Nursing Fundamentals Chapters 4,5,6

Nursing Process

a way of thinking and acting based on scientific method

Nursing Process

a tool for identifying patients problems or potential problems and an organized method for meeting patients needs

The Five Components of the Nursing Process

assessment (data collection), nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation


results of actions

What results in greater success with the care plan?

Patient Input

Who is officially responsible for the initiation of nrsing care plans?

Registere Nurses (RN's)

Assessment (data collection)

Collecting, organizing, documenting, and validating data about a patients health status. Can be obtained from the patient, the family, the physician, diagnostic tests, and information about the patient from other health professionals

Nursing Diagnosis

The process by which the assessment data are sorted and analyzed so that specific actual and potential health problems are identified.


A series of steps by which the nurse and the patient set priorities and goals to eliminate or diminish the identified problems

In what stage does the nurse and the patient collaborate and choose specific interventions for each nursing diagnosis?



Carrying out the nursing interventions in a systematic way

In what stage is a nurse delegating interventions?



Assessing the patients response to the nursing interventions

In what stage are responses compared with the expected outcomes to determine whether they have been achieved?



identifying health goals


placing nursing diagnoses or nursing interventions in order of importance


consist of gathering information about patients and their needs using variety of methods

Assessment for the LPN is guided by which group?

National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses (NFLPN)

What aspects of the patient assessment must be covered?

physical, psychosocial, and spiritual

Subjective Data

Data obtained from the patient verbally

Objective Data

Information obtained through the senses and hands-on physical examination

Who conducts the physical examination?

Registered Nurse (RN)





Nursing Diagnosis

indicates the patients actual health status or the risk of a problem developing, the causative or related factors, and specific defining characteristics (signs and symptoms)


the identification of health goals


giving care, when the nursing interventions or nursing orders are put into action


can be done at anytime


must be done at a set time

Independent Nursing Action

does not require a physicians order, but does require critical thinking and nursing judgment

What type of action is teaching a patient about the side effects of a medication?


Dependent Nursing Action

requires a physicians order

What type of action is administering a medication?


Interdependent Action

actions that come from collaborative care planning

What type of action is assisting the speech therapist by helping a patient practice speech exorcises?
