Lec 9-10


removal of drug from plasma resulting in a decrease in conc


enzymatic process that alters the chemical structure of a drug
changes drug from lipophilic to a metabolite that is hydrophilic

factors that alter metabolism

-environmental factors
-dz state/ other drugs (drug-drug interactions)
-genetic polymorphisms

consequences of drug biotransformation

-formation of an inactive polar metabolite
-formation of an active metabolite
-formation of a reactive/toxic metabolite

Biotransformation of drugs usually makes them?

less lipid soluble

metabolic enzymes

-speed up rate of rxns
-many require cofactors/coenzymes
-substrate specificity
-multiple enzymes may metabolize a single drug

Extrahepatic microsomal enzymes

(oxidation and glucuronidation): Lungs, brain, skin?, pancreas? Intestine?

Hepatic microsomal enzymes


Hepatic non-microsomal enzymes


phase I rxn

introduces a reactive group

Phase II rxn

attaches a polar molecule (conjugation)

Phase I rxns main types

-reduction (gain of a hydrogen or removal of a what??)

Which of the following statements in NOT true about cytochrome P450 enzyme?

A. These are phase 2 enzymes

Phase II metabolism

-substrates may arise from phase I metabolism
-usually metabolites have decreased biologic activity
-metabolites are highly polar
-some metabolites are excreted in bile

hepatic clearance

volume of plasma flowing through the liver that is completely cleared of a drug per unit time

hepatic clearance affected by

-hepatic extraction