Urinary Theory Review


What is the major artery that supplies the kidneys?

one urethra

Which of the following is correct?

mucous membrane

The urinary tract is lined with?

renal columns

The renal cortex desxends between the pyramids as the?

surrounds the kidneys

The renal capsule...

peritubular capillaries

Which blood vessels are primarily concerened with reabsorption?

nephron unit

What is the urine making structure of the kidney?

descending limb (loop of Henle)

The proximal convoluted tubles extend to become the?

distal convoluted tubule

Urine flows from the ascending limb (loop of Henle) into the?

collecting ducts

The calyces receive urine from the?

collecting duct

ADH exerts it's effects on the?


Which of the following is NOT "plumbing"?

urinary bladder

The detrusor muscle is located in the?


The word "voiding" means?


Which of the following words best describes the function of the urinary bladder?


This structure is located between the renal pelvis and the urinary bladder?


The urinary meatus is part of the?


The detrusor muscle is concerned with what function?


Kaliuresis refers to the renal excretion of?

Na+ (sodium)

Natriuresis refers to the renal excretion of?


The renal excretion of Na+ (sodium) is generally accompanied by the excretion of what other substance?


Renin activates...

causes Na+(sodium) and water reabsorption


urinary bladder

The internal and external sphincters are associated with which structure?


Which of the following is NOT located within the urinary bladder?


Which of the following should not be found in the glomerular filtrate?

deficiency of ADH

Which of the following is most likely to cause polyuria?
(Polyuria: excessive excretion of urine resulting in profuse micturition, causes diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus and hypercalcemia)

causes the renal excretion of sodium, potassium and water

Which of the following is NOT true of ADH?


Which of the following is absorbed across the walls of the collecting duct under the influence of ADH?


Pyuria is indicative of?
(Pyuria: Pus in urine)


This substance is filtered by the glomerulus and is excreted in the urine; there is minimal reabsorption...

urinary bladder

Cystitis refers to inflammation of the?

nephron units

Which of the following is found in the kidney?

nephron unit

Bowman's capsule is part of the?


Which structure filters 180 L of water per day?

a waste product that is filtered and not reabsorbed

Creatinine is...

causes the excretion of sodium and water in the urine

A diuretic...


Which of the following terms refers to the voluntary expulsion of urine?

peritubular capillaries

With regard to reabsorption, which structure plays the most important role?

stimulates the collecting duct to reabsorb water



Low levels of oxygen stimulate the kidneys to secrete this hormone?


Under normal conditions, this substance is present in the urine?

glomerular disease

Which condition is associated with proteinuria?


Which hormone affects blood volume?


Which of the following is caused by a deficiency of erythropoietin?

oliguria (scanty urine production less than 500 ml)

Which of the following is caused by prolonged hypotension?

the kidneys are not filtering creatinine; this is a sign of kidney failure

What is the meaning of an elevated serum creatinine?


Which condition is characterized by hematuria and pyuria?

a lack of erythropoietin

Renal failure causes anemia because of?

causes micturition when the detrusor muscle contracts and the internal sphincter relaxes

The urinary bladder...


A patient with stenosis (narrowing) of the renal artery is most likely to be present with?

pregnancy testing,culture for bacteriuria and quantitative protein determination (All of the above)

A medical assistant instructs a patient to collect a first morning specimen for which of the following tests?


The recommended specimen for estradiol (a female hormone) testing on urine is most likely what type of specimen collection?

refrigerate the specimen

If a urine specimen can not be analyzed within 30 minutes, the best course of action is to?

reddish brown: diabetes

Which of the following is mismatched concering urine color and the likely pathologic cause?


Urine with suspected high levels of which substance should be stored in a dark place before testing?


If you fail to refrigerate a urine sample for an extended period of time before testing, which of the following is likely to increase?


When instructing a female patient for a clean-catch midstream urine specimen, how many antiseptic towlettes should you instruct her to use?

2 L

The normal volume of urine produced by an adult in a 24-hour period does not exceed?

diabetes mellitus

The physical assessment of a urine sample reveals clear, pale, straw-colored urine with a sweet odor. What pathologic condition might this suggest?

abnormally high

The specific gravity of a urine specimen reads 1.035, this value is considered to be?

increased pH, increased nitrate, increased leukocyte esterase

On chemical analysis a urine specimen from a female with a urinary tract infection most likely reveals?


One of the first detectable signs of renal disease is?


One of the first detectable signs of liver disease is?

squamous epithelial cell

The cell most likely seen in a normal specimen is?

red blood cells

In the microscopic observation of urine sediment, yeast most resembles?