9.4 Worksheet

When an isolated muscle fiber is exposed to a stimulus of a certain strength causing it to fire.

Threshold stimulus

The delay between the time of stimulation and the beginning of a contraction

Latent period

The force developed by a muscle is reflected by the _________________ of stimulation and ______________ of fibers that take part in the contraction.

Frequency, number

In a sustained muscle contraction the force of individual twitches combines by the process of...


An increase in the number of activated motor units is...


Even when a muscle appears to be at rest, its fibers undergo certain degree of sustained contraction also called ___________________ _________________.

muscle tone

When muscles shorten or lengthen during a contraction.


Which of the following exercise would be an example of an isometric contraction.

hanging from a pull up bar without moving.

Two types of muscle fibers are type I or ___________ twitch fibers and Type II or ___________ twitch fibers.

slow, fast

Fast-twitch muscles are ___________ in color due to the fact they have less myoglobin.


Distance runners would have more Type _______ muscle fibers than sprinters would.


Recognize myogram of a single twitch.

What does the y axis of a myogram represent?

Force of contraction.

Recognize a myogram of sustained contraction with partial relaxation.

Recognize a myogram of sustained contraction where individual twitches are indiscernible.