cranial nerves

I - olfactory


II - optic

vision (acuity tests)

III - oculomotor

Pupillary constriction, opening the eye (lid elevation), and most extraocular movements (up, down, medial)

IV - trochlear

eye movement (6 cardinal gazes)

V - trigeminal

sensory of face/mastication/blinking (clench teeth, move face)

VI - abducens

turns eye laterally, 6 cardinal gazes, look side to side

VII - facial

expressions, tongue, taste, smiling

VIII - Vesibulocochlear (acoustic)

hearing and equilibrium, balance history, whisper test

IX - Glossopharyngeal

gag/swallow, taste, speech, gag reflex

X - vagus

gag/swallow, movement of palate and pharynx, parasympathetic

XI - Spinal Accessory

movement of head and shoulders, shoulder shrug with and without resistance

XII Hypoglossal

Tongue movement, speech, swallowing