Patient Care Review

Direct contact allows infectious organisms to move:

From the infected person directly to the susceptible host

If the radiographer touches hazardous chemicals, what must be done first:

Rinse with the warmest water that can be tolerated

The process of eliminating all organisms from the environment by gas sterilization, use of germicides or use of dry heat is called:

Surgical Asepsis

After a radiographer is gowned and gloved for a procedure, hands may not be placed:

Under the arms or on the sides or back of the gown

Which of the following requires that all equipment and personal be carefully covered?

Reverse Isolation

Which of the following does not require the use of gloves?

Respiratory Isolation

Which of the following is used is there is any chance of coming in contact primarily with products of the GI system of an infected person?

Enteric Isolation

When are masks not required, but needle stick precautions must be avoided?

Enteric Isolation

Which of the following is used with patients who are not infectious?

Body substance precautions

Which of the following may be ingested by a patient who has been placed on a clear liquid diet?


Barium Sulfate is classified as:

Inert Inorganic Salt

What causes blood to pool in peripheral vessels?

Neurogenic Shock

What is caused by infection that results in extremely low blood pressure?

Septic Shock

The most frequently performed exam using contrast medium is:

Chest X-ray
Air is negative contrast agent

Which of the following is a legitimate contraindication to the use of iodinated contrast media?

Allergy to any medication


May be performed by a radiographer only where allowed by state law

A reaction that causes the patients skin to turn cyanotic means:

Blueish or Purple

Neglect or omission of reasonable care defines:

Unintentional misconduct

Bradycardia indicates a pulse of:

Fewer than 60 beats per minute

Exposing items to a moisture of gases that will not harm the materials but will remove microorganisms is called:

Gas sterilization

The abbreviation that stands for heart attack is:

MI stands for myocardial infarction


Cerebrovascular accident



If scheduled GI studies, patient preparation includes:

Low residue diet
NPO for 8-12 yours before procedure
Cathartics and enemas

Unnecessarily or improperly exposing the patients body or photographing the patient with out his or her consent:

Violation of Privacy

When charting, the radiographer must include:

Date and time of occurrence of an event or exam of the patient
Clear statements regarding patient condition and exam preformed
Full name and credentials

Long term retention of radio graphs is governed by:

State Law

First step to take when transferring a patient is to:

Check ID Band

Which of the following is not part of proper body mechanics

Lift with the strong muscles of the back

When moving a patient involves a wheelchair or cart, what is the first thing to double check after verifying patient ID?

That brakes are applied

A system that uses barriers between blood and all body fluids, non intact skin and mucous membranes of all individuals and susceptible people is called:

Standard Precautions

The process used to open sterile pack is called:

Sterile Technique

The first step in pouring liquids into a container in a sterile field is to:

Carefully determine the contents of the container

Airborne precautions require the use of:

Gloves, masks and standard precautions

Assessment of patient condition's maybe done be observing:

Changes in skin color to cyanotic or waxen pallor
Cyanosis of lips and nail beds
Skin temperature and moisture

Systolic blood pressure measures

Pumping of the Heart

Diastolic blood pressure less than 50mm Hg indicates some level of:


Cessation of heart function is called

Cardiac Arrest

Cessation of Breathing is

Respiratory Arrest

Respiratory arrest secondary to choking necessitates the use of:

Heimlich Maneuver

Symptoms of shock

Accelerated pulse
Alteration in ability to think

Symptoms of shock

Restlessness and apprehension
Pale, cool, clammy skin
Systolic blood pressure of less then 30 mm Hg

Non-ionic means

Does not contain free ions in solution

Before injecting a contrast agent, what must the radiographer do?

Determine whether there is history of allergies or previous hypersensitivity to contrast agent.
Determine the extent of the patient's medical problems.
Review possible reactions to the contrast agent being used.

What should fill the needle before injection of a contrast agent is made?

Contrast agent, to insure no air is injected into the patient.

Which of the following is required by the ARRT rules and ethics?

Reporting in writing to the ARRT, another's unethical behavior

Issues such as violations, inappropriate sexual relationships on the job, and mental competency are addressed in which section of the standards of Ethics?

Rules of Ethics

Issues such as acting with discretion and professional judgement, using technology for its intended purpose and practicing with respect to all humanity is addressed in which section of the standard of Ethics?

Code of Ethics

Which of the following is an call glass container with holds a single dose of an inject-able medication?


Which of the following statements regarding barium sulfate as a contrast media is true?

It dissolves when mixed with water
It is radiopaque

A code signaling cardiac arrest should be initiated when a

Carotid pulse cannot be found

If a patient is suspected of having perforated viscus, the contrast medium of choice should be

Water Soluble