Graph Analysis: y=-2x+6

Solution (4,4)


This point is a solution to y=-2x+6. It has a negative x value


It's a solution to the function y=-2x+6. It is also the y-intercept



(1,4) is a solution to y=-2x+6


(2,2) is a solution to y=-2x+6

This Point is a solution to y=-2x+6. It is also the x-intercept


This point is a solution to y=-2x+6. It has a negative y-value.


A point that is not a solution to y=-2x+6. It has a positive x value and a positive y value


This point is not a solution to y=-2x+6. It has a negative x and a positive y value.


This point is not a solution to y=-2x+6. It has a negative x-value and a negative y-value


This is the origin. It is not a solution to y=-2x+6


This is the vertical number line (y-axis)


This is the horizontal number line (x-axis)


A line that has all the points that balance the equation y = -2x+6
