CNA test 4

The role that nursing assistants play in the care of long term care facility residents is


If you find equipment that is in need of repair you should

follow facility policy

To maintain and improve the quality of life for your residents, you must include all of the following into the care you provide EXCEPT

make all the choices for the resident

When you are carrying clean or soiled linen you should remember to

carry it away from your uniform

The first thing you should do if a person has a seizure is

protect the person from injury

Changing a resident's position at least every two hours

prevents skin breakdown

Mrs. Jackson is an insulin dependent diabetic. She has not eaten any of her breakfast. As a nursing assistant you should

report the information

Hair care would NOT be performed

before the resident takes a nap

Which is NOT an age-related change affecting the respiratory tract

cartilage between the ribs becomes softer allowing for greater lung expansion

A resident spilled food on her shirt during lunch. You should

change the shirt so she will look nice

When interviewing for a job as a nursing assistant it is most important to

be on time

Privacy must be provided for a resident when

giving personal care

The facility is having a birthday party for the residents. Residents are assured of assistance in attending the party because of

the Resident Bill of Rights

Nursing assistants may share medical information about a resident with

their charge nurse and co-workers

Examples of normal forgetfulness include the following EXCEPT

forgetting events that just happened minutes earlier

Laying on your back with knees flexed and feet flat on the bed is what position

dorsal recumbant

The nurse asked you to shave a male resident. You understand an important question to ask the nurse before you shave the resident is

is the resident taking anticoagulant medication

The care plan used to

ensure that nursing team members give the same care.

If a resident is having a difficult time hearing you when you speak, interventions you can use to help the resident hear you better are

to stand directly in front of the resident while speak and clearly state each word

Reimbursement of nursing assistant training program costs to a nursing assistant employed in a medicare or medicaid licensed facility is to be fully reimbursed within

three months

Hands should be washed using friction for a minimum of

20 seconds

A nursing assistant should wash his/her hands when

assisting the resident to undress

Intentional treatment that causes harm or injury to a person's body is considered

physical abuse

The plan of care for a resident states she is continent of bladder. The nursing assistant checks the resident to find she has been incontinent of urine. The nursing assistant should

notify the charge nurse

A resident weights 162 pounds using the wheelchair scale. The wheelchair cushion weighs 8 pounds. The wheelchair alone weighs 41 pounds. The correct weight would be

113 pounds

When transferring a resident from her bed to the wheelchair you must

lower the bed, lock all the brakes on the bed and wheelchair, position your wheelchair touching the bed, put on non skid slippers

A normal blood pressure for an adult includes

118/76 mm Hg

A hearing aid should be

checked for any earwax buildup

A resident is brought to the long term care facility today from her home and is crying and appears fearful. The Nursing Assistant understands that the resident's needs at this time fall into Maslow's Hierarchy of needs level


Mrs. Jones was left with a flaccid left arm after her CVA, when dressing her you must

undress her from the strong right side first

Before trimming a resident's fingernails or toenails the nursing assistant soaks them in warm water. How many minutes should you soak the resident's hands and/or feet?

4-6 and 8-10

A word that means the absence of all microorganisms is


A dementia resident is quietly wandering about the secured unit at 4:00 am. He has been up and down all night. The nursing assistant should

make sure he is safe and allow him to wander

Conflict resolution is the process of

going to your immediate supervisor and resolving the conflict in a positive way so that everyone is satisfied

The first stage of dying is


One sign of hearing loss in a resident could be

the resident yells when talking to staff

Common sense rules you should use to promote safety for both you and your resident include

before walking with a resident, check his path for potential trip hazards

The factor that puts the resident at a higher risk for developing a pressure ulcer is

decreased sensitivity to heat and cold

A male resident who is on bed rest after having surgery for a broken hip tells the nursing assistant he needs to void. The nursing assistant would

assist the resident to use a urinal

You are walking with a resident when the resident begins to have a seizure. You will

lower the resident to the floor

When removing Mrs. Smith's wet brief the nursing assistant should place it

in the trash can

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the sequence for donning personal protective equipment (PPE) is

gown, mask or respirator, goggles or face shield and gloves

To maintain resident dignity during feeding the nurse aide should

set on a chair at the residents eye level and make eye contact

Fowler's position refers to a resident

in a semi-sitting position with the head of bed at 40 to 60 degrees

Abduction is the motion of

moving the body part away from the mid-line of the body

Where is a pulse usually taken?

over an artery

As you finish your shift, a patient with a history of bowel incontinence has a strong odor. Your responsibility is to:

provide peri-care in a dignified and private manner

Genital areas should be washed:

from the cleanest to the dirtiest

When the area between the genitals and the anus is cleaned for a female resident, the area should be wiped:

downward toward the anus

The skin is:

disinfected before surgery to prevent infection

A restraint should always be tied to the:

bed frame

A nursing assistant is helping a resident to walk. If the resident becomes faint and begins to fall, the assistant should:

ease the resident to the floor and call for help

How often should mouth care be done for an unconscious resident?

as frequently as needed, at least Q2h

A health insurance plan administered by the Social Security Administration providing health benefits for the elderly is:


NPO means:

nothing by mouth

A resident is in cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is:

the sudden stopping of heart action

Which position would you place Mrs. Sparks in to best assist her with feeding?

high Fowler's in wheel chair

Which of the following is true about dementia?

it is a progressive chronic condition

Insulin regulates the:

amount of sugar in the blood

What is the most important thing to do when feeding a blind resident?

tell the resident what it is that you are feeding him

Keeping information confidential about a client is:

a legal responsibility

The annual survey team will evaluate whether activities

are individualized

A condition of the bladder that causes burning and pain upon urination is


Examples of airborne transmitted diseases include

measles and tuberculosis

Once a resident is admitted to a nursing home thay have the same rights as

US citizens

On routine rounds the nursing assistant finds a resident who is not breathing. The nursing assistant should

call for help and start CPR

The normal temperature range for an axillary temperature for an elderly adult is between

96 degrees F and 98 degrees F

Signs that a resident may have been abused include

withdrawn behavior and unexplained bruises

When nursing assistants complain of frequent back aches, the most likely factor contributing to their back problem would be

bending over to tie their resident's shoe laces

You are properly dressed for work when you are wearing

identification badge, watch, and a uniform

A nurse aide observes a resident who is not assigned to them walking unsteadily towards the bathroom. The nurse aide should

assist the resident as needed

The leading cause of disability in adults is

cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

When caring for a resident with sundowners you should

offer activities and entertainment

Techniques used for effective communication include
