Final Ch 15 Exam Review

What is abnormal behavior?

it is best classified by the term psychological disorder, which is defined as any pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress, causes them to harm themselves or others, or harms their ability to function in daily life.

abnormal behavior is statistically...


abnormal behavior is deviant from...

social norms

abnormal behavior causes ...

subjective discomfort

abnormal behavior does not allow ...

day-to-day functioning

abnormal behavior causes a person to be ...

dangerous to self or others


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

DSM is useful in providing clinicians with descriptions and criteria for...

diagnosing mental disorders

DSM-5 purpose

widely used system for classifying psychological disorders

What are some revisions in DSM?

-"autism" & "asperger syndrome " combined under austism spectrum disorder
-hoarding disorder & binge-eating disorder were added

Why is DSM revised ?

knowledge & ways of thinking about psychological disorders have changed


irrational, persistent fear of an object, situation, or social activity

social anxiety disorder

fear of negative evaluation in social situations

specific phobias

fear of objects, situations, or events


fear of place/situation from which escape is difficult or impossible

Panic disorder

frequent, disruptive panic attacks; sudden and recurrent onset of intense panic for no reason, with all the physical symptoms that can occur in sympathetic nervous system arousal, and is sometimes accompanied by agoraphobia

generalized anxiety disorder

-Feelings of dread/doom and physical stress lasting at least six months
-Source of anxiety often cannot be pinpointed
-Worry about things most people would not worry about ("what if" worries)

obsessive-compulsive disorder

a disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions)


a disorder characterized by haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, numbness of feeling, and/or insomnia that lingers for four weeks or more after a traumatic experience

depressive disorders affect

involves our moment to moment emotional reactions/expression

depressive disorders mood

involves our overall, prevailing emotional state/tone

Major depression (unipolar depression)

severe depression, sudden, no apparent external cause

bipolar disorder

fluctuate from one extreme to the other

Bipolar I

major depression alternating with manic episodes (more severe)

Bipolar II

hypomania alternating with depression(less severe)

During depression

slowed brain activity, less active left frontal lobe


severely disordered thinking, bizarre behavior, inability to separate fantasy from reality

positive schizophrenia symptoms

-excesses of, or additions to, normal behavior
-Delusional disorder: primary symptom is delusion
-Delusions: unshakeable, false beliefs
-Hallucinations: seeing or hearing things that don't exist

negative schizophrenia symptoms

-less than, or an absence of, normal behavior
-poor attention
-Flat affect: a lack of emotional responsiveness
-Poor speech production

positive schizophrenia symptoms are associated with

over activity of dopamine areas of the brain

negative schizophrenia symptoms are associated with

lower dopamine activity

schizophrenia genetics

brain structural defects have been implicated

schizophrenia biological roots

supported by universal lifetime prevalence across cultures of approximately 7-8 people out of 1000

schizophrenia stress-vulnerability model

Suggests people with genetic markers for schizophrenia will not develop the disorder unless they are exposed to environmental or emotional stress at critical times in development

personality disorders

Persistent, rigid, maladaptive behavior interfering with normal social interaction

odd/ecentric personality disorders

paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal

dramatic, emotional, erratic

antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic

anxiety or fearfulness

avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive

dissociative disorder

Conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings

Dissociative identity disorder (DID)

Rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities; Formerly called multiple personality disorder

anorexia nervosa

Person (usually an adolescent female) maintains a starvation diet despite being significantly underweight

bulimia nervosa

Person alternates binge eating (usually of high-calorie foods) with purging (by vomiting or laxative use), fasting, or excessive exercise

binge eating disorder

Significant binge eating, followed by distress, disgust, or guilt, but without the purging, fasting, or excessive exercise that marks bulimia nervosa

acute stress disorder

-Symptoms occur immediately after traumatic event
-Anxiety, dissociative symptoms, nightmares, flashbacks

Unfocused tension, apprehension, and arousal are symptoms of ______________ ______________ disorder.

generalized anxiety

Those who experience unpredictable periods of terror and intense dread, accompanied by frightening physical sensations, may be diagnosed with a ______________ disorder.


Those who express anxiety through unwanted repetitive thoughts or actions may have a(n) ______________-______________ disorder.

Obsessive compulsive

Treatment for depression often includes drugs that increase supplies of the neurotransmitters ____________ & _____________

norepinephrine; serotonin

Many psychologists reject the "disorders-as-illness"
view and instead contend that other factors may also be involved�for example, the person's bad habits and poor social skills. This view represents the _ approach.


Psychologists who emphasize the importance of negative perceptions, beliefs, and thoughts in depression are working within the ________-________ perspective.

social cognitive

A person with schizophrenia who has _________ may have an expressionless face & toneless voice. Symptoms are most common with _______ schizophrenia & not likely to respond to drug therapy

negative; chronic

people with _______ symptoms of schizophrenia are likelt to experience delusions & are diagnosed with ______ , which is more likely to repond to drug therapy

Positive; acute

chances for recovery from schizophrenia are best when

onset is sudden, in response to stress