College Algebra - Chapter 4

Exponential Funtion

f(x) = b^x
Where b is a real number, b>0, but b does not equal 1.
x can be any real number.

The graph of an exponential function f with base b

It approaches, but does not touch the x-axis. This axis, whose equation is y=0, is a horizontal asymptote.

Transcendental function

Beyond the traditional polynomials and rational functions of algebra.

Is this an exponential function? If so, what is the base?

1.) 2^x
Yes, base is 2
2.) x^2
3.) 10^x
Yes, base is 10
4.) 1^x
No (b cannot equal 1)
5.) 3^x+1
Yes, base is 3
6.) (-2)^x
7.) -3^x
Yes, base is 3 (-1*3^x)
8.) ?^-x
Yes, base is pi

Natural Base

An irrational number denoted by e
Defined as: e = (1+1/n)^n

Compound Interest- compounding periodically

A= P(1+r/n)^nt
A: Accumulated amount
P: Principal
r: interest rate as a decimal
t: time in years
n: the number of compounding periods per year

n times per year and the word that goes with it

12 - monthly
4 - quarterly
2 - semiannually
1 - annually
365 - daily

Compound interest- compounding continuously

A= Pe^rt
A: Accumulated amount
P: Principal
r: interest rate as a decimal
t: time in years

Definition of a logarithmic function

For x>0, b>0
b does not equal 1
base is b

Important bases

10" common log
"e" natural log

Domain and range of a log function

Domain: 0 to infinity
Range: negative infinity to positive infinity

When changing from log to exponential or vice versa

Ask what number is the base raised to in order to equal the argument?

Properties for when base is b

1.) logbb^1 = 1
b^1= b
2.) logb^1= 0
b^0 = 1
3.) logbb^x = x
4.) b^logbx = x

Properties for when base is 10

1.) log10b^1 = 1
10^1= 10
2.) log10^1= 0
10^0 = 1
3.) log10b^x = x
4.) 10^logbx = x

Properties for when base is e

1.) logeb^1 = 1
e^1= e
2.) loge^1= 0
e^0 = 1
3.) logeb^x = x
4.) e^logbx = x

Properties for logb

1.) logbb = 1
2.) logb^1 = 0
3.) logbb^x = x
4.) b^logbx = x

Properties for log (log10)

1.) log10 = 1
2.) log1 = 0
3.) log10^x = x
4.) 10^logx = x

Properties for ln

1.) lne = 1
2.) ln1 = 0
3.) lne^x = x
4.) e^lnx = x

Product rule

logbMN = logbM + logbN

Quotient rule

logbM/N = logbM - logbN

Power rule

logbM^P = PlogbM

Change of base formula

logba = loga/logb or lna/lnb

Method one to solving exponential equations

Use like bases when you can write both sides of the equation with the same base
for example:
5^3x-6 = 125
5^3x-6 = 5^3
3x-6 = 3
3x = 9

Method two to solving exponential equations

Use logarithms when you can't use like bases
for example:
10^x = 8000
log(10^x) = log(8000)
x = log(8000)
e^2x = 8
lne^2x = ln8
2x/2 = ln8/2
x= ln8/2

Solving log equations

1.) for logbM = C
c is a number
use the log definition to solve : y=logbx <--> b^y=x
2.) for logbM= logbM= logbN
then M=N
where M,N>0

Population growth

P= P0e^kt
P: population at time, k
P0: initial population
K: growth rate

Population decay

P= P0e^kt
P: population at time, k
P0: initial population
K: decayrate