Nursing Fundamentals

Which of the following statements is true about cultural assimilation?
a. Mutual cultural assimilation occurs when characteristics from two groups are traded.
b. Cultural assimilation is the integration of a majority group with a minority group.
c. Moving


A 40 year old nurse is taking a health history form a 20 year old Hispanic man and notes that he looks down at the floor when he answers questions. What should the nurse understand about this behavior?
a. the patient is embarrassed
b. this is culturally a


Which population should the nurse carefully assess the patient's use of over the counter meds?

White Middle Class

What is one way nurses can develop cultural self awareness?

Objectively examine own beliefs, values, and practices

A nurse is arrested for possession of illegal drugs. What kind of law is involved with this type of activity?


A patient is suing a nurse for malpractice. What is the term for the person bringing suit?


Law that regulates practice of nursing

Civil Law

What is the legal source of rules of conduct for nurses?

Nurse Practice Acts

Voluntary Standards

Guidelines for peer review, guided by the public's expectation of nursing

Accreditation that is a legal requirement for a school of nursing to exist

State Board of Nursing accreditation

What does certification validate?

specialty knowledge and clinical judgement

A patient refuses to have a pain med administered by injection. A nurse says, "If you don't let me give you the shot, I will get help to hold you down and give you it." With what crime might the nurse be charged?


Invasion of Privacy

unnecessarily exposing an individual or revealing personal information about an individual without that persons consent

A lawsuit has been brought against a nurse for malpractice. The patient fell and suffered a skull fracture, resulting in a longer hospital stay and need for rehabilitation. What does the description of the patient represent as proof of malpractice?


The nurse uses assessments to make the nursing diagnosis of Chronic Pain. What is the nurse diagnosing?

The response of the patient to the illness

What is the purpose of an initial assessment?

to establish a database to identify problems and strengths

A student takes an adult patient's pulse and counts 20 beats per minute. What should the student do next?

Ask the instructor or a staff nurse to take the pulse

What is a purpose of the diagnosing step in the nursing process?

to identify etiologies of health problems

What are nursing diagnoses used for?

Selecting nursing interventions to meet expected outcomes.

What describes the legal responsibility of a nurse making a diagnoses for a patient accurately?

The nurse must decide if he or she is qualified to make a nursing diagnosis and will accept responsibility for treating it.

Interventions include administering and monitoring the patient's physiologic response to intravenous fluids and blood. What has the nurse focused care on?

A collaborative problem

What is the focus of a diagnostic statement for a collaborative problem?

The potential complication

Which nursing diagnosis is correctly written?
a. Post trauma syndrome related to being attacked.
b. psychological overreaction related to being attacked.
c. needs assistance coping with attack
d. mental distress related to being attacked.


What nursing diagnosis is validated by presence of major defining characteristics?

actual nursing diagnosis

In the nursing diagnosis Disturbed self esteem related to presence of large scar over left side of face, what part of the nursing diagnosis is "presence of large scar over left side of face?


A student identifies fatigue as a health problem and nursing diagnosis for a patient receiving home care for treatment of metastatic cancer. What statement or question would be best to validate this patient problem?
a. I have assessed you and find you are


What benefit of using nursing diagnoses is most important to nurses?

Informing patients of their care

What is the primary purpose of the outcome identification and planning step of the nursing process?

To design a plan of care for and with the patient.

What question might be used to facilitate critical thinking during outcome identification and planning?

What problems require my immediate attention or that of the team?

A nurse admits a patient to the hospital's short stay unit and completes a health history and physical assessment. Using these data, the nurse develops a(n) ___________ plan of care, based on _______planning?

comprehensive, initial

Although each care plan is individualized, there are certain risks and health problems that, for example, patients undergoing similar medical or surgical treatment have in common. What name is given to this type of care plan?


When should discharge planning be initiated?

at the time of admission to an acute healthcare setting

The nursing diagnosis Impaired Gas Exchange, prioritized by Maslow's hierarchy of basic human needs, is appropriate for what level of needs?


A resident of a long-term care facility refuses to eat until she has had her hair combed and her make-up applied. In this case, what patient need should have priority?

The need to feel good about oneself

From what part of the nursing diagnoses are outcomes derived during outcome identification and planning?

The problem statement

Psycho-motor outcome


cognitive outcome

patient knowledge

affective outcome


What part of the nursing diagnosis statement suggests the nursing interventions to be included in the plan of care?

etiology of the problem

What is true of nursing responsibilities with regard to a physician-initiated intervention?

Nurses carry out interventions in response to a physician's order.

A specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem, usually with the requirement that the procedure terminate at some point.


Tools that are used to communicate a standardized interdisciplinary plan of care for patients within a case management healthcare delivery system?

Clinical pathways

A nurse records patient data on a folded card an places it in a central file, where it is easily accessible to staff. What system of care is this?

Kardex care plan

Which of the following types of care plans is most likely to enable the nurse to take a holistic view of the patient's situation/

concept map care plan

Unique focus of nursing implementation

concerned with patient response to health/illness and nurses ability to meet basic human needs.

Researchers developing classifications for interventions are also committed to developing a classification of...


What phrase best describes nurse-initiated interventions?

nurse-prescribed interventions

A nurse is changing a sterile pressure ulcer dressing based on an established protocol. What does this mean?

Written plans are developed that specify nursing activities for this skill.

A nurse is preparing to insert an intravenous line and begin administering intravenous fluids. The patient has visitors in the room. What should the nurse do?

Ask the patient if the visitors should remain in the room

A student is ambulating a patient for the first time after surgery. What would the student do to anticipate and plan for an unexpected outcome?

Ask another student to help with ambulation

Each time a nurse administers an insulin injection to a patient with diabetes, she tells the patient what she is doing and demonstrates each step of preparing and giving the injection. What is the nurse promoting?


The staff in a long-term care facility often plays loud rock music on the radio and designs children's games as exercise. What is the staff doing in this situation?

Meeting needs for sensory input and exercise

A nurse delegates a specific intervention to a UAP. What implications does this have for the nurse?

The nurse transfers responsibility but is accountable for the outcome.

What core value of nursing care is missing when a nursing intervention is delegated to a UAP?

nurse/patient dynamic

What is not part of the nurse's decision about care after evaluating the patient's responses to the plan of care?

beginning the plan of care

What is a primary concern when performing the evaluating step of the nursing process?

the patient

After identifying the evaluative criteria and standards, what must the nurse do next?

Collect data about patient responses

What descriptor is helpful in defining the term criteria?

acceptable level of performance

A plan of care for a patient with a low potassium level includes providing information about the effect of medications and dietary intake of foods high in potassium. How would a nurse measure achievement of an outcome for this plan?

Laboratory data

Patient lost 2 of the 5 pound/month goal. How shoudl the nurse alter the plan of care in response to this new data?

The nurse should modify the time criteria.

Who performs peer reviews on the hospital unit?


Mrs. Jones always thanks clerks at the grocery store. Her 6-year old daughter echoes her thank you. The child is demonstrating what mode of value transmission?


What is one negative aspect for children of learning values through the moralizing mode of transmission?

not much opportunity to weigh values