Kappa Sigma

Four Pillars

Fellowship, leadership, scholarship, and service

Length of Kappa Sigma Journey


Goal of every Kappa Sigma

To become a better man

Father of Kappa Sigma

Manuel Chrysoloras

Where did kappa sigma start

December 10, 1869 Bologna

American Founding (when and where)

University of Virginia 46th East Lawn

5 friends and Brothers

Edmund Law Rogers jr
Frank Courntey Nicodemus
George Miles Arnold
John Covert Boyd
William Grigsby McLormick

Symbols on the badge of the Order

skull and crossbones, crosswords, cross keys

What was the phrase told to the American travelers by his European host?

My colors fade.... for want of wearers


Julien arlt


Nick Galogly


Percy Careg


Sabashton Blonsky


Ryan Melanson

Who was the golden hearted virgininian

Stephen Alonzo Jackson

Lifeblood of the fraterniy

To find and recruit new member constantly to grow the chapter

Honorary member

Jefferson Davis SR and helped aid kappa sigma members with yellow fever