HESI Hints Med Surg GI

how is a Fowler or semi-Fowler position helpful?

-reduces amount of regurgitation
-prevs encroachment of stomach tissue up through opening in diaphragm

risk factors for peptic ulcers

-drugs (NSAIDs, corticosteroids)
-cig smoking
-acute med crisis or trauma

causes of peptic ulcers

-H pylori

symptoms of peptic ulcers

-epigastric pain radiating to back (not associated with type of food eaten); relieved by antacids

what can cause or exacerbate ulcers?

-teach stress-reduction methods
-encourage those w/ a fam hx of ulcers to obtain med surveillance for ulcer formation

manifs of GI bleeding

-pallor: conjunctival, mucous membranes, nail beds
-dark, tarry stools
-bright-red or coffee-ground emesis
-abdom mass or bruit
-dec BP, rapid pulse
-cool extremities (shock)
-inc RR

how much fluid loss is lost through GI tract?

-only 100-200 mL/day
-filters up to 8 L/day
-more if diarrhea or vom occurs

opiate fx on GI system

-depress gastric motility
-closely monitor pts on these drugs
-distended intestinal wall with dec muscle tone may lead to intestinal perforation


-pouches in intestinal wall
-no discomfort, usually
-problem goes unnoticed unless seen on radiologic exam
-usually prompted by some other condition


inflammation of diverticula (pouches)
-can lead to bowel perforation

nutritional needs for pt with acute phase diverticulitis

graduating to liquids

nutritional needs for pt with recovery phase diverticulitis

no fiber foods or foods that irritate the bowel

nutritional needs for pt with maintenance phase diverticulitis

high-fiber diet with bulk-forming laxatives to prev pooling of foods in pouches where they can become inflamed
-avoid small, poorly digested foods like popcorn, nuts, seeds, etc.

mechanical bowel obstruction

due to disorders OUTSIDE the bowel (hernia, adhesions) c/b disorders within the bowel (tumors, diverticulitis)
-or by blockage of intestinal lumen (intussusception, gallstone)

nonmechanical bowel obstruction

due to paralytic ileus, which does not involve any actual phys obstruction, but results from inability of bowel itself to function

if bowel obstruction is high in small intestine, what will ABGs show?

-alkalotic state
-if high in small intest where gastric acid is secreted

if bowel obstruction is lower bowel, ABGs?

-low where base solns are secreted

nsg priorities for pt who presents with constipation, thready stools, rectal bleeding past few months, dx with rectal mass?

-NG tube (possibly intestinal tube)
-IV fluids
-surgical preps of bowel (if obstruction is complete)
-restrict food/fluids 8-10 before surg if poss
-contraindicate bowel cleansing
-oral erythro and neomycin to dec amt of colonic and rectal bacteria

how to prevent bowel cancer

-eat more cruciferous veggies (from cabbage family, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale)
-inc fiber intake
-maintain avg body weight
-eat less animal fat

ACS recs for early detection of colon cancer

-digital rectal exam every year after 40
-stool blood test every year after 50
-colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy exam q3-5 years after 50, based on advice of doc

early sign of colon cancer?

-rectal bleeding
-encourage pts 50 and older and those with inc risk factors to be screened annually with fecal occult blood testing
-also, routine colonoscopy starting at 50

manifs of jaundice

-yellow skin, sclera, or mucous membranes (bilirubin in skin)
-dark-colored urine (bilirubin in urine)
-chalky or clay-colored stools (absence of bilirubin in stools)

fetor hepaticus

distinctive breath odor in chronic liver disease
-fruity or musty
-results from liver's inability to metabolize and detoxify mercaptan, which is prod by bacterial degradation of methionine, and sulfurous amino acid

tx of ascites

-peritoneovenous shunt (La Veen and Denver shunts)

esophageal varices may rupture and cause?


immediate mgmt of ruptured esoph varices

-insert esophagogastric balloon tamponade
-vit K
-coag factors
-blood transfusion

what levels rise bc they are not broken down by the damaged liver?

-metab of drugs (Remain in system longer)

environment to provide for clients who are anorexic or nauseated

-remove strong odors
-encourage client to sit up for meals, can dec propensity to vomit
-serve small, freq meals
-give antiemetic before meals

what are necessary for regeneration of liver tissue that is destroyed by hepatitis?

-rest and adequate nutrition
-scrutinize drug therapy carefully
-previously taken drugs or OTC drugs should not be resumed w/o doc's directions

where is acute pancreatic pain located?

-any enlargement of the pancreas causes the peritoneum to stretch tightly
-sitting up or leaning fwd reduces pain


acute infl of gallbladder


formation or presence of stones in gallbladder

pts who have ERCP to have gallstones removed may be prone to...


nonsurgical management of a pt with cholecystitis

-low fat diet
-meds for pain and clotting if needed
-decompression of stomach via NG tube