Evoked Potentials - Neurodiagnostic ABR Quizzes

interwave/interpeak latencies (IWI/IPI)

the time between the different peaks in the waveform

normal ABR waveform

characterized by 5-7 vertex positive peaks between 1.4 to 8ms

wave I-V difference norm


wave I-III difference norm


wave III-V difference norm


wave I latency norm


wave III latency norm


wave V latency norm


what should you see in a normal hearing patient's ABR results when using a loud (70-80dBnHL) stimulus?

waves, I, III, and V with well-defined peaks

as the rate of the stimulus ___ the latency of the waveform peaks ___

increases; increases

interaural latency difference (ILDs)

the comparison between the latencies of wave V in the left and right ears

absolute latency

the time interval between the onset of the stimulus and a specific peak

a normal ABR ranges in amplitude from ___

0.1 to 1.0 microseconds

as the intensity of the stimulus ___ the latency fo the waveform peaks ___

increases; decreases

A click has an abrupt and rapid onset with a broad frequency response, which can elicit a ____

synchronous neural discharge

time locking

when the onset of the stimulus is connected with the onset of the computer alaysis sweep

The SNR is a function of the number of ___ that are averaged together


in an SNR function, the number of sweeps needs to ___ so that the amplitude of the noise ___

increase; decreases

background noise is:

spontaneous and unrelated to the stimulus

the best chance to get the best ABR recording is when:

the patient is relaxed and quiet (reduces muscle artifact)

for ABRs, what transducer is preferred


because of the tubing length from the speaker to the EAC, inserts create a delay in the system causing a ___ delay in the absolute latencies of the waves


trigger pulse

marks the beginning of the recording epoch and is usually coupled to the onset of the stimulus

the click stimulus has an instantaneous onset and a brief duration of ___

100 microseconds

in order to determine an ABR response, it is necessary to distinguish a ___ response from the ___ background noise

low-amplitude response; high-amplitude

common mode rejection

anything different gets amplified

FSP averaging

a method of estimating background noise in which the variance of the aberaged response is compared to the variance of the amplitude of a single point at a given time in the waveform

where does excessive muscle artifact come from?

the jaw or neck

when recording an ABR, wave V latency can shift depending on ___. at ___, the change has a steeper slope but at ___ the shifts can be as much as ___ per 10dB increase

the intensity of the stimulus; lower intensities; 0.2 to 0.3ms

stimulus rates above 30 stimuli per second will ___ the latency of all peaks of the ABR and will ___ the amplitude of the earlier peaks

increase; decrease

where is the PAM?


ABR recordings do not appear to be affected by ___


The binaural response is not the same as summing the monaural responses because the binaural interaction component (BIC) reflects ___ and ___ differences between monaural and binaural stimulus conditions

amplitude; phase
ABRs are usually recorded by stimulating one ear and recording the waveform in response to that stimulation.

when using a tone burst stimulus, the ___ frequency stimuli elicit shorter latencies than the ___ frequency stimuli

high; low

allowig more ___ frequecies to be icluded in the ABR recording will increase interference from electrical and myogenic sources


patient factors that could affect ABR recording

age, medication, muscle artifact

recording factors that could affect ABR recording

electrode montage, filter settings, number of sweeps

stimulus factors

rate, frequency, intensity

one of the greatest technical challenges to overcome in the OR during auditory nerve tumors

noisy environment

patient symptoms that indicate good candidates for ABR

1. asymmetric HL
2. sudden-onset HL
3. unilateral tinnitus
4. dizziness
5. progressive HL

latency-intensity function

graphic representation of the wave V latency that can be helpful in identifying the type of hearing loss

the latency-intensity function for cochlear HL is ___ than that for people with normal hearing or retrocochlear HL


how can we increase the amplitude of wave I?

1. increase stimulus intensity
2. use a horizontal electrode montage between ears
3. decrease stimulus rate
4. comparing rarefaction and condensation clicks
5. use ECochG

how can we ensure that the ABR results correlate with other results?

test battery and cross-check

patients with ___ have normal OAEs and absent/grosslyabnormal ABRs

auditory neuropathy

the ABR is sensitive to problems in ___ and ____

the 8th nerve; the low to mid brainstem

when is masking recommended in ABR testing?

when there are significant threshold differences between the ears

when masking for a click stimulus, you must use a ___

broadband noise masker

ABR pros

1. provides information about neural function of lower auditory system
2. highly sensitive to identifying tumors of the auditory system
3. non-invasive

ABR cons

1. subjectivity in picking peaks
2. not sensitive to all central nervous system
3. cannot pick up differences in patients with peripheral hearing loss

ABR evaluation reports should include ___

any other test results that you performed

when sending an ABR report to the referring source you must include ___, ___, ___

1. test parameters used
2. latency values and hwere on the waveforms the peaks were marked
3. a copy of the ABR waveform

___ patients are the usual target of use of the ABR for otoneurological evaluation


for a neurodiagnostic evaluation, you must include the patient's ___

absolute and interwave latencies

clinical ABR systems provide ___ and ___

a latency summary table; format for plotting