

� a major source of energy from
our diet
� made from the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
� also called saccharides, which means "sugars

How carbs like glucose produced?

photosynthesis in plants
� are synthesized in plants from CO2, H2O, and energy from the sun

When oxidized in living cells carbohydrates produce ______, ______, and energy

CO2, H2O


the simplest carbohydrates


consist of two monosaccharides


consist of three to eight carbon chains with one carbon in a carbonyl group
have hydroxyl groups on all carbons except the carbonyl carbon


monosacharides containing an aldehyde group


Monosacharides containing a ketone group

How are monosaccharides classified?

the number of carbon atoms present.
triose (three C atoms)
tetrose (four C atoms)
pentose (five C atoms)
hexose (six C atoms)

An aldopentose is a ____-carbon saccharide with an aldehyde group.


A ketohexose is a ____-carbon saccharide with a ketone group.


Fischer projection

is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional molecule
� places the most highly oxidized carbon group at the top
� uses vertical lines in place of dashes for bonds that go back
� uses horizontal lines in place of wedges for bonds that
come fo

Chiral molecules

the same number of atoms
but are arranged differently in space
� a nonsuperimposable mirror image

Molecules are chiral when they have

at least one or more chiral carbon atoms
� a carbon atom, bonded to four different groups
� nonsuperimposable mirror images


Have the same molecular formula but different structures

Constitutional Isomers

Same formula but structurally different


Atoms are connected in the same order but differ in spatial arrangement.

D form

Hydorxyl on chiral carbon on the Right

L form

Hydroxyl on chiral carbon on the Left


Nonsuperimposable mirror images


Not mirror image

Manose is an epimer of glucose on ___.



Differ at one of several asymetric carbon atoms


Isomers that differ at a new asymmetric carbon atom formed on ring closure


� found in fruits, corn syrup, and honey
� an aldohexose with the formula C6H12O6
� known as dextrose and blood sugar in the body
� a building block in sucrose, lactose, maltose, and in polysaccharides such as cellulose and glycogen


obtained from sucrose, is
� a ketohexose with the formula C6H12O6
� the sweetest of the carbohydrates, twice as sweet as sucrose

The sweet taste of honey comes from the monosaccharides D-________ and D-________.

glucose, fructose


� is an aldohexose, C6H12O6
� is not found free in nature
� is obtained from the disaccharide lactose
� has a similar structure to glucose except for the � OH on carbon 4


enzyme(s) needed to convert galactose to glucose is missing.

glucose has a normal blood level of _______ mg/dL


Diabetes mellitus/hyperglycemia

-pancreas is unable to produce sufficient quantities of insulin
- thirst and excessive urination
� increased appetite and weight loss
In older adults, diabetes is sometimes a consequence of excessive weight gain.

Diabetes allows glucose levels in the body fluids to rise as high as _____ mg/dL of plasma



� the blood glucose level decreases to levels as low as 40 mg/dL
� low blood sugar may occur as a result of an overproduction of insulin by the pancreas
� symptoms may appear, such as dizziness, general weakness, and muscle tremors

Haworth structures

produced from the reaction of a carbonyl group and a hydroxyl group in the same molecule.

AChiral can't be _________.


The most stable forms of pentose and hexose sugars are five- or six-atom rings.


Haworth Structures of Monosaccharides

These rings, known as Haworth structures, are produced from the reaction of a carbonyl group and a hydroxyl group in the same molecule.

Mutarotation ?- and ?-D-Glucose

When placed in solution,
� cyclic structures open and close
� ?-D-glucose converts to ?-D-glucose and vice versa
� at any time, only a small amount of open chain forms


� is a ketohexose
� forms a five-atom ring structure with carbon 2 at the right corner of the ring
� forms when the � OH group on carbon 5 reacts with carbon 2 in the carbonyl group

Monosaccharides in solution

� have small amounts of the open-chain form present
� have an aldehyde group with an adjacent hydroxyl group that can be oxidized to carboxylic acid by an oxidizing agent such as Benedict's

Sugar acids

� are produced from the oxidation of the aldehyde form as Cu2+ is reduced to Cu2O
� are named by replacing the ose ending of the monosaccharide with onic acid

reducing sugar.

A carbohydrate that reduces another substance (such as the open chain form of D-glucose)

Oxidation: Fructose to Glucose

Fructose, a ketohexose, rearranges to form glucose and is then oxidized in Benedict's.

Reduction of Monosaccharides

The reduction of the carbonyl group in monosaccharides
� produces sugar alcohols, which are also called alditols
� converts D-glucose to the sugar alcohol D-sorbitol

Reducing Sugars

� are named by replacing the ose ending of the monosaccharide with itol
� include D-sorbitol, D-xylitol from D-xylose, and D-mannitol from D-mannose
� are used as sweeteners in many sugar-free products such as diet drinks and sugarless gum


consists of two monosaccharides linked together
� is formed when two monosaccharides combine in a dehydration reaction

glucose + glucose

maltose + H2O

glucose + galactose

lactose + H2O

glucose + fructose

sucrose + H2O

most common disaccharides

maltose, lactose, and sucrose


� a disaccharide also known as malt sugar
� composed of two D-glucose molecules
� obtained from the hydrolysis of starch
� used in cereals, candies, and brewing
� found in both the ? and ? forms


inked by an ?-1,4-glycosidic bond formed from the ? � OH on carbon 1 of the first glucose and � OH on carbon 4 of the second glucose.


is a disaccharide found in milk and milk products
� makes up 6-8% of human milk and about 4-5% of cow's milk


The bond in lactose is a ?-1,4- glycosidic bond because the � OH group on carbon 1 of ?-D-galactose forms a glycosidic bond with the � OH group on carbon 4 of a D-glucose molecule.

Sucrose, or table sugar,

� is obtained from sugar cane and sugar beets
� cannot form an open chain and cannot be oxidized
� cannot react with Benedict's reagent and is not a reducing sugar


� marketed as Splenda
� made from sucrose by
replacing some of the hydroxyl groups with chlorine atoms

Aspartame is

� marketed as NutraSweet or Equal
� a noncarbohydrate sweetener made from aspartic acid
and a methyl ester of the amino acid phenylalanine

Blood types A, B, AB, and O are determined by terminal ___________ attached to the surface of red blood cells.


Blood type O

has three common terminal monosaccharides:
N-acetylglucosamine, galactose, and fucose

Blood type A

contains the same three monosaccharides, but in addition, a molecule of N-acetylgalactosamine is attached to galactose in the saccharide chain

Blood type B

also contains the same three monosaccharides, but in addition, a second molecule of galactose is attached to the saccharide chain

Blood type AB

consists of the same monosaccharides found in blood types A and B

type O

contains the three common monosaccharides, produce antibodies against blood types A, B, and AB�they are universal donors

blood types A, B, and AB can receive type ___ blood


Type AB

contains all the terminal monosaccharides, produce no antibodies to type A, B, or O blood�they are universal recipients


8-20 polysacharides


5-6 polysacharides