A&P Lab 2- The Cell


*Protein synthesis; composed of RNA and protein


suspended in the cytosol, are the metabolic machinery of the cell; and carry out specific functions

Rough E.R. (endoplasmic reticulum)

highly folded system of membranous tubules; provides a system of channels for the transport of cellular substances (mainly proteins) from part of the cell to another...COVERED IN RIBOSOMES!

Smooth E.R. (endoplasmic reticulum)

Golgi apparatus

generally found close to the nucleus; accepts proteins from the Rough ER, segregated, and packaged into vesicles and "ships them out


*use acid; contain an array of powerful digestive enzymes...come from the golgi apparatus


*use hydrogen peroxide; also enzyme packages...useing oxygen they detoxify many harmful substances...like free radicals


*Makes ATP;
referred to as the "power house" of cells


during cell division they direct the formation of the mitotic spindle;
also form the cell projections cilia and flagella (when doing this called basal bodies)


various other substances that are contained in the cytosol that are NOT part of the metabolic machinery of the cell

cytoskeleton elements

helps to form the internal structure and are located throughout the cytosol


specialized type of nuclear division that occurs only in the reproductive organs


nuclear division...it's product being 2 daughter cells that are genetically identical to the mother nucleus

mitotic spindle

formed by the centrioles during cell division

active processes

cell provides ATP to power the transport process;
includes active transport and vesicular transport

passive processes

concentration or pressure differences drive the movement; includes diffusion and osmosis


is the movement of molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration.


only water moving across a membrane

isotonic solution

*example is normal saline

hypertonic solution

*example is 3% saline

hypotonic solution

*example is distilled water


crinkling up process...that happens when cell is placed in a hypertonic solution


RBC burst as the water floods into them, leaving "ghosts" in their wake

active transport

one form of facilitated diffusion; required carrier proteins that combine wi the transported substance

vesicular transport

how large particles and molecules are transported across the membrane;
movement maybe via:
endocytosis (into the cell); or
exocytosis (out of the cell)


cell eating"; parts of the plasma membrane and cytoplasm expand and flow around a relatively large or solid material and engulf it.
Phagosome (is the membranous sac that is formed, which is then fused with a lysosome and its contents are digested)
*example would be white blood cells


cell drinking"; also called a fluid-phase endocytosis...cell membrane sinks beneath he material to form a small vesicle, which then pinches off into the cell interior
(most common for taking in liquids containing protein or fat)


period of a cell's life when it carries out its normal metabolic functions and grows;
chromatin is formed...it has 3 distinct periods:
G1: centrioles begin replicating
S: DNA is replicated
G2: final prep for mitosis are completed, and centrioles finish replication


first and longest phase of mitosis, during which the chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate and take up positions on the opposite sides of the nucleus


the stage in mitosis or meiosis in which the duplicated chromosomes line up along the equatorial plate of the spindle


third phase of mitosis and of meiosis I and II, in which the sister chromatids separate and move toward the poles of the spindle


the final stage of meiosis or mitosis, in which the separated chromosomes reach the opposite poles of the dividing cell and the nuclei of the daughter cells form around the two sets of chromosomes;
At the end of which Cytokinesis occurs...completing the division


part of telophase, that signals the division is complete

stages of mitosis:

(I Pee on MAT)


sugar + protein


sugar + fat

receptor-mediated endocytosis

is a more selective type of endocytosis uses plasma membrane receptors...is exquisitely selective and is used primarily for cellular uptake of specific molecules like cholesterol, iron, ect...and thus transfers those substances from one side of the cell to the other.


into the cell


out of the cell

simple diffusion

unassisted diffusion of solutes through a differentially permeable membrane

facilitated diffusion

small ions cross the membrane by moving through water-filled protein channels

concentration gradient

difference in concentration


threadlike form that loosely disperses the genetic material


contains the genetic material, DNA, sections of which are called "genes


the structural and functional unit of all living things, is a complex entitiy

nuclear envelope

a double-layered porous membrane; contains large nuclear pores

nuclear pores

they permit easy passage of protein and RNA molecules out of the nucleus

plasma membrane

created from a phospholipid bilayer; includes: cholesterol, proteins (integral..through; and peripheral...outside)


*Increases the surface area of a cell


hairlike" projections on the outside of cell; moves the fluid around the cell


tail-like" structure...ONLY Sperm!