Domain 4 Foodservice Systems

The ________ determines equipment, food, space, personnel needed


The Type of men is determined by

the facility's food and dining concept

No Choice Menu

nonselective, either cycle or single use
a. serves clientele who are unable or have no desire to choose
b. permits more accurate forecasting, greater control

Limited Choice Menu

provide choices for some items

Choice Menu

selective - better please clientele

There are 6 types of Choice Menus

A. Static, fixed, set
B. Single use
C. Cycle
D. Spoken
E. Room service
F. Two tier

a. static, fixed, set

same menu items every day (restaurant), when clients change daily

b. single use

one day use only
(1) when clientele do not vary from day to day, catered events

c. cycle

standing - repetition of menus in sequence
(1) hospitals with 2-4 day average patient stay: 1 or 2 week cycles
(2) long term care facility: 3 or 4 week cycle
(3) high school lunch programs: two week cycle with four choices.
(4) simplifies purchasing, stan

d. spoken

presented orally

e. room service

patients call when hungry, order from a menu

f. two tier

upscale menu items prepared for those willing to pay extra for them


a. table d'hote - complete meal at set price
b. a la carte - separate items at separate prices
c. du jour - menu of the day; uses leftovers and food bargains
5. Commercial operations - sale of food is primary activity, profit is desired.
6. Non


D. Satisfaction indicators
1. satisfaction surveys
a. hedonic scale: foods rated from extremely like to extremely dislike
(1) facial scales used with children, or if client speaks another language
2. frequence of acceptance - how often they would be willi