Cellular Physiology: Role of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

energy currency

present in all living cells...


combination of adenine(nitrogen containing base), ribose(sugar) and three phosphate groups is...

high-energy" bonds

ATP's last two phosphate radicals are connected by what are referred to as ___

12,000 calories

removing of each phosphate radical liberates ___ of energy


___ hydrolyze the 3rd energy phosphate bond of ATP producing ADP+Pi+energy


___ are enzymes that phosphorylate (add the Pi released from ATP to other enzymes or molecules to activate them)=chemical swithch

nutrients; digestive tract lumen; storage sources; process of cellular respiration

ATP formation begins with the release of ___(carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins) either from the ___ or from ___ and the ___

cellular respiration

the process ___ consists a series of oxidation-reduction reactions and composed of three parts

glycolysis; kreb's or critric acid cycle; electron transport system

in the oxidation reduction reactions of cellular respiration, the three parts are: ___(cytoplasm; requires no oxygen); ___(mitochondrion; requires oxygen); and ___(mitochondrion; requires oxygen)

aerobic respiration

where oxygen is required is referred to ___


___ is 10 enzyme-catalyzed steps to form pyruvic acid

glucose; fructose-1-6-bicarbonate; ATP

the 10 enzyme-catalyzed steps are: a 6-carbon molecule of ___ converted into _________; requires an initial investment of 2 molecules of ___

fructose-1-6-bicarbonate; 3 carbon molecules; phosphoglyceraldehyde(PGAL)

after the investment of 2 molecules in enzyme-catalyzed: ________ is then split by an enzyme into two new ___; a rearrangement occurs to from ___

4 ATP/glucose; NAD+(nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide); NADH; ETS

PGAL undergoes further enzyme-catalyzed changes leading to the following end results: ___(only net 2 ATP); ___(electron carrier), that is converted to ___ which will be used in ___

2 molecules of pyruvic acid

ETS is the production of ___(3 carbons each)


For the fate of pyruvic acid from glycolysis is oxygen is not present at the cellular level. This is called
___(no oxygen)

lactid acid, glycolysis; regenerates NAD+

if no oxygen is available, pyruvic acid is converted to ___(build up causes muscle soreness); there is no additional ATP produced(only ATP produced was through ___); the fate of pyruvic acid allows glycolysis to start over(___)

36 more ATP molecules

if oxygen is present in the fate of puruvic acid from glycolysis, then pyruvic acid is efficiently consumed yielding ___(from the original glucose)

pyruvic acid; aerobic respiration

we want to take ___ and run it through ___ which occurs in mitochondrion(Kreb's or Citric Acid Cycle and the Electron Transport System)

matrix reactions; acety CoA

aerobic respiration: ___(mitochondrion) = pyruvic acid from glycolysis is converted into ___, which enters the citric acid cycle

oxaloacetic acid

the final product in citric acid cycle is ___ which combines with an incoming acetyl CoA and the cycle turns again


in matrix reactions of aerobic respiration, the following side products are produced: ___ and ___ (carry electrons to the ETS); 6 molecules of ___(waste products); and ___

Electron Transport System

in membrane reactions of aerobic respiration, ___ is the last step

proton(H+) gradient

membrane reactions of aerobic respiration uses energy from electrons to create a ___
(chemiosmotic mechanism)

potential energy; kinetic energy

membrane reactions of aerobic respiration converts ___ into ___ to produce ATP

NAD for glycolysis, the citric acid cycle

membrane reactions of aerobic respiration regenerates _____ and _____ to continue

mitochondrial membrane

ETS is located in the inner ___

NADH, FADH2, proteins

ETS higher-electrons are are transferred from ___ and ___ to carriers (___) embedded in the membrane

NADH, mobile carriers; electrons

the protein carriers of the ETS in the membrane consist of ___ and ___ arranged in a specific order, ___ is passed from one carrier to another

protons (H+)

as electrons are "passed" down the chain of carriers in the ETS, ___ are pumped to the intermembrane space

oxygen; final electron acceptor; metabolic water

(ETS): when the electron reaches the last carrier in the ETS, it is passed to ___; this is the role of oxygen to act as the ___; the result is the production of ___


the founder of ETS in aerobic respiration is ___

inner membrane, H+, ATP synthases; electric current; oxidized

(ETS): ___ is only permeable to ___ through specific channels called ___; H+ flows through this channel creating an ___ that is used to create ATP; 36-38 ATP/glucose is produced when glucose is completely ___


in lipid metabolism, the process of breaking down lipids to produce ATP is ___

triglycerides; pyruvic acid, Kreb's cycle

___ is broken down into glycerol and fatty acids; then glycerol is converted into ___ and enters the ___
(glycerol bypasses lipolysis to pyruvic acid)

fatty acids, beta oxidation; ketone bodies

in lipid metabolism, the ___ undergo ___ in the mitochdriaand are converted into acetyl-CoA which enters the Kreb's cycle; in the liver, fatty acids are converted to ___(acidic)

amino acids, digestive tract; deamination

in protein metabolism, proteins are broken down to ___ in the ___; in the liver, amino acids undergo ___
(removal of the NH2 and a H)=change;

ammonia, keto acid; urea, kidneys

the results of deamination in protein metabolism is the production of ___(NH3) and a ___; the NH3 is converted into ___ and is eliminated from the body by the ___; the keto acid(goes on to produce energy) enters the Kreb's cycle or citric acid cycle