Ch. 1 The Nursing Process and Drug Therapy


Implementation or fulfillment of a prescriber's or caregiver's prescribed course of treatment or therapeutic plan by a patient. Also called adherence


Statements that are time specific and describe generally what is to be accomplished to address a specific nursing diagnosis

medication error

Any preventable adverse drug event involving inappropriate medication use by a patient or health care professional; it may or may not cause the patient harm


An informed decision on the part of the patient not to adhere to or follow a therapeutic plan or suggestion. Also called nonadherence

nursing process

An organizational framework for the practice of nursing. It encompasses all steps taken by the nurse in caring for a patient: assessment, nursing diagnoses, planning (with goals and outcome criteria), implementation of the plan (with patient teaching), an

outcome criteria

Descriptions of specific patient behaviors or responses that demonstrate meeting of or achievement of goals related to each nursing diagnosis. These statements, like goals, should be verifiable, framed in behavioral terms, measurable, and time specific


Any health care professional licensed by the appropriate regulatory board to prescribe medications

right drug, right dose, right time, right route, right patient, right documentation

six rights of medication administration

patient's name, date, name of drug, drug dosage amount and frequency, route of administration, prescriber's signature

prescription or medication order from prescriber must be checked for the following 6 elements:

date and time of medication administration, name of medication, dose, route, site of administration

the patient's chart should always have the following information regarding medication administration:


highest priority when obtaining a pharmacologic history from a patient:

check the patient's armband before administering medication

When administering medications to a patient, which action will the nurse perform?

monitoring the patient continuously for therapeutic and adverse effects

What activities is the nurse responsible during the evaluation phase of drug administration?

medication effect on patient

The nurse should include which information when evaluating the outcome after a patient's medication has been administered?

physician, dentist, physician assistant, nurse practitioner

The nurse has an order for administering a medication to her patient. Which providers have legal authority to prescribe medications for patients?


The nurse should check a medication how many times prior to administration of a medication under the "right drug" part of the Six Rights?

The patient and patient's daughter will state the correct dosing and administration of the drug

An 86-year-old patient is being discharged to home on digitalis therapy and has very little information regarding the medication. Which statement best reflects a realistic goal or outcome of patient teaching activities?

risk for injury

A patient has a new prescription for a blood pressure medication that may cause him to feel dizzy during the first few days of therapy. The best nursing diagnosis for this situation is

The nurse should contact the prescriber to clarify the dosage route

A patient's chart includes an order that reads as follows: "Lanoxin 250 mcg once daily at 0900." Which action by the nurse is correct?

When you take your pain medicine, does it relieve the pain?

The nurse is compiling a drug history for a patient. The most helpful question the nurse can ask is

What type of reaction did you have when you took penicillin?

A 77-year-old man who has been diagnosed with an upper respiratory tract infection tells the nurse that he is allergic to penicillin. Which is the most appropriate response by the nurse?