Algebra: Exploring real numbers

Natural numbers are

the counting numbers 1,2,3,...

Whole numbers are

the NON negative integers 0,1,2,3,...

Another way to define whole numbers is

the counting numbers plus zero!!

Integers are

whole numbers and their opposite ...-2,-1,0,1,2,...

Remember that integers include...


Rational numbers are

Real numbers that can be written in the form a/b (fraction)

Rational number in decimal form are


Irrational numbers are numbers

that cannot be written in the form a/b (fraction)

Irrational numbers in decimal form are

NON-terminating and NON-repeating

real numbers are numbers that are

either rational or irrational

counterexample is

any example that proves a statement false

An inequality is a mathematical sentence that

compares the values of two expressions using an inequality symbol

opposites are numbers that are

the same distance from ZERO on a number line, but LIE in opposite directions

absolute value is

the DISTANCE that a number is from zero on a number line

Classify -13

INTEGERS, rational numbers

Classify 3.28

rational numbers

-12 belongs to which sets of numbers?

Integers, rational numbers

5/16 belongs to which sets of numbers?

rational numbers b/c quotient is a number with repeating decimal, 1.6666666.... i.e. 6 repeats forever!

-4.67 belongs to which sets of numbers?

rational numbers (terminating as a decimal)

6 belongs to which sets of numbers?

natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers

Is it true or false that ALL whole numbers are integers?


Is it true or false that NO fractions are whole numbers?

FALSE - ex. 3/1 =3

order from least to greatest 1/12, -2/3, and -5/8

-2/3, -5/8, 1/12

what is the absolute value of l-2.5l ?


what is the absolute value of l5l


what is the absolute value of l-4l


what is the absolute value of l-3.7l


what is the absolute value of l5/7l


An IRRATIONAL number CANNOT be written as a


A RATIONAL number CAN be written as a


Give the example of the most famous irrational number

pi (3.14........................)

is the square root of 2 rational or irrational?

Irrational b/c its decimal form is NON-terminating and NON-repeating

Is zero a whole number?


is 5 a natural number?


Is the square root of 4 an integer?

YES, it =2 and 2 is an integer.

Is ZERO negative or positive?

neither negative nor positive

The absolute value of any number

is always POSITIVE