the pearl CHAPTERS 5 AND 6

Where did Juana go early in the morning?

to throw the pearl away

what did kino do to Juana when he figured out what she was doing at the ocean?

he beat her up

What happened to Kino up the beach through the brushline on the path?

he got attacked and killed the attacker

What happened to Kino's house while they were away? (chapter 5)

their house was on fire

Why did they leave the village?

Kino has no justice, and does not want to get Juan Tomas in trouble

What "songs" does Kino hear on the 1st part of his journey

pearl, family, evil, heat, snake

What made the music of the pearl become "sinister in his ears,... interwoven with the music of evil?

the pearl is evil

what happens to Coyotito

he dies

what happens to the trackers

they die

What happens to Kino and Juana

their son dies, they go back to the village

What do they do to the pearl at the end?

throw it away

What does the return of Kino and Juana and their throwing away the pearl mean symbolically?

they are being pressed back down by the thing that represents wealth, their society does not allow it because they are at the bottom of society and will always be