
simple squamous

name the type of epithelial tissue

simple cuboidal

name the type of epithelial tissue

simple columnar

name the type of epithelial tissue


name the type of epithelial tissue

stratified squamous

name the type of epithelial tissue


name the type of epithelial tissue

Allows passage of materials by diffusion and filtration.

describe the function of this tissue type

Secretion and absorption.

describe the function of this tissue type

Absorption and secretion of mucus, enzymes, and other substances. Line the digestive tract.

describe the function of this tissue type

Secretion of mucus. Ciliated variety lines the upper respiratory tract.

describe the function of this tissue type

Protects underlying tissues in areas subject to abrasion. Ex: outer layer of skin and inside of mouth and esophagus.

describe the function of this tissue type

Stretches, lines the ureters and the bladder.

describe the function of this tissue type

Loose connective tissue, areolar

name the type of connective tissue

Loose connective tissue, adipose

name the type of connective tissue

Loose connective tissue, reticular

name the type of connective tissue

Dense connective tissue, regular

name the type of connective tissue

Dense connective tissue, irregular

name the type of connective tissue

Dense connective tissue, elastic

name the type of connective tissue

hyaline cartilage

name the type of connective tissue

elastic cartilage

name the type of connective tissue


name the type of connective tissue

osseous tissue, bone

name the type of connective tissue


name the type of connective tissue

nervous tissue

name the type of tissue

skeletal muscle

name the type of muscle tissue

cardiac muscle

name the type of muscle tissue

smooth muscle

name the type of muscle tissue

cutaneous membrane

name the type of membrane

mucous membrane

name the type of membrane

serous membrane

name the type of membrane


Which muscle tissue is multinucleate?


Which muscle tissue has intercalated disks between cells?


Which type of cartilage provides structure to your ear and other structures that need support with flexibility?


Which type of cartilage absorbs shock and is located between the vertebrae?


Which type of cartilage connects your ribs to your sternum?

Stratified squamous

What type of epithelial tissue provides protection with many layers of flattened cells?

simple squamous

What type of epithelial tissue lines the air sacs of lungs and the blood vessels.

simple cuboidal and simple columnar

What type of epithelial tissue is usually associated with absorption and secretion?


What is the most abundant tissue type in the body?

simple, cuboidal, columnar

What are the three cell shapes of epithelial tissue?


What part of the neuron receives signals and transmits them toward the cell body?


What part of the neuron carries electrical impulses away from the cell body?

Dense regular

What type of connective tissue makes up tendons and ligaments?

dense irregular

What type of connective tissue makes up the dermis?

dense elastic

What type of dense connective tissue contains a higher proportion of elastic fibers and lines the major arteries around the heart?

Skeletal muscle is striated, multinucleate, and voluntarily controlled. Smooth muscle has no striations, one nucleus per cell, and is involuntarily controlled

Name three things that differentiate skeletal muscle from smooth muscle.


What type of tissue transports nutrients, wastes, and gases throughout the body?

They are all types of connective tissue

What do blood, bone, and fat have in common?

Nervous tissue

What type of tissue transmits electrical signals from sensory receptors to effectors?

Loose connective, adipose

What type of connective tissue provides insulation for the body?

A goblet cell

What is a mucous-producing unicellular gland called?

Collagen, Elastic, Reticular

What are the three types of fibers found in extracellular matrix (ECM)?


Which type of fiber is the strongest and most abundant? (provides tensile strength)


Which type of gland secretes hormones directly into the blood?


Which type of gland secretes mucous into the intestines?


Which type of gland is ductless?


What category of tissue forms membranes?

Lymphoid organs including the spleen, bone marrow

Name one location of reticular loose connective tissue in the body

1. hemostasis/inflammation 2. proliferation 3. remodeling/maturation

What are the three stages of tissue repair?


What type of membrane covers the surface of the body?


What type of membrane lines closed ventral body cavities?


What type of membrane lines body cavities that are not open to the external environment?

Hemostasis/ inlammation

During what stage of tissue repair does a blood clot form?


During what stage of tissue repair do capillaries dilate to allow white blood cells through, causing swelling, pink coloration, and heat at the wound site?


During what stage of tissue repair does granulation tissue replace the clot?


During what stage of tissue repair do white blood cells begin cleaning the wound?


What stage of tissue repair is marked by the arrival of Macrophages, which signal other cell types like fibroblasts?

Remodeling/ maturation

What stage of tissue repair is the longest?


What suffix is used for a young cell that forms components of the ECM?


Epithelial cells exhibit _________________, in that they have a top (apical surface) and a bottom (basal surface)

Loose Connective, Areolar

What type of connective tissue is found underneath all epithelial tissue in the body?


Epithelial tissue is called ________________ because it does not contain blood vessels.


Which membrane consists of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium?


What type of cartilage forms much of the fetal skeleton and has a glassy appearance?


What type of connective tissue provides the framework for organs such as the spleen and lymph nodes?

in dense regular, collagen fibers are arranged in parallel sheets, in dense irregular, collagen fibers are arranged randomly

What is the main difference between dense regular and dense irregular connective tissue?


Which type of muscle tissue has intercalated disks?


Which type of muscle tissue lacks striations?

squamous (think squashed)

Which cells are flattened and scale-like?

connective tissue

Blood falls into what category of tissue types?


Which category of tissue usually contains a large amount of matrix?

fibers and ground substance (the gel-like fluid surrounding the cells and fibers)

What two components make up extracellular matrix?

Fibroblasts, macrophages, white blood cells, mast cells

Which cell types are found in areolar connective tissue?


In what type of tissue would you find chondroblasts and chondrocytes?


Which fiber gives connective tissue it's tensile strength?


A group of similar cells working together to perform a specific function is called what?


This type of epithelial tissue appears to have multiple layers but all cells are in contact with the basement membrane

blood clotting and inflammation

What are the two major events that occur in the first step of tissue repair?


During which phase of tissue repair do capillaries dilate and become permeable?

stratified squamous

What type of epithelial tissue is best at providing protection from abrasion?