Lab 1 - Eyelids Ocular Anatomy

At the lid fissures, the skin is tied to the ______.

Periosteum of the underlying facial bones by CT

What do the lid fissures limit?

Hemorrhage, edema, and herniated fat to the lower eyelid

What occurs when the attachments weaken with age?

Dermatochalasis - aka droopy lid

What are the 4 lid muscles?

Obicularis Oculi

What are the 2 regions of the obicularis oculi?

Orbital region
Palpebral region

What three things make up the palpebral region?

Preseptal, pretarsal, ciliary regions

What are the functions of the lid?

Protection of the eye
Limits light entering eye
Contributes to tear production
Spreads tears across the cornea
Drainage of tears

What are the 6 layers of the lid?

1. Skin
2. Subcutaneous Areolar Tissue
3. Muscles
4. Submuscular Areolar Tissue
5. Fibrous tarsal plate
6. Conjunctiva

What are Dermal Glands?

Sweat glands (look like finger prints in H&E stain)

An everted upper eyelid would show what?

Stieda's grooves at the attached border of the tarsal plate

The outermost skin of the lid is how thick?

Thin - less than 1mm

The outermost skin of the lid is formed by what?

Multilaminar keratinocytes

Where do the multilaminar keratinocytes disappear at?

Mucocutaneous junction

What divides the upper lid into a pre-orbital portion and a lower pre-tarsal portion?

The superior palpebral furrow - aka orbital palpebral sulcus

What does blepharochalasis or dermatochalasis mean?

Baggy lids

What layer can be easily distended by edema? What type of tissue is it and what does it NOT contain?

Layer of subcutaneous aerolar tissue- loose connective tissue that contains NO fat

What muscle is most prominent in the muscular layer? What does it do?

The orbicularis oculi muscle- closes the eye lids

In the muscle layer what what two portions does it include adn what is it called at the lid margin?

Orbital and palpebral portion and at lid margin called "muscle of riolan

What is the muscle layer supplied by? (CN and two muscles)

Supplied by facial nerve (CN VII) and levator and tarsal muscle

What layer contains most of the nerves, vessels, and lymphatic?

Submuscular aerolar tissue

What layer is the orbital septum found in

Fibrous layer peripherally

What glands are found in the fibrous layer?

Tarsal glands (meibomian) found in the tarsal plate

What gives the lid their firmness?

Fibrous layer that includes the original septum and tarsal plate

What is the last layer? What does it contain?

Palpebral conjunctiva and contains sero mucous

What inervates the orbicularis oculi, what's its function, and type of muscle is it? Voluntary or involuntary?

It's striated, voluntary, CN7, and closes eyelid

What inervates the levator, what's its function, and type of muscle is it? Voluntary or involuntary?

Levator- striated, voluntary,
superior division of CN 3, raises

What is another name for the tarsal muscle, what type of muscle is it, is it sympathetic or parasympathetic, and voluntary or involuntary?

Tarsal muscle (Mullers muscle)
- smooth muscle, sympathetic,

How many cilia are found in the upper and lower lids?

150 upper
75 lower

How long does it take cilia to grow - how long do they last?

Grow - 10 weeks
Last - 5 months rach

What does the gray line do

Divides the lid anteriorly and posterior;y

What does the anterior portion of the gray line contain

Skin. Subcutaneous aerolar tissue and orbicularis

What does the posterior portion of the gray line include

Tarsal plate, smooth muscle, and conjuctiva

Why is the gray line gray


What is the junction between the dry and moist portion of the eyelids

Mucocutaneous junction

What is important about the skin at the mucocutaneous junction

Skin changes from keratinized to non-keratinixed

Where is the subtarsal fold found?

Near the posterior border of the eyelid margin

What is important about the subtarsal fold in regards to the epidermis

Where the epidermis changes to palpebral conuctiva

What is the secretion of the tarsal glands

Meibum or sebum

How many tarsal glands are in the upper and lower lid

Upper 30-40
Lower 20-30

What is the purpose of the tarsal glands

Secretions prevent overflow of tears
Helps prevent evaporation

How do the tarsal glands run


What is meibomitis

Infection of the meibomian glands

Tarsal plate is what kind of tissue

Dense connective tissue

Is the tarsal gland orifice found on the wet or dry side of the epidermis

Wet - past the mucocutaneous junction

Orbicularis muscle has what CN


What is the purpose / function of the orbicularis muscle

Closes the eyelid

What is the function of the Levator muscle? What cranial Nerve?

Raises the eyelid
CN 3

What is the innervation of the marshal muscle

Sympathetic involuntary (smooth muscle)

What drug stimulates the muller muscle?


The Levator muscle originates where

At the sphenoid bone - lesser wing

Does the Levator muscle run above or below the superior rectus


The Levator muscle receives its blood supply from

The lateral branch of the ophthalmic artery

If the Levator muscle is affected due to CN 3 palsy - what happens

Ptosis - droopy eyelid

Is ptosis seen unilateral or bilateral?


What does the tarsal muscle do

Elevates the eyelid

Where is the tarsal muscle more developed

In the upper fornix

Where is the muller muscle located

Lies underneath the aponeurosis of the Levator

The tarsal muscle will interdigitate with what other muscle

The levator

Why is orbital cellulitis an emergency

It can easily progress to the brain (has already infiltrated past the orbital septum) - will affect the CNS

Is pre-septum cellulitis more dangerous or less dangerous

Less dangerous because it hasn't gone into the orbit yet

What is the gland of Zeiss?

Modified sebaceous gland

What does the zeiss gland secrete


Where are the zeiss glands found

Attached to a hair follicle - 2 per follicle

What infection is associated with a zeiss gland

External hordeolum or a stye

What kind of secretion is associated with zeiss

Holocrine secetion

Ciliary glands are also called?

Moll glands

What kind of glands are moll glands

Modified sweat gland

How is the lumen of a moll gland compared to a zeiss gland

Moll have larger lumens

What is the mode of secretion of moll / ciliary glands


What gland provides the baseline of tears


What control - para or sym - is the Wolfring gland under


How many Wolfring glands are there per lid

3-4 per lid

Are the Krause glands smaller or larger


Where are the Krause glands found

Towards the fornix

How many Krause glands are there per lid

40-50 per lid

What is chronic chalazion

Inflammation of the tarsal gland

Are chalazions painful and red


Is a chalazion an infection


Is an acute chalazia - internal hordeolim - what is the infection in and how does it present

Infection of the tarsal gland
Red painful with discharge

What Is the lacus lacrimalis

Medial accumulation of tears

What is a yellowish modified skin with sweat glands and hair


What is the remnants of the third eyelid

Plica semilunaris

What is found in the plica semilunaris

Goblet cells and melanophores

What arteries supply the lid

Medial and lateral palpebral arteries

Branches of the ophthalmic and lacrimal arteries anastomoses to form what

The tarsal arcades at the lid margin

Stieda's grooves are attached where

To the border of the tarsal plate

How can you see steida's grooves

Evert the upper eyelid

The medial palpebral Arch is a branch of what artery

Ophthalmic artery

The lateral palpebral arch is a branch of what artery

Lacrimal artery

The lacrimal artery is a branch of what artery

Ophthalmic artery

What two veins make up the pre-tarsal venous system

The anterior facial and superior temporal veins

The anterior facial vein and superior temporal veins drain into

Internal and external jugular systems

What veins make up the post-tarsal region

The opthalmic / orbital veins

The opthalmic veins drain into what two things

Cavernous sinus and pterygoid plexus

The lateral portion of the upper and lower lids drain into the

Parotid lymph nodes

The medial portion of the upper and lower lids drain into

Submandibular nodes and submental

What nerve provides sensory innervation to the lid


The upper lid sensory is served mainly by

The supraorbital nerve

The upper lid sensory is served medially by

The Supra and infra trochlear nerve

The upper lid sensory is served laterally by

Lacrimal branches of the opthalmic nerve

The lower lid sensory is served by the

Infraorbital nerve

The infraorbital Nerve is a branch of what nerve


What conjuctiva is found over the lid

Palpebral conjuctiva

What conjuctiva covers the sclera


What conjuctiva is adherent to the aerolar tissue

Fornix conjuctiva

The conjuctiva epithelium is how many cells thick

2-4 cells thick

The conjuctiva epithelium is what kind of cells

Non-keratinized straitifed squamous - all cells are nucleated

Where does the conjuctiva begin

Near the mucocutaneous junction

The conjunctival epithelium is continuous with what

The corneal epithelium

Where are goblet cells highly numerous

In the fornix conjuctiva

Where are goblet cells absent

At the mucocutaneous junction and limbus

Where are goblet cells very prevalent

Beyond the subtarsal fold

What produces the inner layer of the tear film

Mucin glands - MUC5AC

Review glands associated with each portion of the tear film.

Slide 54

Goblet cells are what kind of secretion - Holocrine or apocrine?

Both - normally Holocrine though

What layer is the outermost layer of tears?

Lipid layer

What glands help make the lipid layer?

Tarsal Glands
Moll glands

What is the middle layer of the tears?

Aqueous Layer

What glands help make the aqueous layer?

Lacrimal Gland
Accessory Lacrimal Gland (Wolfring)
Fornix Accessory Lacrimal Gland (Krause)

What is the innermost layer of the tears?

Mucous layer

What glands help make the mucous layer?

Goblet cells
Lacrimal gland cells

What layer of the tear film has defense mechanisms?

Middle layer - Aqueous

What layer of the tear film wets the microvilli of the corneal epithelium?

Mucous layer

The lacrimal gland is separated into what two glands by what?

Orbital portion and palpebral portion by the aponeurosis of the levator muscle

The lacrimal gland receives blood by what artery?

Lacrimal artery

The lacrimal gland is drained by ______ into ______ vein.

Lacrimal vein into the opthalmic vein

The lacrimal gland is essentially ...


The lacrimal gland may resemble what other gland (non-tear related)?

Parotid gland

The lacrimal gland is composed of two different cell types that secrete ....

Mucin and serous product

What are found in the tubules of the lacrimal gland?

Myoepithelial cells

The final product of the lacrimal gland has what kind of content?

Proteineous content that is bacteriocidial

What is a small orifice on the medial upper and lower lid margin?

Punctum lacrimalis

What is the papilla lacrimalis?

The raised tissue surrounding the punctum

Each canaliculi has a vertical and horizontal component of what dimensions?

Vertical 2mm
Horizontal 8mm

Where do canaliculi enter the lacrimal sac?

2mm below its apex

During blinking, the canaliculi are pulled _________, and _________.

Shortened and compressed

What compresses the canaliculi?

The lacrimal part of the orbicularis

The lacrimal sac measures how many mm long?


The nasolacrimal duct measures how many mm long?

18mm long

What does the nasolacrimal duct connect?

The inferior meatus of the nose with the lacrimal sac

What serves as a valve preventing air from entering the lacrimal sac when you blow your nose?

Plica lacrimalis

What is trachoma?

Where the eye-lid turns in

What is lagophthalmos?

The lid rolls out - can cause dry eye

What are pinguecula and ptyergiums caused by?

Overgrowths due to UV exposure