Touchstone 3 Unit 4

family gripes

family complaints

Immediate family

closest relations, such as your parents, children, husband, or wife


the man that you are married to


the woman that you are married to


husband or wife

clean up (your room)

the act of making (your room) clean and tidy

do chores

to do the housework


to argue with words, by hitting or using weapons

go over the speed limit

drive a car faster than the fastest speed legally allowed

gripe about

complain; to annoy or irritate: a complaint

have a gripe

have a complain about something

start a family

get married and have kids

stay out late

be away from home until late

ask someone to do something

request another person to do something

get someone to do something

make another person do something for you

have someone do something

force another person to do something

help someone do something

give assistance to another person to do something

let someone do something

give permission to another person to do something

make someone do something

oblige another person to do something

tell someone to do something

give an order to another person to do somethings

want someone to do something

wish another person person do something to you


a man engaged to be married


a woman who is engaged to be married

only child

someone who has no brothers or sisters

Extended family

a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, and uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children


your grandfather's father


your grandmother's mother


brother of your mother or father


sister of your father or mother


a son of your brother or sister


a daughter of your brother or sister

first cousin

the child of your aunt or uncle

second cousin

children of your mother and father's cousin


the brother of your husband or wife


the sister of your husband or wife

Blended family

a family that consists of two adults, the child or children that they have had together, and one or more children that they have had with previous partners


a man who marries your mother but is not your father


a woman who marries your father but is not your mother


the son of your husband or wife from a previous marriage


the daughter of your husband or wife from a previous marriage


the son of your stepmother or stepfather


the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather

half brother

a brother who is the son of only one of your parents

half sister

a sister who is the daughter of only one of your parents

come over



to move on your hands and knees

get divorced

legally end your marriage

get married

to become husband and wife

tease someone

to make fun of someone

back then

at that time

in those days

used to talk about a period in the past


at the present time


brother or sister