What is Light?

_____ is a form of energy.


Often sources of _____ give off heat.


_____light is made up of all colors.


colors of light

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet; ROYGBIV

All light is made of _____


A _____ is the distance from the top of one wave to the top of the next wave.


_____ has the longest wavelength while _____ light has the shortest.

red, violet

_____ is the 7 colors of light that make up white light.

visible spectrum

The _____ spectrum is only a small part of the _____ spectrum.

visible, electromagnetic

The _____ wavelengths are _____ waves and have the _____ energy.

longest, radio, lowest

The _____ wavelengths are _____ waves and have the _____ energy.

shortest, gamma, highest

A _____ forms when light is blocked and has the shape of whatever is blocking the light.


Shadows show that light travels in _____ lines or _____.

straight, rays

Light cannot _____ or _____.

bend, go around things

The size of a shadow depends on the _____.

angle of the light ray

Light that reaches your eyes is ____ light.


____ occurs when light strikes a surface and bounces off.


Most surfaces _____ at least some light.


_____ surfaces reflect the most light.


The law of reflection is when the _____ of reflected light is _____ to the ______.

incoming angle, equal, outgoing angle

_____ is the bending of light as it passes from one material to another.


Most materials _____ the light falling on them.


Some materials allow light to _____.

pass through

_____ happens when light passes through glass, water, or other transparent materials.


Light travels at different _____ in different materials.


The _____ the material, the _____ light travels through it.

denser, slower

Light _____ and _____ at the point where it passes from _____ to _____.

slows, bends; air, water

During refraction the light ray simply _____ as it passes from one _____ to another.

changes direction, material

2 kinds of lenses.

convex, concave

_____ lens bulges in the middle and brings rays of light _____

convex, together

_____ lens curves _____ and spreads light rays _____.

concave, inward, apart

The color of an object depends on the color of _____ it reflects.

visible spectrum

_____ and _____ are not true colors

black, white

_____ objects do not absorb any _____.

white, light energy

White objects are _____ in sunlight.


_____ objects absorb all of the _____ of the _____.

black, wavelengths, visible spectrum

Black objects are _____ in sunlight.


_____ objects are made of material that light cannot pass through (wood, people).


_____ objects let light pass through ( glass).


_____ material reflects some light and lets the rest pass through (a plastic cup).


_____ are thin beams that have one _____ of light.

lasers, wavelength

All of the _____ of a laser travel in the _____ direction.

laser, same

Lasers create a very _____ high-energy _____.

intense, beam

_____ are tubes made of glass or plastic.

optical fibers

Optical fibers keep the light energy _____ the entire length of their _____.

inside, fiber

Information in _____ can travel at nearly the speed of _____.

optical fibers, light

What happens when light reaches your eyes?
1. Light passes through the _____ which is the _____.

cornea, thin clear tissue covering the eye

What happens when light reaches your eyes?
What happens when light reaches your eyes?
2. Light then passes through an opening called the _____, which is the _____.

pupil, black spot at the center of each eye

What happens when light reaches your eyes?
3. After light passes through your pupils, it travels through the _____. Each lens _____ light to the _____ of your eye.

lens, focuses, back

What happens when light reaches your eyes?
4. A tissue called the _____ covers the back of your eyes. The _____ are actually _____.

retina, images, upside down

What happens when light reaches your eyes?
5. _____ travel along your _____ to your brain, which sees the image _____.

images, optic nerve, right side up

What happens when light reaches your eyes?