Nursing Fundamentals Chapter 4

basic human needs

something essential to the health and survival of humans; common to all people

blended family

two single parent families joined together to form a new family unit


A group of organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other having common values interest,and needs.

extended family

Made up of the nuclear family plus grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.


any group of two or more people who live together
and are emotionally involved with each other

love and belonging needs

understanding and acceptance of others in giving and receiving love

nuclear family

family unit, family of marriage ,parenthood or procreation,and their immediate children

physiologic needs

need for oxygen, food, water, temperature, elimination, sexuality, activity, and rest; these needs have the highest priority and are essential for survival

safety and security needs

person's need to be protected from actual or potential harm and to have freedom from fear

self actualization needs

the pursuit of knowledge and beauty or whatever else is required for the realization of one's unique potential

self esteem needs

need to feel good about oneself and to believe others hold one in high regard


theory that lower motives, such as physiological and safety needs, must be met before advancing to higher needs, such as esteem and self-actualization.


(level 1) Physiological Needs,
(level 2) Safety and Security,
(level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection,
(level 4) Self Esteem,
(level 5) Self Actualization

nursing care is often directed toward

meeting unmet and threatened needs like Maslow's are the framework for nursing assessments and understanding the needs of patients at all levels,interventions to meet the priority needs become a part of the plan of care- many nursing interventions deal wi

level 1 physiologic needs

1. Most basic of all needs- must be met before other needs can start to be met
2. Most essential to life water,oxygen, food, sleep,temperature, Sex

level 2 safety and security needs

1. Physical and emotional components
2. Need safe environment- free from dangers (includes obstacles that could cause an elderly person to fall, poisons that children could get into)

level 3 love and belonging needs

1. All humans have basic need for love and belonging.
2. Higher level need
both giving and receiving love with the feelings of belonging to a family , peers, friends , neighborhood and community

level 4 Self-esteem needs

1. Need to show respect for patient's values and beliefs - patient needs to feel good about himself
2. Role changes can affect self-esteem; Losing job, illness, change in body image

level 5 Self-Actualization needs

the top level; a person meets her or his personal needs for development: personal growth . Accomplishment of life's goals- like living a good life and being proud of what you have done

Applying Maslow's Theory

Nurses use in Maslow's basic needs in ADPIE - assessment,planning,implementation, and evaluation of patient care (nursing process) In both health and illness to determine which needs are unmet which are healthcare needs. Nurses locate patients on the heal

Physical Dimension

Physiologic needs
fluid intake and elimination

Environmental Dimension

Safety and Security needs

Sociocultural Dimension

Love and belonging needs
feeling loved and loving others

Emotional Dimension

Self Esteem needs
accepting self

Intellectual and spiritual Dimensions

Self Actualization needs
decision making
helping others


any group of people who live together and are emotionally bonded -
role of the family is to help meet the basic human needs of its members while also meeting the needs of society.

nuclear family

aka traditional family, is two parents and their children. Parents maybe heterosexual or homosexual,married or in a committed relationship all living in the same house until the children leave as young adults.---adoptive, biological stepparents --

extended family

a family that includes, in addition to the parents and their children, other members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins living close by.

blended family

either or both spouses have been married before and have one or more children from a previous marriage

Single-Parent family

occurs as the result of divorce, separation, death or having children outside of marriage

Duvall's theory

states that all families have certain basic task for survival and continuity the specific tasked are done in order to advance development throughout the life of the family-- If the family does not meet certain developmental task then society disapproval m

eriksons theory

-Eight stages- each of which brings psychosocial crisis involving transitions in important social relationships, believed that personaility is shaped by how individuals deal with these crises, each crisis involves a struggle between two opposing tendencie

Family in health and illness

people learn healthcare activity health and illness from their family.

family centered nursing (4 rationales )

1. each family member affects each other when one gets illness affects all.
2.Strong relationships between members and the health of other members So the role of the FAMILY is important at every level of nursing care.
3.Health promotion in the family can

Nursing interventions for the family involved in a health crisis

Therapeutic communication skills
Applying knowledge of family dynamics
referrals to community healthcare with financial resources to support realistic hope.
Family members should be involved with the plan of care and implementation of care

Nursing interventions to promote health

Nurse helps patient and family reduce risk factors. To promote health eating patterns, exercise.Nurse assist in meeting the family basic human needs. Refer to other healthcare providers.

Genetic test results -relevance to the nursing practice

Genetic testing for a hereditary disease not only affects the person tested but the whole family.Nurses who provide genetic counseling must support the patient who is being tested and inform them of their responsibility to warn others in the family.

Risk factors for Altered Family Health

lifestyle, lack knowledge about sex and marriage role teenagers pregnancy,divorce STD.
psychosocial,childcare when both parents work, not enough money
environmental, air water food pollution, work stress
developmental, older people on fixed income,new bab

Community factors affecting health

Nursing in Community Social support (family and friend, neighbors);
Economic Resources (insurance through job, medicare/caid)
Environmental Resources (clean air, pollution, water)
Community healthcare structure (how far, number of hospitals or providers,

Community based nursing

Centered on individual and family healthcare needs. Provides interventions to manage acute or chronic health problems, promote health, and facilitate self care. Must be culturally competent and family centered.

When a nurse is providing care on Maslow's hierarchy what nursing approached is this useful ?

Establishing priorities of care.

What is the most basic human need ?


Patients must already posses these basic human needs physiologic,Safety and security,Love and belonging to achieve ?


Of all the physiologic needs what is the most essential food,water,elimination,oxygen

Oxygen its so sexy -- - In the mitochondrial electron transport chain electrons move from an electron donor (NADH or QH2) to a terminal electron acceptor (O2) via a series of redox reactions.

Careful hand hygiene and sterile tech are always in which nurse meet what basic need

Safety from infection Level 2 of human basic needs

Self actualization is

reaching one's full potential, and continues through life level 5
all other levels must be met first.

What is the best broad definition of a family

A group of people who live together -- with the acceptance of homosexual family , single parent, adoptive parents vs traditional. this would be the correct response.

Where do people learn their health beliefs and values


Sean and Michelle , each parents of one child, and divorced. When they marry they will be a

Blended family -- unrelated children from previous train wrecks together to form a new family.

What is a developmental task of a older adult family

adjust to the loss of a spouse.

A healthy community

offers access to healthcare services to treat illness and to promote health in the local community.

Effects of Stress

physiologic and psychological stress effects all human dimensions and basic human needs, large factor in health and illness. Both long term stress and crisis stress.


the process by which we perceive and respond to certain events, called stressors, that we appraise as threatening or challenging


Specific events or chronic pressures that place demands on a person or threaten the person's well-being

stress and basic human needs

as a person tries to meet basic human needs at each level, stress can either be a stimulus or a barrier -each person responds to stress differently depending on their sociocultural background . in all people failure to meet needs results in an imbalance i

Effects of stress on basic human needs

level I - physiologic- appetite,activity,pulse rate increase,diarrhea
level II safety /security -- nervous, ineffective coping skills drinks,drugs,
level III love/belonging -- isolate,blames others,becomes aggressive, or over dependent on others
level IV

defense mechanism

Self-destructive ways if dealing with stress; automatic, subconscious reactions to emotional injury, such as denial, fantasy, projection, rationalization, regression, selective forgetting, or withdrawal.

long term stress affects

anxiety, depression, panic attack, heart starts rasing, forgetfulness, Abusing, nicotine prescription Abuse weakness, driving, heart problems

family stress

a state of tension that arises when demands tax a family's resources or a change on a family life such as stress, death, divorce etc.

caregiver burden

responses such as chronic fatigue, sleeping difficulties, and high blood pressure to long term stress in family members who undertake the care of a person in the home for a long period coping


disturbance caused by a precipitating event , such as perceived loss, threat of loss, or challenge that is perceived as a threat to self.
Crisis may be
Maturational -developmental role change teenager to adult.
Situational -life event disrupts a person ps

Things that reduce stress

eating better,
learning to say no,
avoiding people who are stressful,
being more assertive,
doing something just for you each day.

sources of stress

Both require adaptive responses .
change, hassles, pressure, inconsistent goals and behaviors, conflict, overload, burnout, "isms" (bigotry)

Factors affecting stress and adaptation

1. Perception of the Stressful Event
2. Resilience
3. Hardiness

Developmental stress

Occurs as a person progresses through the normal stages of growth and development from birth to old age

Situational stress

Unpredictable, can occur at any time. Examples: illness or traumatic injury, marriage or divorce, loss, new job, role change.

Types of Stressors


Physiologic Stressors

1. Chemical agents
2. *
Physical agents (heat, cold, trauma)
3. Infectious agents
4. Nutritional imbalances
5. Hypoxia and immune disorders

Psychosocial Stressors

accidents/survivors, horrors of history, fear, changes in the world, life crises, conflicts in social relationships etc.

Stress and Adaptation in Nursing

Nursing involves activities and interpersonal relationships that are often stressful.
assuming responsibilities and not being prepared.
working with not qualified people
Nursing supervisors not supportive
Patient Codes - dies
Other nurses jealous causing

This has Chapter 42 and

chapter 42 page 1527-1532

Friedman's theory of family centered nursing care

The role of the family is essential in every level of nursing

Friedman 's theory

1st the family is composed of interdependent people who affect one another.
2 nd relationship between family and the health status of it's members role of family is important at every level of nursing care.
3rd the level of health of the family and in tur

Parents of adolescent children are mostly likely to focus on which developmental task

Strengthening their marital relationship

A family of two HOMO parents and three children living together in the same apartment are an example of what kind of family

Nuclear - two parents a children does not matter if the parents are HOMO or HETERO

When determining who constitutes a patients family what should be considered

Emotional bonding