.

responding or dependent

The ____________ group is used to measure the effects of the experimental variable.


____________ is the information that is gathered in an experiment.


How many variables are tested in a controlled experiment?


Can a hypothesis be disproven by a single experiment?


Scientists publish the details of important experiments so that: their work can be _______________


Scientists publish the details of important experiments so that...

...others can try to reproduce the results

Scientists publish the details of important
experiments so that: Their experimental ______________ can be reviewed.


Can a theory be revised or replaced if disproved?


List the 8 characteristics of living things

made of cells
based on a universal genetic code
grow and develop
obtain and use materials and energy
respond to environment
maintain homeostasis
evolve over time

______________ is the process by which organisms keep their internal conditions fairly constant


Cell ___________ in multicellular organisms allows cells to perform different functions.


8 levels of organization beginning with largest

biosphere, ecosystem, community, population, organism, group of cells, cells, molecules

___________ are the smallest unit of life


___________ of ___________ make of tissues, organs, and organ systems

groups of cells

___________ are individual living things


A(n) ___________ is a group of organisms of one type that live int he same area


A (n)___________ is made up of populations that live together in a defined area.


A(n) ___________ is made up of a community and its non-living surroundings


The ___________ is the part of Earth that contains all the ecosystems (land, water, & air on earth)


In the metric system, the basic unit of length is ___________


In the metric system, the basic unit of volume is ___________


In the metric system, the basic unit of mass is ___________


In the metric system the basic unit of temperature is ___________


An instrument that allows light to pass through the specimen and uses 2 lenses to form an image is a(n) ___________ ___________ ___________

compound light microscope

A ___________ ___________ is the term given to a group of cells that develop from a single original cell

cell culture

A ___________ is an instrument used in the laab to separate cell parts according to density


A scientist might use a(n) ___________ ___________ microscope to observe a small living organism

compound light

___________ procedures include all of the following: read all steps before beginning, follow teacher's instructions, & follow textbook directions exactly


Because you cannot always see some of the organisms you come into contact with during a lab, you should always ___________ ___________ ___________ thoroughly after an activity

wash your hands

A(n) ___________ is the smallest particle that cannot be divided (aka the basic unit of matter)


3 particles that make up an atom

protons, neutrons, electrons

Space surrounding the nucleus of an atom contains ___________


The nucleus of an atom is made up of ___________ & ___________

protons and neutrons

A(n) ___________ is composed of all the same type of atoms


Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of ___________ but a different number of ___________

protons, neutrons

All isotopes of an element have the same ___________ properties, because they have the same number of protons and electrons


If a carbon atom had 6 protons and 7 neutrons, it would be called ___________


If an atom contains 10 protons and 11 neutrons, its atomic number is ___________


4 uses for radioactive isotopes

determine rock/fossil ages by analyzing their isotopes, detect/treat cancer, kill bacteria that causes food to spoil, uses labels/tracers to follow moments of substances with in organisms

___________ electrons are available to form bonds


What type of ion forms when an atom loses an electron?


What type of ion forms when an atom gains an electron


An atoms that has gained or lost an electron is known as a(n)


A molecule of water contains 2 atoms of ___________ and 1 atom of ___________

hydrogen, oxygen

Chemical formula for water


Chemical formula for salt


A ___________ is a substance formed by the combination of 2 or more elements in definite proportions


A(n) ___________ bond is formed as a result of sharing electrons


A(n) ___________ bond is formed as a result of transferring electrons


A(n) ___________ bond is relatively weak and forms btw hydrogen atoms


List the following types of chemical bonds in order from weakest to strongest attraction: ionic, hydrogen, covalent

hydrogen, covalent, ionic

A water molecule is ___________ because there is an uneven distribution of electrons btw the oxygen and ___________ atoms

polar, hydrogen

Which atom(s) in water (hydrogen or oxygen) are slightly more negative? ___________. Which atom(s) are slightly more positive? ___________

oxygen, hydrogen

A ___________ is an evenly distributed mixture of 2 or more substances


A ___________ is a mixture in which the components are unevenly distributed throughout the solution


___________ are mixtures of water and non-dissolved materials


Stirring salt into boiling water creates a mixture called a ___________


the pH scale is a measurement system that indicates the concentration of ___________ in a solution

H+ ions

___________ are the solutions that contain concentrations of H+ ions lower than our water


___________ are solutions that contain concentrations of H+ ions higher than pure water


pH anywhere btw 1-6


pH anywhere btw 8-14


pH value of 2 would be a strong ___________


pH value of 13 would be a strong ___________


pH value of 6 would be a weak ___________


pH value of 8 would be a weak ___________


When salt is dissolved in water, water is the ___________ and salt is the ___________

solvent, solute

When hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, water is the ___________ and hydrogen and oxygen are the ___________

product, reactant

Ice floats on water because water ___________ when it freezes


___________ is the most abundant compound in most living things


___________ are organic compounds used as the main source of energy for living things


amino acid -> ___________ ; simple ___________ -> starch

proteins, sugars

Proteins do the following:
Help fight ___________
Control the rate of ___________
Regulate ___________ processes
Form bones and ___________
Are made of ___________ ___________

disease, reaction, cell, muscles, amino acids

In chemical reactions, atoms are ___________ but never created or destroyed


True of false....Chemical reactions that release energy often occur spontaneously


Energy in the following forms may be released in chemical reactions:

heat, light, sound, waves

___________ energy is the energy needed to get a reaction started


Enzymes affect the reactions in living cells by changing the ___________ of the reaction


Chemical reactions that ___________ energy will not occur with out a source of energy


True or false: All catalysts are enzymes


True or false: Catalysts slow down chemical reactions


True or false: Catalysts speed up chemical reactions


True or false: Catalysts can lower the activation energy of a chemical reaction


True or false: enzymes are proteins


True or false: Enzymes work best at a specified pH


True or false: ALL enzymes work inside cells


True or false: enzymes are organic catalysts


____________ is the branch of Biology dealing with interactions among organisms & btw organisms & their environment


the __________ is the combined parts of the earth in which living things exist.


All the members of a species that live in one area are called a __________


The __________ is the original source of almost all energy in most ecosystems


A __________ is an organism that uses energy to produce its own food


An autotroph uses energy from the __________ or __________ to make food

sun or chemicals

Plants are examples of


A __________ is an organism that cannot make its own food


Organism that feeds on only plants


organism that feeds on only meat


Organism that feeds on plants and animals


All the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a __________ __________

food web

Repeated movement of water btw earth's surface and the atmosphere is called the __________ __________

water cycle

4 nutrients that are cycles in the biosphere

carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, water

Is energy recycled?


__________ __________ is the process by which bacteria converts nitrogen into ammonia

nitrogen fixation

What organism carries out nitrogen fixation?


__________ factors are the living things in the environments. Give 2 examples.

animals, plants

__________ factors are the non-living things in the environments. Give 2 examples.

air, heat (rocks, water, etc.)

An interaction in which one organism captures & feeds on another organism is called __________


A symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit is called __________


A symbiotic relationship in which one member benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed is called __________


A symbiotic relationship in which one member benefits and the other is harmed is called __________


3 points to the cell theory

all living things are made up of cells, cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things, new cells are produced from existing cells

___________ do NOT have a nucleus.


Give an example of a prokaryote


___________ have a NUCLEUS that contains GENETIC MATERIAL & other SPECIALIZED membrane covered ORGANELLES


Give an example of a eukaryote.

plants (animals, people, etc.)

List 2 organelles/structures you would expect to find in a typical plant cell but NOT in an animal cell.

chloroplasts and cell wall

The main function of the cell wall is to ___________ and ___________ the cell

support and protect

The cell wall is made up of tough


In an animal cell the ___________ ___________ serves as a boundary from the environment.

cell membrane

The function of the cell membrane is to regulate what materials ___________ and ___________ the cell

enters and leaves

The cell membrane contains channels and pumps made of ___________


The ___________ stores DNA, contains all of the info to make proteins, and controls most of the cell's processes


Is the cytoplasm found in the nucleus?


___________ make proteins using instructions from the nucleus.


___________ break down food into molecules the cell can use


___________ converts the chemical energy stored in food into molecules the cell can use


___________ & ___________ each help to provide energy cell.

chloroplasts and mitochondria

The ___________ helps the cell maintain its shape, helps the cell move, and helps organelles move with in the cell


List the 2 structures that make up the cytoskeleton and help carry out cell movement

microfilaments and microtubules

___________ is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until a state of ___________ is reached

diffusion, equilibrium

Why does diffusion occur?

random particle movement (molecules constantly move and collide with each other)

When the concentration of substances is the same of both sides of the membrane, will the molecules continue moving across the membrane in both directions? _______
Why or why not?

Yes; the particles never stop moving and there is no net movement

___________ is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane


___________ ___________ requires input of energy from the cell

active transport

What does osmotic pressure do to an animal cell placed in fresh water? ___________ why? ___________

it bursts, water moves in and it swells

___________ ___________ refers to cells having different jobs in an organism

cell specialization

Which organisms have specialized cells? Unicellular or multicellular


Levels of organization in a multicellular organism from simple to most complex.

cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms

A red blood cell carries out ___________ in cell specialization


Muscle cells control movement of ___________ in the body in cell specialization.


In cell specialization, a pancreatic cell produces ___________-___________ enzymes

protein digesting

___________ are groups of similar cells that work together to perform a particular funtion


___________ are groups of tissues that work together to perform a particular function


A(n) ___________ ___________ is a group of organs that work together to perform a particular function

organ system

___________ are organisms that make their own food


Example of an autotroph.

plants (algae, etc.)

___________ are organisms that cannot make their own food


Example of a heterotroph.

animals (humans, etc.)

What is the difference btw an ATP molecule and an ADP molecule?

ADP molecule has 2 phosphate groups

How do your body cells replenish ATP?

eating/breaking down carbohydrates

Energy is released from ATP when

a phosphate group is removed (the bonds break)

ATP provides ___________ for the mechanical function of cells.


What color is chlorophyll?


Plants appear green because chlorophyll does not absorb ___________ light.


Light absorbing molecules in plants are called ___________


___________ is the process that uses sunlight to convert water & carbon dioxide into oxygen & high energy sugars and starches


Where in the chloroplast is chlorophyll found?


What region of the visible spectrum is not absorbed well by chlorophyll?


___________ are photosynthetic membranes inside chloroplasts.


Where in the chloroplast are Photosystems I and II?

thylakoid membrane

___________ are stacks of thylakoids


The ___________ is the region outside the thylakoids.


First step in photosynthesis.

Pigments in photosystem II absorb light

2 main phases of photosynthesis

light dependent and light independent reactions

Where do the light-dependent reactions take place?

thylakoid membranes

3 products of the light-dependent reaction

oxygen, ATP, NADPH

What gas product is given off by plants in the light dependent reactions?


Light dependent reactions: Pigments in ___________ absorb light

Photosystem II

Light dependent reactions: ___________ is broken apart & ___________ is released

water, oxygen

Light dependent reactions: High energy ___________ move though the electron transport chain


Light dependent reactions: ___________ allows H+ ions to pass through the thylakoid membrane forming ATP

ATP synthase

Flow of electrons during photosynthesis beginning with water

water, nadph, calvin cycle

The calvin cycle is also known as the ___________ reactions


Where does the calvin cycle take place?


What is the product of the calvin cycle?

high-energy sugars

What chemical is used to make sugars in the Calvin Cycle?

carbon dioxide

The electrons that chlorophyll loses to the electron transport chain are replenished by ___________ molecules


Products of respiration

carbon dioxide, water, ATP

Reactants of respiration

oxygen and glucose

Is energy released during cell respiration?


3 stages of cellular respiration in the correct order

glycolysis, krebs cycle/citric acid cycle, electron transport chain

How many molecules of ATP are produced from cellular respiration?


Cellular respiration occurs only in the presence of ___________


Does cellular respiration occur in animals only or all living things?

all living things

___________ is the process that converts glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid


Food molecules that you eat are changed into ___________


Cellular respiration releases energy by breaking down ___________ ___________

food molecules

___________ is the starting of molecule for glycolysis


Where does glycolysis take place?


3 main products of glycolysis

NADH, ATP, Pyruvic acid

Electron transport chains are found in all living things


How many ATP molecules are produced from glycolysis?


In the presence of oxygen, glycolysis is followed by the ___________ cycle


The ___________ cycle is also known as the Citric acid cycle


What is the starting molecule for the krebs cycle?

Pyruvic acid

What does the Krebs cycle produce?

electron carriers (or NADH + FADH^2)

NADH & FADH^2 are known as ___________ carriers because they pass high energy electrons into the electron transport chain


The ___________ ___________ chain is a series of carrier proteins

electron transport

Where does electron transport occur (in eukaryotes)?


Why is cellular respiration considered to be an aerobic process?

requires oxygen

If oxygen is not present after glycolysis, what happens?


2 main types of fermentation

alcoholic and lactic acid

The conversion of pyruvic acid into lactic acid requires what molecule?


___________ ___________ fermentation occurs in muscle cells and causes soreness.

lactic acid

Certain foods are created with ___________ acid fermentation. Give an example.

lactic, yogurt

3 sources of energy your body uses during exercise (in the order they are used)

ATP, lactic acid, and cell respiration

Breathing heavily after a race is the body's way of putting back ___________


How does the body generate ATP if you need to exercise longer than 90 seconds?

cell respiration

Where does the energy needed to win a 2 minute race come from? ___________ ___________ fermentation

lactic acid

If you want to control your weight, how long should you exercise aerobically each time you exercise?

15-20 minutes

Which process releases energy more slowly: Cellular respiration or fermentation

cell respiration

Which of the following release energy from glucose? Photosynthesis, glycolysis, fermentation, cellular respiration (list all that apply)

glycolysis, fermentation, cell respiration

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration compatible with one another?

all eukaryotic products of photosynthesis are reactants of cell respiration and vice versa; photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast, respiration occurs in the mitochondria