fluids and electrolytes

which patient is at more risk for an electrolyte imbalance?

an 8 month old with a fever of 102.3 and diarrhea; infants age 1 and under and older adults are at a higher risk of fluid-related problems than any other age group. This is because infants have the highest amount of total body fluid.

After obtaining an EKG on a patient, you notice that ST depression is present along with an inverted T wave and prominent U wave. What lab value would be the cause of this finding

hypokalemia; in hypokalemia, changes include flattening and inversion of T waves in mild hypokalemia, followed by Q-T interval prolongation, visible U wave and mild ST depression

A nurse is admitting a client who reports nausea, vomiting, and weakness. The client has a oral mucous membranes and blood pressure 102/64 mm Hg. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as manifestations of fluid volume defecit?

-decreased skin turgor
-concentrated urine
-low - grade fever

A nurse is admitting an older adult client who reports a weight gain of 2.3 kg in 48 hours. Which of the following manifestations of fluid volume excess should the nurse expect?


A nurse is assessing a client who is dehydrated. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?


A nurse is caring for a client in a long-term care facility who has become weak, confused, and experienced dizziness when standing The client's temperature is 100.9, pluse 92/min, 20 rr, and 108/60. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

monitor for orthostatic hypotension

A nurse is caring for a client who has a blood sodium level of 133 and blood potassium of 3.4. The nurse should recognize that which of the following treatments can result in the laboratory findings?

three tap water enemas; this can result in a decrease in levels. tap water is hypotonic and GI losses are hyertonic

A nurse is caring for a client who has a blood potassium 5.4. The nurse should assess for which of the following manifestations?

ECG changes; potassium can affect the heart rhythm and lead to arrythmias

A nurse is caring for a client who has a nasogastric tube attached to low intermittent suctioning. The nurse should monitor for which of the following electrolyte imbalances?

monitor the client for hyponatremia because these loses are isotonic and contain sodium

A nurse is assessing a client who has hyperkalemia. The nurse should identify which of the following conditions as being associated with the electrolyte imbalance?

diabetic ketoacidosis

A nurse is assessing a client for chvosteks sign. which of the following techniques should the nurse use to perform this test?

tap lightly on the client's cheeck

A nurse is caring for a client admitted with confusion and lethargy. The client was found at home unresponsive with an empty bottle of aspirin lying next to the bed. Vital signs reveal blood pressure 104/72 mm hg, heart rate 116 with regular rhythm, and 4

pH: 6.98
pa02; 100
paco2: 30
hco3: 18
aspirin toxicity results in metabolic acidosis

A nurse is caring for a client who was in a motor vehicle accident. The client reports chest pain and difficulty breathing. An x-ray reveals the client has a phemothorax. Which of the following arterial blood gas findings should the nurse expect?

ph: 7.6
pao2: 86
paco2: 52
hco3: 24
respiratory acidosis

A nurse is obtaining arterial blood gases for a client who has vomited for 24 hours. The nurse should expect which of the following acid-base imbalances to result from vomiting for 24 hours

metabolic alkalosis: excessive vomiting causes a loss of gastric acid and accumulation of bicarbonate in the blood, resulting in metabolic alkalosis

A charge nurse is teaching a group of nurses about conditions related to metabolic acidosis. Which of the following statements by a unit nurse indicates the teaching has been effective?

metabolic acidosis can occur due to diabetic ketoacidosis; cancer, myasthenia gravis, and asthma result in respiratory acidosis

A nurse is assessing a client who has pancreatitis. The client's arterial blood gases reveal metabolic acidosis. Which of the following are expected findings?

dysthyrthmia and tachypnea