Wolf Hollow

In the book Wolf Hollow what is the name of the new kid at school?

Betty Glengarry page 6

In the book Wolf Hollow what did Annabelle get on her fifth Christmas from her aunt?

a china piggy bank page 3

In the book Wolf Hollow who threw the rock that hit Ruth in the eye?

Betty, page-136

In the book Wolf Hollow Anabelle's mother send's extra food after dinner bundled up for Toby because she says this other is "not enough for a grown man." What is she referring to?

Squirrel, page-38

In the book Wolf Hollow, what does Annabelle's mother use jewel weed to treat?

poison ivy, page-58

In the book Wolf Hollow what kind of trees does Annabelle's family prune and sell for Christmas?

spruce, page-83

In the book Wolf Hollow who is the constable, described as having a big face, red cheeks, and not much hair?

Constable Oleska, page-99

In the book Wolf Hollow what was Ruth's father's profession?

bookkeeper, page-65

In the book Wolf Hollow Ruth and Annabelle were playing what game during recess when Mr. Ansel came along with his wagon the day that Ruth was hit with the rock?

Cat's cradle, page-64

In the book Wolf Hollow what did Mr. Ansel have in his wagon the day he stopped at the school to talk with the kids, and when Ruth was hit with the rock?

apples, page-64

In the book Wolf Hollow what is Toby's favorite food?

hickory nut pie, page-149

In the book Wolf Hollow what was Annie Gribble's job?

telephone operator for making connections of lines, page-110

In the book Wolf Hollow how did Annabelle twist her foot?

stepped in a groundhog hole, page

In the book Wolf Hollow what kind of livestock does Turner raise?

cattle and pigs, page-135

In the book Wolf Hollow where did Toby say he was from while he was undercover?

Hopewell, page-173

In the book Wolf Hollow what was the book Toby read while in the barn?

Treasure Island, page-166

In the book Wolf Hollow what happened to make Toby laugh the first time Annabelle ever heard him laugh or smile?

He bit into a roll that had a surprise squirt of soft butter on the inside, page-159

In the book Wolf Hollow what did Toby say his job was while he was undercover?

carpenter, page-210

In the book Wolf Hollow what is Toby's name while he is undercover?

Jordan, page-206

In the book Wolf Hollow where did Toby say he (undercover Jordan) was from before Hopewell?

Maryland, page-209

In the book Wolf Hollow when Betty had gone missing, where did they eventually find her?

in a well,at the Cobb place page-192

In the book Wolf Hollow what color describes the Turtle Stone?

red, page-227

In the book Wolf Hollow how did the class welcome Annabelle when she returned to school the day after Betty was found?

with a standing ovation, page-224

In the book Wolf Hollow ow did Sarah eventually recognize that "Jordan" was actually Toby?

from the scars on his hand, page-213

In the book Wolf Hollow when Betty was found in the well by the search party of men, who did the men lower head first into the well to rescue her?

Jordan, aka Toby, page-198

In the book Wolf Hollow how deep was Betty inside the well?

25', page-195

In the book Wolf Hollow what item of Betty's was caught on a rusty pipe that kept her from following all the way down the well?

her poncho, page-195

In the book Wolf Hollow a second pipe in the well impaled what part of Betty?

her shoulder, page-200

In the book Wolf Hollow when the barn was cleaned out after Toby's departure, what was the last thing remaining?

the book Treasure Island, page-242

In the book Wolf Hollow when Toby returned to the barn a final time, what did he want to say to Annabelle?

I would've liked a daughter like you", page-246

In the book Wolf Hollow what did Henry and James find in the barn?

Toby's hat, page-240

In the book Wolf Hollow what did Betty die of?

infection, page-259

In the book Wolf Hollow how did the town find out that Toby was not responsible for throwing the rock that hit Ruth?

Ms. Gribble eavesdropped on Annabelle's call to Andy, and spread the news, page-271, 272

In the book Wolf Hollow what did Toby leave behind in Annabelle's grandfather's coat pocket?

the star from his Congressional Medal of Honor, page-283, 284

In the book Wolf Hollow what word was on Toby's medal?

Valor, page-283

In the book Wolf Hollow where was Toby buried?

top of the hill above Wolf Hollow, page-289

In the book Wolf Hollow which armed forces did Toby serve?

the Army, page-289

In the book Wolf Holloww hat did Annabelle say she learned in the year before she turned 12?

to tell the truth, page-291