Berman Chapter 12 Quizzes

When writing a nursing diagnosis, the nurse uses:

Nursing terminology

The nurse uses the problem, etiology, and signs and symptoms (PES) format when using the nursing diagnosis:

Ineffective airway clearance related to infectious process, as manifested by excessive mucus and retained secretions

The nurse uses "secondary to" in order to divide what process into two parts?


The advantages of using taxonomy of nursing diagnoses include:

Utilizing a single principle or set of principles developed by other nursing professionals;
Maintaining currency in nursing practice because taxonomies are refined, revised, and updated as needed;
Promoting a classification system or set of categories for

The first taxonomy of nursing diagnosis was classified:


When writing a nursing diagnosis, the nurse must distinguish a problem from:

A need

The nurse, working in a clinic, admits a client for a routine annual checkup. The client identifies no current health problems. The nursing diagnosis best used for this client is a(n):

Wellness diagnosis

The purpose of a nursing diagnosis is to:

Identify a client's problem and etiology

Nursing diagnosis differs from medical diagnosis because the nursing diagnosis refers to:

The human response to medical treatment

The nurse formulates nursing diagnoses following a framework when using:

Function health patterns

An expert nurse is able to develop a nursing diagnosis by working with the client. A novice nurse uses the three steps in creating a nursing diagnosis, which are:

Analyzing data;
identifying health problems, risks, and strengths;
and formulating the diagnostic statements

The nurse is developing a nursing diagnosis for a client with a seizure disorder. What step does the nurse perform after analyzing data?

Identify the client's problems and strengths

The nurse, working in a long-term care facility, is caring for an older adult client. The nurse notices that the client has no visitors and is pleased with attention and conversation from then nursing staff. Until more data is collected, the nurse may wri

A possible nursing diagnosis

Independent nursing interventions for a collaborative problem focus mainly on:

Monitoring and preventing potential complications

The nurse develops a collaborative problem such as:

Potential complication of immobility: decubitus ulcer

Based on a client's problem in the presence of signs and/or symptoms

Actual diagnosis

No problem exists but factors in the client's status leads the nurse to be concerned that a problem could occur

Risk nursing diagnosis

Used for a healthy client who seeks to improve or maintain health

Wellness diagnosis

Used when inadequate data is available to support or refute a diagnosis

Possible nursing diagnosis

Used when a diagnosis is associated with a cluster of other diagnoses

Syndrome diagnosis

Fear related to language barrier as manifested by apprehension, increased alertness, and increased perspiration

Actual diagnosis

Risk for perioperative positioning injury related to edema

Risk nursing diagnosis

Health-seeking behaviors related to desired to improve nutrition

Wellness diagnosis

Risk for impaired parenting related to unknown etiology

Possible nursing diagnosis

Post-trauma syndrome related to witness of a homicide as manifested by depression and substance abuse

Syndrome diagnosis

The qualifiers of a nursing diagnosis are:

Deficient, excess, impaired, decreased, ineffective, and compromised

Consider the following nursing diagnosis: ineffective breathing pattern related to respiratory muscle fatigue as evidenced by use of accessory muscles. Which part of this statement represents the etiology for this diagnosis?

Respiratory muscle fatigue

Using the table shown, the difference between a nursing diagnosis and a medical diagnosis with regard to orientation is that the nursing diagnosis is oriented to

The individual

Ineffective tissue perfusion related to interruption of venous blood flow secondary to deep vein thrombosis

Nursing diagnosis

Deep vein thrombosis

Medical diagnosis

Potential complication of thrombophlebitis: Pulmonary embolus

Collaborative problem

The student nurse is developing a plan of care for a client. In what order is the diagnostic process accomplished?

Analyze the data;
identify health problems, risks, and strengths;
formulate the diagnostic statement

When analyzing data, the nurse examines:

Functional health patterns

When writing a basic two-part diagnostic statement, the nurse includes:

Problem and etiology

Readiness for enhanced parenting is an example of a:

Wellness diagnosis

When formulating nursing diagnoses, the nurse can be assisted by reviewing the client's:

Functional health patterns

In 1982, NANDA accepted the "nine patterns of unitary man" as an organizing principle. The nurse identifies these patterns as being based on whose models and theories?

Roy and Rogers

In 1997, NANDA changed the name of its journal to emphasize that nursing diagnosis is part of a larger, developing system of standardized nursing language. The nurse identifies this system as including what two classification systems?

Nursing interventions and nursing outcomes

The nurse describes the components of a nursing diagnosis as:

The etiology;
defining characteristics;
the problem and definitions

In order to analyze data using a deductive approach, the nurse used which of the following frameworks?

Functional health patterns

The nurse, working in a clinic, admits a client for a routine annual checkup. The client identifies no current health problems. The nursing diagnosis best used for this client is a(n):

Wellness diagnosis

Taxonomy II (NANDA International, 2005) has three levels that include:

Domains, classes, and nursing diagnoses

When writing a nursing diagnosis, the nurse uses:

Nursing terminology

Nursing diagnosis differs from the medical diagnosis because the nursing diagnosis refers to:

The human response to medical treatment

One of the advantages of using a three-part nursing diagnostic statement such as the problem-etiology-signs/symptoms (PES) format includes:

Standardizes organization of client data

The diagnostic statement most representative of a nursing diagnosis is:

Disturbed sleep pattern

When writing a quality nursing diagnostic statement, it is important for the nurse to:

Use nonjudgmental statements;
word the diagnosis specifically and precisely to provide direction for planning nursing interventions;
be sure that cause and effect are correctly stated (i.e., the etiology causes the problem or puts the client at risk for t