Chapter 9

Place the following reaction intermediates of the citric acid cycle in chronological order

citrate, alpha ketogluterate, succinyl CoA, fumarate, malate

Oxalosuccinate is a transient intermediate formed during which of the following reactions?

it is formed when isocitrate is oxidized to from NADH2 and CO2

FADH2 is a product of which of the following reactions?

succinate dehydrogenase

NADH is formed in which of the following reactions?

isocitrate dehyrogenase, alpha ketogluterate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase

In the glyoxylate cycle, two carbons molecules are converted to precursors of which of the following?


Which of the following enzymes is unique to the glyoxylate cycle?

isocitrate lyase, and malate synthase

The regulated enzymes of the citric acid cycle include

citrate synthase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, alpha ketogluterate dehydrogenase

The enzymes involved in citrate metabolism incldue all of the following except?

citrate lyase, malate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme

Redox potential is best defined as...

the tendency for a specific substance to gain electrons

In order to determine the standard voltage of a reaction

solutes are at 1M concentration, all gases at 1 atm, temp is 25C

Which of the following reactions is an oxidation reaction?

Example: fumarate + 2h+ + 2e-

Which of the following reactions has an oxidized product?


In any redox reaction, an electron donor is ___?


In a redox reaction, an electron acceptor is ___?


Each turn of the citric acid cycle produces how many moles of CO2?


Acetyl CoA that is consumed by the citric acid cycle is produced from which of the following biochemical pathways?

glycolytic pathway

Which of the following is the strongest reducing agent? (The standard reduction potential of each species is provided in parentheses)

the one with the most negative reduction potential

Which of the following reacts with Acetyl CoA to form citrate?


The redox reaction in which succinate is converted to fumarate uses FAD rather than NAD+ because?

the oxidation of an alkane requires a stronger oxidizing agent than NAD+

Most of the energy released during the electron transport chain is used to drive?

atp synthesis

Which of the following reactions require GDP?

the cleavage of succinyl-coA

How many oxidation steps are in the citric acid cycle?


The product of the first reaction of the citric acid cycle is?


Which of the following reaction requires a substrate level phosphorylation?

cleavage of succinyl CoA

The carbon skeleton of which of the following are direct precursors of amino acids?

oxaloacetate and alpha ketogluterate

Which of the following is not directly required for the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase?

pyruvate dehydrogenase, dihydrolipoyl transcetylase, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase are required

Which of the following is a positive effector of isocitrate dehydrogenase?

high concentrations of ADP and NAD+

Consider the following reaction:
Pyruvate + NADH + H+ --� Lactate + NAD+
The half cell reaction ( with their standard reduction potentials ) are
Pyruvate + 2H+ + 2e- � Lactate (-0.19V)
NAD+ + H+ +2e- � NADH (-0.32V) --->
What is the reduction potential fo


The overall reaction catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase is which of the following?

oxidative decarboxylation

The main toxic effect of oxygen is due to which of the following?

ROS react with and damage biomolecules

The primordial reductive branch of the citric acid cycle was the primary means of producing which of the following?

succinate, succinyl-CoA

The primordial oxidation branch of the citric acid cycle used which of the following as the final electron acceptor?


The enzyme which links the two branches of the citric acid cycle is which of the following?

alpha ketogluterate dehydrogenase, succinyl CoA dehydrogenase

The glyoxylate cycle is a mechanism whereby plants manufacture carbohydrate from

succinate and oxaloacetate

In biological systems most energy generating redox reactions involve hydride ion transfer or hydrogen atom transfer using which of the following?


Which of the following coenzymes function as an acetyl group carrier?

Acetly CoA

The first of two molecules of carbon dioxide is released from which of the following compounds in the citric acid cycle?

isocitrate, and alpha ketogluterate

The high energy molecule produced in the conversion of succinyl-CoA to succinate is which of the following?


Which of the following reactions is an anapldrotic reaction of the citric acid cycle?

oxaloacetate from pyruvate or aspartate, succinyl CoA from fatty acids

Oxygen is useful for energy generation because?

it is abundant and electronegative, making it a powerful oxidizing agent.

The most pivotal event in the history of life on earth is?

the emergence of the water splitting OEC of PSII, aerobic respiration

After the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis the release of oxygen was not immediately followed by the accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere. This was true because

O2 reacted with reduced molecules and ions, thus beginning the gradual transition from a reducing to an oxidizing environment

Obligate anaerobes are

organisms that grow only in the absence of O2 and use fermentation to generate energy

Facultative anaerobes

not only possess the biochemical mechanisms required for detoxifying ROS, but can also use O2 as an electron acceptor when gas is available

In eukaryotes citrate synthetase rate is controlled primarily by

availability of substrate molecule oxaloacetate