04/09/2020 Proc III Collab Flashcards FACIAL AND SINUS UNIT


the apex is where the optic foramen is.


area where the optic foramen transmits the optic nerve back into the sphenoid area

Frontal (orbital plate: goes back underneath the orbit), Zygoma, and Maxilla

the base of the orbit is formed by 3 bones. List them.

optic foramen

passageway for the optic nerve

sphenoid strut

the bony structure between the superior orbital fissure and the optic foramen

blood supply and nerves

the fissures are passageways for?


orbit series is done for pre-screening MRI to see if the patients have any metal shavings...if they were to be a welder...etc.

Tripod Fracture

when the zygoma breaks in 3 diff places. what type of fracture? Usually requires surgery to fix.

blow out fracture

a fracture that occurs in the floor of the orbit.


for the facial bone routine. it is important to include all of the facial bones and all of the mandible. True or False


If you were to clip the mandible on any views of the facial bone routine, it would be a repeat. True or False


For the Facial Bone Routine, you do not need the entire skull nor the vertex. True or False


for the waters method, we are trying to get the petrous ridges out of the face.

Maxillary Sinus

For the Waters Method, the PR should be below what sinus?

Air/fluid levels

if facial bone routine is done upright, it demonstrates what better?

centered to the zygoma

where do you want to center for the lateral?


kV used for the lateral facial bone?


For the lateral facial bone routine, we want the (affected, unaffected) side down?

Outer Canthus and the EAM

For the lateral facial bone view, you want to center midway between which landmarks?


For the waters projection, what line is perpendicular to the IR?


For the waters method, where does the central ray exit?


The waters projection is AKA

37 degrees

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: the degree of difference between the OML and the IR is?

Blowout and Tripod

The waters method looks for what type of fractures?

orbit (especially the roofs)

The waters method is useful for fractures of the _____


kV used for waters method?


Do we use small or large focal spot for waters method?

You rest the chin

How is the chin positioned on the table/upright bucky device for the waters method?


For the waters method, the _____ is 37 degrees with the IR

Petrous Ridges

For the waters method, what should be seen immediately below the maxillary sinuses?

are not

for the PA Waters, sometimes when the patient has trauma on the face, the maxillary sinuses (are/are not) well demonstrated because they may be fluid filled


In the PA waters, if the maxillary sinuses are aerated and appear dark, that means there (is/isn't) pathology


For the PA waters, if the maxillary sinuses are filled with mucous, blood, etc...they may not be well demonstrated...True or False

the distances between the oblique orbital lines and the lateral margin of the skull (even if the parietal eminences are NOT shown in its entirety)

For the PA waters method, what would you use to rule out rotation?


In the Caldwell method, what line is perpendicular to the IR?

15 caudal

How many degrees do you use for the caldwell method?


For the Caldwell method, where does the central ray exit?


For the Caldwell method, the PR should be projected into the lower (1/2,1/3) of orbits

Waters method

the Modified waters is an alternative for the?


Which line is perpendicular to the IR for the modified waters?


For the Modified Waters, how many degrees should be between the OML and the IR?

at the acanthion

For the Modified Waters, the central ray should exit where?

possible orbital fractures and foreign bodies in the eye

The modified waters should demonstrate what?

the floor of the orbits

The modified waters are useful to see what?


For the modified waters, the PR should be in the lower ___ of maxillary sinuses

need a higher technique and that means more patient dose and the led strips will show up on the image and will take away from recorded detail/resolution

what would be the disadvantage to using the grid (increases contrast and reduces scatter radiation) for the lateral nasal bone?

1/2 inch inferior to the nasion

Where do you center for the lateral nasal projection?


What line is perpendicular to the IR for the lateral nose bone?

zygomatic arches are relatively thin

why do we use a grid for the SMV Zygomatic Arches?


what kV is used for the SMV of the zygomatic arches?

1.5 inches distal to the mentum

where do you center for the SMV of the zygomatic arch?


For the SMV of the zygomatic arch...the grid is highly recommended. True or False

Parietal bone(the parietal bone will obscure the zygoma arch)

what happens if you don't tilt the head AWAY for the Oblique Inferosuperior (tangential) projection...what bone will get in the way?

to put the zygomatic arch with the long axis of the IR

why is the head rotated 15 degrees toward the affected side for the Tangential SMV of the zygomatic arch?


for the Oblique Inferosuperior (Tangential SMV), the head is rotated 15 degrees TOWARD the affected side and tilted 15 degrees AWAY from the affected side

depressed fractures of the arch

why is the Oblique Inferosuperior view used to demostrate?

Oblique Inferosuperior (Tangential)
AP Axial (Towne)

what is the basic routine for the zygomatic arch routine?

Parietoacanthial (Waters) and Lateral

What are the special projections for the zygomatic arches?


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