
The total area under a normal distribution is infinite-T/F


The standard normal distribution is a continuous distribution-T/F


ALl variables that are approximately normally distributed can be transformed to standard normal variable-T/F


The z-value corresponding to a number below the mean is always negative-T/F


The area under the standard normal distributions to the left of z=0 is negative-T/F


The central limit theorem applies to means of samples selected from different populations


The mean of the standard normal distribution is


approximately what percentage of normally distributed data values will fall within 1 standard deviation above or below the mean


Which is not a property of the standard normal distribution

It's uniform

When a distribution is positively skewed, the relationship of the mean, median, and mode from left to right will be

Mode, median, mean

The standard deviation of all possible means equals

Populations standard deviation divided by square root of the sample size

When one is using the standard normal distribution P(z<0) =


The difference between a sample mean and a population mean is due to

sampling error

the mean of the sample means equals

the population mean

the standard deviation of all possible sample means is called the

standard errror of the mean

The normal distribution can be used to approximate the binomial distribution when n
p and n
q are both greater than or equal to


The correction factor for the central limit theorem
should be used when the sample size is greater than
of the size of the population.
