
Fungi are ______ organisms


_____ fungi absorb nutrients from living organisms.

Parasitic and mutualistic

There is a fungus in Oregon that covers 890,965 hectares! The bulk of this fungus is most likely_____


In fungi, the function of the mycelium is ______

Obtaining food

Fungi that consist of a continuous mass containing hundreds or thousands of nuclei are known as _______


Parasitic fungi possess hyphae that are modified to penetrate and absorb nutrients from host tissue. Such modified hyphae are called _____


You can buy mycorrhizal fungus to add to soil when you plant trees and other plants. Why would you want to do this?

Mycorrhizal fungi assist plants in the absorption of essential nutrients..

The cell walls of fungal cells are composed of _____


Order of events in fungal sexual reproduction

Plasmogamy, karyogamy, meiosis, germination

Which of the following about fungi is true?

All of them
Spores germinate and then mitotically divide to form a mycelium
The haploid nuclei of dikaryotic hyphal cells fuse to form a diploid zygote
Many species obtain their nutrients from decaying organic matter
The dominant stage of the life cycle i

What role do pheromones play in fungal sexual reproduction?

Fungi use these chemical signals to determine whether a potential sexual partner is of a suitable mating type.

Hyphae with two nuclei per cell are called ____


Fungal species are assigned to particular phyla based on ____

The type of sexual structure they form

Molecular evidence suggests that fungi ____

And animals have a common ancestor

Evidence that mycorrhizae, the mutualistic relationship between plants and fungi, existed from the beginning of the colonization of land comes from _____


Which feature below is unique to Chytrids?

Zoospores (flagellated spores)

Which statement below about zygosporangia is true?

All of them
They are multinucleate formations
They are resistant to freezing and drying
They are metabolically inactive
They are produced through plasmogamy

What is the major feature of glomeromyctes?


An ascus is _____

A saclike structure containing spores

The asexual spores produced by members of the phylum Ascomycota are called ____


Two of the most common mycoses (fungal infections) in humans are _____

Athletes foot and candida (yeast) infections

A dramatic example of the pathogenicity of certain fungi is the dramatic decrease of the American chestnut tree by _____

An ascomycete

Lichens are _____

Symbiotic associations of photosynthesizers and fungi

Where and when does fertilization occur in the mushroom life cycle?

In a mushroom, when the nuclei of a dikaryotic cell fuse

What is the importance of the extended dikaryotic stage in the life cycles of basidiomycetes?

It allows for more genetic recombination

Fungi in the phylum Basidiomycota are the most important decomposers of wood because of their ability to break down _____


Microscopic analysis of basidiomycete would reveal ____

Dikaryotic cells with haploid nuclei

The mushroom in a basidiomycete life cycle serves the same function as the ______ in the ascomycete life cycle, which is to _____

Ascocarp.... scatter sexually produced spores

Which characteristic below is shared by plants, animals, and fungi?

They are multicellular eukaryotes

Animals probably evolved from colonial protists. How do animals differ from these protist ancestors?

Animals have more cells than their protist ancestors, and their cells show greater specialization.

During the development of most animals, cleavage leads to ______

A multicellular blastula

Many young animals are _____, a sexually immature form that is morphologically distinct from the adult stage. These young animals undergo _____ to become ______, which resemble adults but are not yet sexually mature.

Larvae..... metamorphosis.... juveniles

Which of the following correctly lists the embryonic stages in the order that they develop?

zygote, blastula, gastrula, larva

Which example below is a current hypothesis regarding the Cambrian explosion?

Evolution of the Hox gene complex provided developmental flexibility.

Which of the following occurred during the Mesozoic era?

Flight evolved in pterosaurs and birds

Which of the following groups does NOT exhibit bilateral symmetry?


Which of the following is a characteristic of cnidarians?

Ectoderm and endoderm

In the embryo of a shark, ectoderm gives rise to ____; mesoderm gives rise to ______; endoderm gives rise to ________.

The central nervous system...... muscle...... the lining of the digestive tube

All animals with bilateral symmetry have ______ germ layers.


A true coelom is ______

A body cavity lined with mesoderm

Indeterminate cleavage produces embryonic cells that _____

Retain the capacity to develop into a complete embryo

Which of the following is the defining characteristic of the clade Ecdysozoa for which this group is named?

The secretion of stiff external skeletons that must be he'd to permit growth

Unlike other animals, sponges ____

Lack true tissues

Which of the following is characteristic of protostomes?

Cell fate is determined early during embryonic development

Which of the following is a shared trait by protostomes and deuterostomes?

A body cavity

An animal with a true coelom that has _____ cleavage must be a _____

Radial.... deuterostome

The zygotes of man protostomes undergo____ cleavage and ____ cleavage.

Spiral....: determinate

A pseudocoelmate Animal is one in which the body cavity is _____

Lined on one side by mesoderm and on the other side by endoderm

The presence of a coelom is advantageous because _____.

It allows room for the development and movement of internal organs

Indeterminate cleavage produces embryonic cells that _____.

Retain the capacity to develop into a complete embryo

The zygotes of many protostomes undergo_____ cleavage and _______ cleavage.

Spiral..... determinate