a&p muscles quiz

most skeletal muscles

extend from one bone to another and cross at least one joint

some facial muscles

attach to bone and the connective tissue of the skin


attach muscles to bones and to other muscles - type of dense fibrous connective tissue


broad, flat expanse of tendon


groups of muscles working together to cause movement

prime mover

one muscle in a group that accomplishes the major desired movement


groups or individual muscles working in opposition to one another

location, size, shape, orientation, origin and insertion, number of heads, function

ways to name muscle


bringing two ventral surfaces close together


moving two primary ventral surfaces farther apart


bringing the toes towards the shin

plantar flexion

flexion of the foot (curling of the toes)


movement of a limb away from the midline


movement of a limb toward the midline


the distal end of a bone describes a circle while the proximal end stays stationary


make the palm face the posterior in anatomical position


make the palm face the anterior in anatomical position


turning the sole of the foot medially at ankle


turning the sole of foot laterally at the ankle


moving the mandible or clavicle anteriorly in a plane that is parallel to the ground


moving the mandible or clavicle posteriorly in a place that is parallel with the ground


movement in a superior direction


movement in an inferior direction


Origin: epicranial aponeurosis
Insertion: skin of forhead and eyebrows
Action: elevates eyebrows and scalp

orbicularis oculi

Origin: Medial margin of orbit
Insertion: Skin around eyelids
Action: Closes eye

zygomaticus minor

Origin: zygomatic bone
Insertion: orbicularis oris muscle
Action: elevates upper lip

zygomaticus major

Origin: zygomatic bone
Insertion: corner of the mouth
Action: draws corner of the mouth


Origin- Fascia in upper chest
Insertion- Lower border of mandible
Action- Draws angle of mouth downward

orbicularis oris

origin: maxillary bone and mandible
insertion: lips
action: compresses, purses lips


origin: molar region of maxilla and mandible
insertion: orbicularis oris
action: compresses cheek

corrugated supercilii

origin: arch of frontal bone above nasal bone
insertion: skin of eyebrow
action: draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly


origin: temporal fossa
insertion: coronoid process of mandible
action: closes jaw


Origin: zygomatic arch
Insertion: mandible
Action: elevates mandible

Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)

origin: clavicle, sternum
insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone
action: flex and rotate head
**contract right turns head to left and vice versa


Origin: ribs
Insertion: cervical vertebrae pleurapophyses
Action: flexes neck

serratus anterior

-Origin: fleshy slips from the outer surface of upper 8 or 9 ribs
-Insertion: costal aspect of medial margin of the scapula
: protracts and stabilizes scapula, assists in upward rotation.

pectoralis major

-Origin: Clavicular head, Sternocostal head
-Insertion: Lateral lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus
(anteromedial proximal humerus)
-Actions: flexes the humerus*

pectoralis minor

Origin: sternum
Insertion: humerus
Action: adducts forelimb


Large, flat muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity that helps with breathing - breathe in is active, breathe out is passive


muscles between the ribs

rectus sheath

Fibrous sleeve enclosing the rectus abdominis

external oblique

Origin: lumbodorsal fascia and ribs
Insertion: linea alba and pubis
Action: constricts abdomen

rectus abdominus

Origin: pubic crest and symphysis
Insertion: xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
Action: flexes and rotates vertebral column

linea alba

midline tendinous seam joining the abdominal muscles

internal obliques

Origin: iliac crest, inguinal ligament and lumbar fascia
Insertion: 10th to 12th ribs and rectus sheath
Action: flexes and rotates vertebral column, compresses abdomen and depresses thorax

transversus abdominis

Origin: costal ribs
Insertion: linea alba
Action: compresses abdomen


-Origin: spinous processes of vertebrae C1-T12
-Insertion external occipital protuberance, nuchal ligament, medial superior nuchal line, posterior border of the lateral third of the clavicle, acromion process, and spine of scapula
rotation, retr

latissimus dorsi

origin: lower spine and iliac crest
insertion: proximal humerus
action: extends and adducts humerus

splenius capitis

Origin: Spinous processes of C7-T6
Insertion: Mastoid process and occipital bone
Action: Extends head; rotates head

levator scapulae

origin: transverse processes of C1-C4
insertion: medial border of scapula superior to spine
action: elevates and adducts scapula

rhomboid minor

origin: spines of thoracic vertebrae
insertion: vertebral border of scapula
action: pulls scapula back and medial

rhomboid major

Spines of T2-T5
Medial border of scapula inferior
to spine
Elevation, retraction and downward
rotation of the scapula

semispinalis capitis

Origin: Transverse processes of C7-T12
Insertion: Occipital bone
Action: Extends vertebral column

erector spinae group

iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis

spinalis group

Origin: Vertebrae
Insertion: Vertebrae
Action: Extend Neck

longissimus group

Origin: Vertebrae
Insertion: Vertebrae
Action: Extend Neck

iliocostalis group

Origin: Superior borders of ribs and iliac crest
Insertion: Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae and inferior surfaces of ribs
Action: Extends vertebral column or laterally to that side; moves ribs