Chemistry Lab Quiz

passive transport

substance moves using its own characteristics - NO ENERGY INPUT! Moves down the gradient from the area of higher concentration to the area of lower concentration

types of passive transport

o Simple Diffusion - moves through cell membrane
o Facilitated Diffusion - uses integral protein to get through membrane
o Osmosis - diffusion of WATER (the solvent).
� Depending on solute concentrations may result in osmotic pressure. If water is not per

active transport

� requires the addition of ATP. May go against gradient
(ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate = cellular energy)
o Primary Active Transport = solute pump
o Secondary Active Transport = occurs only after Primary has occurred


� Concentration = amount of a solute in a solution (measured in MOLES)

concentration gradient

� Concentration Gradient = comparison of a solute's concentration between two areas (like inside vs. outside of the cell).

What is the pH scale?

a measure of how many free H+ ions there are in a solution; H+ increase when on acid side, but decrease when on basic side

What affects diffusion rates?

temperature, pressure, concentration

Solute Concentration = _____ relationship
As concentration increases, diffusion rate _______
As concentration ________, so does diffusion rate

direct; increases; decreases

Particle size = Size has an _____ relationship with diffusion rate
Smaller the particle ? _____ the diffusion rate
Bigger the particle ? slower the diffusion rate

inverse; faster

Temperature ? ______ relationship
as temp increases, diffusion rate _____
As temp decreases, diffusion rate _____

direct; increases; decreases

Dialysis answers

The iodine was able to enter the cell because it reacted with the starch to turn the clear fluid more blue.
The iodine permeable and able to enter the cell membrane
The starch was not able to enter the beaker because the ECF stayed a dark brown
Passive ?