Biochem chapter 19

Where is glycogen mainly stored

liver and muscle

Why doesn't muscle directly put glucose into the blood stream?

lacks glucose6phosphotase

What does glycogen break down to?


How can Glucose1P enter the citric acid cycle?

by being converted to Glucose6P by phosphoglucomutase

What does glc1P react with to make glycogen?

uridine triphosphate to form UDPGlc and pyrophosphate

What catalyzes the formation of UDPGlc?


function of pyrophosphatase

hydrolyzes pyrophosphate to two phosphates

function of glycogen synthase

catalyzes glycoside bond betwen C1 of UDPGlc and C4 of terminal glucose residue of glycogen

What kind of bond is found in glycogen?

1-4 glycosidic

What happens if there is no existing glycogen available to add onto?

glycogenin, a primer is used as the base

Which end of glycogen is a new residue added to?

the nonreducing outer end of molecule

What will Tanner's score be on Biochem exam 2?


When do branches form in glycogen

when the chain is at least 11 residues long

What is the function of branching enzyme?

it transfers part of the 1-4 chain to a neighboring chain forming a 1-6 branch point

What is the minimum residues transferred by branching enzyme?

6 residues

What is the rate limiting step in glycogenolysis?

phosphorylitic cleavage of the 1-4 linkages

What catalyzes the cleavage of 1-4 linkages?

glycogen phosphorylase

What vitamin is needed for the cleavage of 1-4 linkages

B6 pyridoxal 5' phosphate

What is the catalytically active group in pyridoxal phosphate in glycogenolysis?

phosphate group (aldehyde in amino acid metabolism)

What is the purpose of Pi entering glycogenolysis cycle?


What is kicked off during the reaction with glycogen synthase?


What phosphorylates UDP in glycogenesis?

ATP via nucleosidediphosphokinase

How many glucose units are removed at a time in glycogenolysis?

one at a time until 4 on either side of a branch

How many are removed once there are only 4 residues on a branch?

3 and added to a different branch

What is the functions of glucan transferase?

transfers a trisaccharide from one branch to another

What is the relationship between glucan transferase and debranching enzyme?

they are separate active sites on the same molecule

What is the function of debranching enzyme?

hydrolyzes the 1-6 bond of the single remaining glucose on that branch

Glucose 6-phosphatase

found in smooth ER (liver and kidney) and allows increase in blood glucose level

Adenylyl cyclase

forms cAMP from ATP

What increases phosphorylationin?


insulin's effect on cAMP

deactivated (inhibits)

glucogon epinephrine and norepinephrine effect on cAMP


what hydrolyzes cAMP


Which end is cleaved by phosphodiesterase?

3' end

functional group in cAMP


What reaction inactivates cAMP?

hydrolysis via phosphodiesterase

What does cAMP activate?


What is the active form of phosphorylase kinase?

a (b is the inactive form)

What is the function of phosphorylase kinase a?

activates phosphorylase
from form b to a

is phosphorylase kinase a phosphorylated or dephosphorylated?

phosphorylated (inactive form is dephosphorylated)

What enzyme form is needed to break glycogen down?

phosphorylase a

What controls phosphorylase a and b?

phosphorylase kinase

what is the secondary signaling agent in phosphorylase kinase cycle?

Ca from calmodulin

What enzyme is inhibited by G6P?

phosphorylase a

how many amino acids in glucagon


similarity between phosphorylase and glycogen synthase

both exist in a phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms only the action is opposite

What form is the phosphorylated glycogen synthase?

inactive glycogen synthase b