NR 509 Week 1

According to the holistic model, a narrow definition of holistic health includes:
A. an optimal functioning of mind, body and spirit within the environment
B. The absence of disease
C. the response of the whole person to actual or potential problems
D. th

B. the absence of disease

An example of subjective data is:
A. Decrease range of motion
B. crepitation in the left knee joint
C. left knee has been swollen and hot for 3 days
D. arthritis

C. left knee has been swollen and hot for 3 days

an example of objective data is:
A. a complaint of left knee pain
B. crepitation in the left knee joint
C. left knee has been swollen and hot for 3 days
D. a report of impaired mobility from left knee pain as evidence from inability to walk, swelling and

B. crepitation in the left knee joint

Which of the following is an example of objective data?
A. Alert and oriented
B. dizziness
C. earache
D. sore throat

A. Alert and oriented

A complete database is:
A. used to collect data rapidly and is often complied concurrently with lifesaving measures
B. used for limited or short-term problems usually consisting of one problem, one cue complex or one body system
C. used to evaluate the ca

d. used to perform a thorough or comprehensive health history and physical examination

What type of database is most appropriate when rapid collection of data is required and often complied concurrently with lifesaving measures?>
A. episodic
B. follow up
C. emergency
D. complete

C. emergency

A nursing diagnosis is best described as:
A. a determination of the etiology of a disease
B. a pattern of coping
C. an individuals perception of health
D. a concise statement of actual or potential health concerns or level of wellness

d. a concise statement of actual or potential health concerns or level of wellness

What type of database is most appropriate for an individual admitted to a long term care facility
A. episodic
B. follow up
C. emergency
D. complete

D. complete

A patient admitted to the hospital with asthma has has the following health problems identified based on the admission health history and physical assessment. Which problem is a first level priority?
A. Ineffective self health management
B. Risk for infec

C. Impaired gas exchange

A medical diagnosis is used to evaluate:
A. A persons state of health
B. The response of the whole person to actual or potential health problems
C. A persons culture
D. the cause of disease

D. the cause of disease

When discussing a treatment plan the nurse infers that the patient is uncomfortable asking the physician for a different treatment because of fear of the physicians reaction. In this situation, the nurses verbal interpretation is:
A. Affects the nurse-phy

C. helps the patient understand personal feelings in relation to his/her verbal message

Parents or caretakers accompany children to health care setting. Starting at ___ years of age, the interviewer asks the child directly about his/her presenting symptoms
A. 5
B. 7
C. 9
D. 11

B. 7

The most appropriate introduction to use to start an interview with an older adult patient is:
A) "Mr. Jones, I want to ask you some questions about your health so that we can plan your care."
B) "David, I am here to ask you questions about your illness;

A. Mr. Jones, I want to ask you some questions about your health so that we can plan your care

The use of euphemisms to avoid reality or feeling is known as:
A. distancing language
B. sympathetic language
C. avoidance language
D. ethnocentric language

c. avoidance language

which of the following statements made by the interviewer is appropriate:
A. I know just how you feel
B. If I were you, I would have the surgery
C. Why did you wait so long to make an appointment
D. Tell me what you mean about "bad blood

D. Tell me what you mean about "bad blood

When preparing the physical setting for an interview, the interviewer should:
A. Set the room temp betw 64 and 66 degrees
B. reduce noise by turning down the tv or radio
C. conduct the interview at eye level and at a distance of 4 to 5 feet
D. stand next

C. conduct the interview at eye level and at a distance of 4 to 5 feet

Nonverbal communication is the primary form for which group of people:
A. Infants
B. preschoolers
C. adolescents
D. older adults

A. infants

Viewing the world from another person's inner frame of reference is called:
A) reflection.
B) empathy.
C) clarification.
D) sympathy.

B. empathy

When addressing a toddler during the interview, the health care provider should:
A) ask the child, before the caretaker, about symptoms.
B) use nonverbal communication.
C) use short, simple, concrete sentences.
D) use detailed explanations.

C. use short, simple, concrete sentences

An example of an open-ended question or statement is:
A) "Tell me about your pain."
B) "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?"
C) "I can see that you are quite uncomfortable."
D) "You are upset about the level of pain, right?

A. tell me about your pain

When recording information for the review of systems, the interviewer must document:
A. physical findings, such as skin appearance, to support historic data
B. "negative" under the system heading
C. The presence or absence of all symptoms under system hea

C. the presence or absence of all symptoms under system heading

The "review of systems" in the health history is:
A) an evaluation of past and present health state of each body system.
B) a documentation of the problem as perceived by the patient.
C) a record of objective findings.
D) a short statement of general heal

A. an evaluation of past and present health state of each body system.

Which of the following statements regarding cultural/race differences in the treatment of pain is true?
A. White individuals receive more analgesic therapy than black or hispanic individuals with similar symptoms
B. Black and hispanic individuals have bee

A. white individuals receive more analgesic therapy than black or Hispanic individuals with similar symptoms

which of the following has been found to influence pain sensitivity in women?
A. age
B. hormonal changes
C. parity
D. weight

B. Hormonal changes

Neuropathic pain implies an abnormal:
A. degree of pain interpretation
B. processing of the pain message
C. transmission of the pain signal
D. modulation of pain signals

B. processing of the pain message

What occurs during transduction (the first phase of nociceptive pain):
A. pain signals move from the site of origin to the spinal cord
B. the pain impulse moves from the spinal cord to the brain
C. the brain interprets the pain signal
d. Chemical mediator

Pain signals move from the site of origin to the spinal cord.

which of the following is the most reliable indicator for chronic pain?
a. MRI results
B. patient self report
C. tissue enzyme levels
D. blood drug levels

B patient self report

Pain signals are carried to the central nervous system by way of:
A. perception.
B. afferent fibers.
C. modulation.
D. referred pain.

B. afferent fibers.

An older adult patient with dementia has a pain rating of 5 on the pain assessment in advanced dementia (PAINAD) scale. The nurse should:
A. reassess the pain level in 3-4 hours
B. administer prescribed pain medication
C. ask the patient to verify the pai

B. administer prescribed pain medication

What is the source of deep somatic pain?
A. skin and subcutaneous tissue
B. Bones and joints
C. pancreas
D. intestine

B. bones and joints

What type of pain is short and self-limiting and dissipates after an injury heals:
A. chronic
B. persistent
C. Acute

C. acute

Specialized nerve endings that are designed to detect painful sensations are:
A. synapses
B. dorsal horns
C. nociceptors
D. C. fibers

C. nociceptors

A 40-yr-old male has cellulitis of the left lower extremity and no history of health problems. Which of the following findings would need further evaluation?
A. calluses on both hands
B. Receding hair line
C. 2+ pedal pulses bilaterally
D. irregular pulse

D. irregular pulse

during auscultation of breath sounds, the examiner should:
A. Compare sounds on the left and right sides
B. listen with the bell of the stethoscope
C. Instruct the patient to breath in and out through nose
D. listen only to the posterior chest for adventi

A. compare sounds on the left and right sides