Yoga 120A midterm

What are the 4 main systems of yoga (and a subsystem?)

1. Jnana = path of wisdom
2. Bhakti = path of devotion
3. Karma = path of duty
4. Raja = royal path
Hatha = yoga of balanced energy (subsystem of Raja, practiced for exercise)

What are the 5 yamas? and what in general are the yamas?

ahisma (non-violence), astaya (non-stealing), satya (honesty), bramacharya (conservation of energy), aparigraha (non-attachment)
disciplines with regard to others

What are the 5 niyamas? and what in general are the niyamas?

soucha (cleanliness), santosha (contentment), tapas (drive), svadihyaya (self-study), ishvara pranidhana (surrender to the divine energy)
disciplines with regard to ourselves

8 limbs of yoga

1. Yama - social restraints, disciplines in regard to others
2. Niyama - personal observances, discipline in regard to self
3. Asana - posture
4. Pranayama - breath control
5. Pratyahara - withdrawing the mind from sensory stimulation
6. Dharana - concent

Timeline of yoga, books and time period

25000 BC Shamanism,
pre-dating written history
Vedic period
Vedas- believed to be the oldest source of knowledge
Post Vedic period
Upanishads- books of revelations
Jana yoga
Pre-classical Epic period
Bhagavad Gita- tale of duty-Hindu
Bhakti- Karma yoga

Purpose of yoga

to find a perfect balance between body and
mind that permits union with the divine or pure consciousness

two directions of curves of the spine and which section is which

sacral & coccyx-kyphotic

how many vertebrae are there? how many in each part

24 total vertebrae
7 in cervical
12 in thoracic
5 in lumbar

what are the 5 sections of the spine

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx

Benefits of Standing Poses

-good posture
-strengthen bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles
-cardio and respiratory system

benefits of sitting poses

-improve elasticity in lower body
-easier breathing
-pacify mind

benefits of forward bends

-massage abdominal organs
-alleviate stress
-less strain on heart
-stretches back muscles

benefits of back bends

-energize body and stimulate central nervous system (so stimulate body)

benefits of twists

-cleansing effect
-supple spine

benefits of inversion poses

-alleviate stagnant blood flow
-improve health and vitality of all organ systems

benefits of balancing poses

-develop strength, control, coordination, agility and lightness

benefits of restorative poses

-relax and rejuvenate body, refresh the mind

3 phases of yoga pose

moving into pose, being in pose, moving out of the pose

gazing point in sanskrit?

drishti (think drift off your gaze)

6 (Indian) philosophies, yoga is one of them

Shat Darshana meaning

category of tadasana (also what is it)

standing poses, it is mountain pose

what do ligaments do

connect bones

what do tendons do

connect muscle to bone

how many postures in the sun salutations?

9 in A, 17 in B

benefits of sun salutations

strengthens the heart and lungs, lubricates the joints, increases
the metabolic rate and warms up the body, strengthens and stretches the major muscle groups,
improves breathing, builds stamina and develops coordination and agility.
essentially warms up t

what posture gives you the greatest restoration using the least amount of energy?

savasana (corpse pose)

What is Ashtanga yoga?

eight limbs, yogi should practice to attain enlightenment

can anything be used as a prop?
