Biochem Chapter 8: Biological Membranes

plasma membrane properties

phospholipid bilayer

fluid mosaic model

glycoprotein coat

created by carbohydrates associated with membrane-bound proteins

phospholipid dynamics

move rapidly in plane of membrane through diffusion

lipid rafts

collects of similar lipids that serve as attachment points for other biomolecules (signaling roles)


enzymes that assist with flipping of lipids in membrane (energetically unfavorable b/c polar head must be forced into nonpolar region)

components of membrane: lipids, carbs, proteins, nucleic acids - most to least plentiful?

lipids > proteins > carbs > nucleic acids


storage lipids - involved in metabolism

unsaturated v saturated fatty acids - effect on fluidity

unsaturated: increase fluidity
saturate: decrease fluidity


transport essential fatty acids as triglycerides from the intestine

cholesterol structure

hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions; maintains membrane fluidity


extremely hydrophobic lipids: long-chain fatty acid and long-chain alcohol (waterproofing in plants)

transmembrane proteins

pass completely through bilayer

embedded protines

associated with only one surface of bilayer - catalytic activity linked to nearby enzymes

integral proteins

transmembrane and embedded

membrane-associated (peripheral) proteins

bound by electrostatic interactions or by other proteins - recognition/signaling

carbs on bilayer

generally attached to proteins; hydrophilic - forms coat with water; acts as signaling/recognition

membrane receptors tend to be

transmembrane proteins; activate/deactivate transporters for facilitated diffusion and active transport

cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)

cell-cell junctions made of proteins that allow cells to recognize each other

gap junctions

connexons; allow for direct cell-cell communication; made of protein-surrounded pores that allow movement of water and solutes

tight junctions

physical link between cells as they form a layer of tissue (prevent solutes from leaking into space b/w cells)


anchor cytoskeletons of adjacent cells - formed by interactions b/w transmembrane proteins associated with intermediate filaments


attach epithelial cells to underlying basement membranes

cholesterol fluidity and stability

fluidity - interferes with crystal structure
stability - cross links adjacent phospholipids through interactions at polar head group

passive transport

don't require energy

active transport

need energy input

simple diffusion

substrates move down their concentration gradient directly across membrane


simple diffusion of water


surrounding solution is less concentrated than the cell - cell fills with water
mnemonic: hypOtonic - water rushes in and cell forms a big O


surrounding solution is more concentrated than cell - cell loses water


cell and surroundings are equimolar - no net movement

osmotic pressure

colligative property (depends on concentration)

osmotic pressure equation

M = molarity
i = van't Hoff factor = number of particles obtained from molecule in sol'n

colligative property

depends only on presence and number of particles in soln, but not their identity

facilitated diffusion

simple diffusion for molecules impermeable to membrane (large, polar, ions) - pass through integral membrane protein transporters/channels

carrier protein

only open to one side at a time - revolving door model: substrate binds outside --> conformational change (occluded state: closed to both sides) --> substrate cross into cell

active transport - concentration gradient?

solute moves against gradient

primary active transport

uses ATP/energy molecule to directly transport molecule

secondary active transport (coupled)

harness energy released by one particle going down its gradient to move desired particle up its gradient


secondary active transport where both molecules move in same direction


secondary active transport where molecules move in opposite direction


membrane invaginates and engulfs material to bring it into cell (initiated by substrate binding to specific receptors)


endocytosis of fluids


ingestion of solids


secretory vesicles fuse with membrane to release material - good for intercell signaling

primary thermodynamic factor responsible for passive transport?


osmotic pressure and water flow?

sucking" pressure - water moves into compartment with highest osmotic pressure

membrane potential, Vm

difference in potential across cell membranes

usual resting membrane potential

b/w -40 and -80 mV; tends to be nonzero --> must be able to respond to stimuli

leak channels

passive diffusion of ions across cell membrane

sodium-potassium pump (Na+/K+ ATPase)

ion transporter that regulates intra/extracell Na and K concentrations
maintains low Na and high K inside cell (pumps 3 Na out for every 2 K in) - negative membrane potential

Nernst equation


Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz voltage equation

*** note Cl- inverted b/c it carries negative charge

outer mitochondrial membrane

highly permeable - lots of large pores for ions and small proteins

inner mito membrane

restricted permeability, cristae = foldings to increase surface area, encloses matrix, contains lots of cardiolipin and no cholesterol

trans glycerophospholipids - effect on fluidity of membrane?

decrease fluidity

movement of solute or water by diffusion or osmosis depends only on?

concentration gradient of THAT molecule and on membrane permeability