Prenatal Development


Normal number of chromosomes in nonreprocutive cells


An ovum or spermatozoon


normal number of chromosomes in each mature sperm or ovum


Cell division in sex cells


Cell division in non-sex cells to allow growth and replacement of cells


Formation of ova


Formation of spermatozoa

Spermatogenesis results in the formation of how many sperm from each immature primary spermatocyte


Each sperm contains how many autosomes


Sperm has a what sex chromosome

X or Y

oogenesis results in the formation of how many mature ova from each primary oocyte


Each ovum contains ___ autosomes and a(n) ___ sex chromosomes

23 x

An ovum survivies about ___ hours after ovulation


Cell division that results in the formation of reproductive cells is known as


How many chromosomes should be contained in the normal sperm or ovum


After fertilization, the zygote grows by


Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

programs a genetic code into the nucleus of teh cell; the nucleus controls the development and function of the cell


begin in pairs, one supplied by the mother and other by father


body chromosomes


cause damage to growing cells


when the sperm and ova unite

A sperm can survive up to how many days after ejaculation


If the ovum is fertilized by a sperm bearing a Y chromosome, the baby will be a


If the ovum is fertilized by a sperm bearing an X chromosome, the baby will be a


What influences does a woman have on the sex of the baby that is conceived

which sperm fertilizes the mature ovum

Fertilization usually occurs in the

outer third of the fallopian tube

The fertilized ovum usually implants in the ___ section of the ___ uterus

upper, posterior


inner fetal membrane that envelopes the embryo and fetus


Solid cluster of cells that is approximately the same size as the zygote


Eight cell stage of prenatal development


Outer fetal membrane that envelops the aminion and embryo/fetus

Decidua Basalis

uterine lining after implantation that gives rise to the maternal side of the placenta


Prenatal development from the second week until the end of the eighth week after fertilization


Prenatal development from the ninth week after fertilization until birth


Zygote containing an inner cell mass that will develop into the embryo

Chorionic villi

Projections on the outer part of fetal side of the placenta that extend into the decidua basalis


cell formed by union of a sperm and ovum

The normal amount of amniotic fluid near the end of pregnancy is about

1000 ml

Five functions of amniotic fluid

maintains an even temperature, prevents the amniotic sac from adhering to the fetal skin, allows symmetrical growth, allows buoyancy and fetal movement, acts as a cushion to protect the fetus and umbilical cord from injury

Red blood cells are formed by the ___ for the first six weeks after gestation and then are formed by the ___ and ___ and finally the ___

blastocyst, yok sac, embryonic liver, umbilical cord

Tissues that form in the ectoderm

outer layer of skin, oil glands and hair follicles of skin, nails and hair, external sense organs and mucous membranes of mouth and anus

Tissues that form in the mesoderm

true skin, skeleton, bone and cartilate, connective tissue, muscles, blood and blood vessels and kidnesy and gonads

Tissues that form in the endoderm

lining of trachea, pharynx, and bronchi, lining of digestive tract and lining of bladder and urethra

Four functions of the placenta

respiration, nutrition, excretion and endocrine gland

Functions of Progesterone

maintains uterine lining for implantation of the zygote, reduces uterine contractions to prevent spontaneous abortion, prepares the glands of the breasts for lactation and stimulates testes to produce testosterone

Functions of Estrogen

stimulates uterine growth, increases the blood flow to uterine vessels, stimulates development of the breast ducts to prepare for lactation, increases skin pigmentation, vascular chagnes in the skin and mucous membranes of the nose and mouth and increased

Function of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

causes the corpus luteum to persist and to continue the production of estrogen and progesterone to sustain pregnancy

Function of Human Placental Lactogen

causes decreased insulin sensitivity and utilization of glucose by the mother

The umbilical cord should have ___ vein and ___ artery

1 and 2

Ductus arteriosus functionally

15 hours

Ductus arteriosus permanently

3 weeks

Ductus venosus functionally

cord is cut

Ductus venosus permanently

1 week

Foramen ovale functionally

2 hours

Foramen ovale permanently

3 months

3 weeks

tubular heart begins beating, earliest evidence of brain and spinal cord

6 weeks

heart ahs all four chambers

8 weeks

basic structure of all systems established

10 weeks

External genitalia may be determined by ultrasound

14 weeks

Extremities will move in response to external atimuli

20 weeks

Possible to monitor fetal status with kick coutns

28 weeks

Fetal eyes open

38 weeks

Fetus now considered full term

Where is the umbilical cord inserted into placenta


Length of umbilical cord

55 cm (22in)

Umbilical cord vessels


Characteristic of a monozygotic

same sex, 1 ova, 1 placenta, 1 membrane and 1 umbilical cord

Characteristic of a dizygotic

same or different sex, 2 ova, 2,placentas, 2 membranes and 2 umbilical cords

Between the second and the eigth week of pregnancy, the developing baby is known as a


Which sex chromosome combination results in conception of a male


Hereditary or genetic traits are passed from one generation to the next within the


After sex weeks gestation, fetal red blood cells are manufactured in the


Which is the outer fetal membrane


The primary function of Wharton's jelly is to

separate maternal blood from fetal blood in the placenta

Most fetal blood bypasses circulation to the lungs by way of the

foramen ovale

The fetal circulatory structures that carries blood with the lowerest oxygen saturation is the

ductus arteriosus

The formane ovale closes permanently in about ___ after birth

3 months

The primary purpose of amniotic fluid is to

protect the fetus during development

Fetal waste products are disposed of by the


Inadequate progesterone is likely to result in

spontaneous abortion

Fraternal (dizygotic) twins result when

two sperm fertilize two ova

The sex of identical (monozygotic) twins

is always the same

Three primary germ layers

ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm

Age of viability

lungs have matured functionally enough for the fetus to survive outside the uterus

The child's sex is determined by the following

sperm which contains either an X or a Y chromosome

A woman who wants to become pregnant should avoid all medications unless they are prescribed by a physician who knows she is pregnant, because

The placenta allows most medications to cross into the fetus

The umbilical cord normally contains

two arteries and one vein

The purpose of the foramen ovale is to do

reduce blood flow to the lungs

Why are twins born early

the distended uterus becomes irritable