EMS Basic Ch 40

Which one of the following statements about abuse is true?

It is found in all socioeconomic levels

When assessing a 32-year-old male with a history of mental retardation, you note the protrusion of a clamped tube from her back in the area of her right kidney. The best method of determining what the tube is and why it is in place would be to:

ask family members.

You have been called to a residence for a 63-year-old female with a history of COPD who is short of breath. The patient is moderately dyspneic with the following vital signs: pulse 124, respirations 20, blood pressure 162/56, and SpO 2 at 86%. She is usin

Remove the oxygen concentrator and administer high-concentration oxygen to the patient.

Family has called you after the apnea alarm for their 1-month-old baby sounded. They state that the settings seem too high and the alarm goes off frequently. They would like the home health nurse to readjust the settings, so this scenario can be avoided i

contact medical direction.

When assessing a 65-year-old male patient, you note a tube-like device inserted into the lower portion of his trachea. You recognize that the device has most likely been placed to:

to permit the exchange of O 2 and CO 2.

A confused patient with a tracheostomy tube is breathing shallowly at 8 times per minute. He is nonverbal because of the tracheostomy and has an SpO 2 at 81% on room air. Your immediate action would be to:

attach a bag-valve device to the trachea and start ventilation.

While assessing a patient on a home mechanical ventilator, the low pressure alarm sounds. Your immediate action would be to:

check the connection between the tubing and tracheostomy.

At a long-term care facility, a nurse informs you that the patient you will be transporting has a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) in place. To find this catheter, you should look at the patient's:

antecubital fossa.

A central intravenous catheter is typically placed for what reason?

Repeated administration of medications

A patient has accidentally removed his peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC). Which of the following would be appropriate in the care of this patient?

Apply a bulky dressing to the insertion site to control any bleeding.

You have been called for a male patient who began complaining of chest pain while receiving hemodialysis. Assessment shows no threats to the airway, breathing, or circulation. His vital signs and blood sugar are normal. Of the following questions, which s

Was the dialysis session completed?

A blood pressure cannot be taken in the right arm.

A blood pressure cannot be taken in the right arm.

A patient who is completely reliant on his gastric tube has accidentally pulled it from his body. As such, which one of the following is true?

He is unable to receive his oral medications.

The EMT should recognize a Texas catheter when he observes a:

condom-like device over the patient's penis.

You are preparing a patient with an indwelling urinary catheter for transport. Pertaining to the catheter, which action must the EMT take?

Place the catheter bag below the patient's bladder.

A patient has an intraventricular shunt. As such, you recognize that there is a problem with what system in the body?

Central nervous

A skilled nursing facility has called you for a patient who has a problem with his intraventricular shunt. The patient is a 21-year-old man who was born with hydrocephalus and had the shunt placed shortly after. When assessing the patient, which sign woul

Blood pressure of 210/126 mmHg

An 87-year-old female has called 911 for generalized weakness. When assessing her pupils, you note the right eye to be cloudy, making the assessment difficult. Based on this, the EMT should be suspicious of:


A 77-year-old male who is blind and has a guide dog called 911 for chest pain. On scene you note no immediate life threats and now must move him to the stretcher, located in another room. Which one of the following is most appropriate, given his impairmen

Carry him to the stretcher.

On scene you are presented with a 21-year-old female with multiple disfigurements from birth defects. She is nonverbal and according to her home health nurse, has a fever, which requires transport to the emergency department. Your partner is familiar with


You are positioning an obese patient weighing 360 pounds on a stretcher for transport to the hospital. Given that the patient is complaining of a headache, which one of the following is appropriate?

Allow the patient to assume a position of comfort.

You are assessing a patient with COPD who uses an oxygen concentrator. As such, you recognize:

the patient requires less than 6 lpm of oxygen.

On scene, you are by the side of a 3-week-old male who was born prematurely and has an apnea monitor on. His mother states that she was awakened by the alarm and when she went to check on the baby, he was awake and crying. Assessment reveals him to be res

further assess the baby and treat any problems found prior to transport

Which of the following correctly identifies a stoma?

The opening in the neck for a tracheostomy tube

At a nursing home, a patient is on a ventilator. The settings are rate 10, tidal volume 550, and oxygen concentration 50%. Which of following is true?

A volume of 5,500 mL is delivered every minute

A ventilator-dependent patient is being ventilated with a bag-valve mask as he is transported to the hospital. Which of the following is the best indication that the patient is being adequately ventilated?

SpO 2 reading of 98%

Which of the following medical problems commonly leads to vision problems?


On scene, you must lead a patient's visually impaired wife from the house to the ambulance. This is best accomplished by:...

placing her hand on your shoulder.

A 17-year-old male with cerebral palsy and severe mental retardation fell down five stairs and is crying. To best determine if the patient is in pain, the EMT should:

ask the father to ask the patient

A patient with a past history of quadriplegia from a 4-wheeler accident would most likely be unable to:

hold utensils