Ch 8 Neurons

the nervous system is

a complex network of neurons that form the rapid control system of the body and carry electrical signals

emergent properties of the nervous system include


the nervous system is divided into

-central nervous system (CNS)
-peripheral nervous system

central nervous system is composed of

-spinal cord

the types of neurons the peripheral nervous system has

-afferent (sensory) neurons
-efferent neurons

afferent (sensory) neurons

carry info to the central nervous system

efferent neurons

carry information away from the CNS back to various parts of the body

the efferent neurons include

-somatic motor neurons (control skeletal muscles)
-autonomic neurons (control smooth & cardiac muscles, glands, and some adipose tissue)

autonomic neurons are subdivided into

-parasympathetic branches

neurons have

-Cell body : with nucleus & organelles to direct cellular activity
-Dentrites : receive incoming signals
-Axon : transmit electrical signals from the cell body to the axon terminal

Where are neurotransmitters released?

in the axon terminal

interneurons are

neurons that lie entirely within the CNS

the region where an axon terminal meets its target cell is called


the target cell is called

postsynaptic cell

the neuron that releases the chemical signal is known as

the presynaptic cell

the region between the postsynaptic cell and presynaptic cell is the

synaptic cleft

material (proteins & organelles) is transported between the cell body and axon terminal by

axonal transport

glial cells provide

physical support and direct the growth of neurons during repair and development

schwann cells and satellite cells are

glial cells associated with the peripheral nervous system

Microglia, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and ependymal cells are

glial cells found in the CNS

microglia are

modified immune cells that act as scavengers

schwann cells and oligodendrocytes form

insulating myelin sheaths around neurons.

the nodes of Ranvier are

secretions of uninsulated membrane occuring at intervals along the length of an axon.

Neural stem cells are

found in the ependymal layer

membrane potential is influenced by

the concentration gradients of ions across the membrane and by the permeability of the membrane to those ions

the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz (GHR) equation

predicts membrane potential based on ion concentration gradients and membrane permeability

the permeability of a cell to ions changes when

ion channels in the membrane open and close. Movement of only a few ions significantly changes the membrane potential.

Gated ion channels in neurons open or close in response to

chemical or mechanical signals or in response to depolarization of the cell membrane.

graded potentials are

depolarizations or hyperpolarization whose strength is directly proportional to the strength of the triggering event.
*lose strength as they move through the cell

the wave of depolarization that moves through the cell with a graded potential is known as

local current flow

action potentials are

rapid electrical signals that travel undiminished in amplitude. form the cell body to the axon terminals

action potentials begin in the

trigger zone if either a single graded potential or the sum of multiple graded potentials exceeds a minimum depolarization known as the 'threshold'

depolarizing graded potentials makes a neuron

more likely to fire an action potential

hyperpolarizing graded potentials makes a neuron

less likely to fire an action potential

the all-or-none principle states

that all stimuli great enough to bring the membrane threshold will produce action potentials of identical magnitude. either occur as a maximal depolarization or do not occur at all.

the rising phase of the action potential is due to

increased Na+(sodium) flow into the cell.

the falling phase of the action potential

is due to K+(potassium) flow out of the cell

Overshoot is the point during

an action potential when the inside of the cell has become more positive than the outside.

the voltage-gated Na+ channels of the axon have a

-fast activation gate (entrance)
-a slower inactivation gate (exit)

once an action potential has begun, there is a brief period of time known as the

-absolute refractory period
*during which a second action potential cannot be triggered, no matter how large the stimulus.
*because of this, action potentials cannot be summed

During the relative refractory period

a higher-than-normal graded potential is required to trigger an action potential.

Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)

occurs when sodium channels are opened and depolarizes a neuron, making it easier to fire.

Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP)

results in local hyperpolarizations

information about the strength and duration of a stimulus is conveyed by

the frequency of action potential propagation.

very few ions cross the membrane during an action potential. The Na+ -K+ -ATPase eventually restores

NA+ and K+ to their original compartments.

the movement of an action potential through the axon at high speed is called


larger axon diameter and increased membrane resistance speed up action potential conduction by

increasing membrane resistance and decreasing current leakage.

the apparent jumping of an action potential from node to node is called

saltatory conduction

changes in blood K+ concentration affect

resting membrane potential and the conduction of potentials.


indicates too much potassium in the blood

in electrical synapses

an electrical signal passes directly from the cytoplasm of one cell to another through gap junctions.

chemical synapses

use neurotransmitters to carry information from one cell to the next, with neurotransmitters diffusing across the synaptic cleft.

neurotransmitters are synthesized in the cell body or in the axon terminal. They are stored in

-Synaptic vesicles
-released by exocytosis when an action potential reaches the axon terminal.

neurotransmitters combine with

receptors on target cells

Cholinergic neurons secrete

*important neurotransmitter

adrenergic neurons secrete

*important neurotransmitter

glutamate, GABA, serotonin, adenosine, and nitric oxide are

other major neurotransmitters

neurotransmitter receptors are either

*ligand-gated ion channels
*G protein-coupled receptors

ion channels create

fast synaptic potentials

G protein-coupled receptors either create

-slow synaptic potentials
-modify cell metabolism

neurotransmitter action is rapidly terminated by

-reuptake into cells
-diffusion away from the synapse
-enzymatic breakdown

if a presynaptic neuron synapses on a larger number of postsynaptic neurons, the pattern is known as


if several presynaptic neurons provide input to a smaller number of postsynaptic neurons, the pattern is known as


the summation of simultaneous graded potentials from different neurons is known as

spatial summation

repeated graded potentials reaching the trigger zone one after the other is called

temporal summation

presynaptic modulation of an axon terminal allows

selective modulation of collaterals and their targets

postsynaptic modulation

occurs when a modulatory neuron (usually inhibitory) synapses on a postsynaptic cell

long-term potentiation is

one mechanism by which neurons change the quality or quantity of their synaptic connections

developing neurons find their way to their targets by using

chemical signals.