Ch 20

A patient has ptosis resulting from myasthenia gravis. Which assessment finding would the nurse expect to see in this patient?
A Redness and swelling of the conjunctiva
B Drooping of the upper lid margin in one or both eyes
C Redness, swelling, and crusti


When assessing an adult patient's external ear canal and tympanum, what assessment techniques should the nurse use?
A Ask the patient to tip his or her head toward the nurse.
B Identify a pearl gray tympanic membrane as a sign of infection.
C Gently pull


The nurse is assessing a patient's medical history. What aspects of the patient's medical history are most likely to have potential consequences for the patient's visual system?
A Hypothyroidism and polycythemia
B Hypertension and diabetes mellitus
C Atri


The nurse is assessing an older adult patient who has just been transferred to the long-term care facility. Which assessment question will best allow the nurse to assess for the presence of presbycusis?
A "Do you ever experience any ringing in your ears?


Otoscopic examination of the patient's left ear indicates the presence of an exostosis. What does the nurse prepare to teach the patient about regarding the growth?
A Surgery
B Electrocochleography
C Monitoring of the growth
D Irrigation of the ear canal


A college student reports eye pain after studying for finals. What assessment should the nurse make first in determining the possible etiology of this eye pain?
A Do you wear contacts?
B Do you have any allergies?
C Do you have double vision?
D Describe t


The patient reports a loss of central vision. What test should the nurse teach the patient about to identify changes in macular function?
A Amsler grid test
B B-scan ultrasonography
C Fluorescein angiography
D Intraocular pressure testing with Tono-Pen


An older adult patient states they don't seem to hear well and have to ask people to repeat themselves. What should the nurse do first to determine the cause of the hearing loss?
A Look for cerumen in the ear.
B Assess for increased hair growth in the ear


When examining the patient's ear with an otoscope, the nurse observes discharge in the canal and the patient reports pain with the examination. What should the nurse next assess the patient for?
A Sebaceous cyst
B Swimmer's ear
C Metabolic disorder
D Sero


During the course of an interview to assess vision, a patient complains of dry eyes. What should the nurse implement next?
A Assess for contact lenses.
B Suggest saline eye drops.
C Ask about eyeglass usage.
D Check the medication list.


During a health history, a 43-yr-old teacher complains of increasing difficulty reading printed materials for the past year. What change related to aging does the nurse suspect?
A Myopia
B Hyperopia
C Presbyopia
D Astigmatism


A patient complains of intermittent eye dryness. Which question should the nurse ask the patient to determine the etiology of this symptom?
A "Do you take ginkgo to treat asthma or tinnitus?"
B "What do you take if you have allergy symptoms?"
C "Are you t


A patient working in a noisy factory reports being off balance when standing or walking but not while lying down. What term will the nurse use to document this patient's symptoms?
A Vertigo
B Syncope
C Dizziness
D Nystagmus


A patient reporting frequent vertigo is scheduled for electronystagmography to test vestibular function. Which instructions should the nurse provide to the patient before the procedure?
A Eat a light meal before the procedure.
B Avoid carbonated beverages


A patient newly diagnosed with glaucoma asks the nurse what has made the pressure in the eyes so high. Which is the nurse's most accurate response?
A Back pressure from cardiac congestion causes corneal edema.
B Cerebral venous dilation prevents normal in